property ExplorerTree.AutoScrollBar as Boolean
Specifies whether the control adds the vertical scroll bar if required.

Boolean A Boolean expression that indicates whether the control displays the vertical scroll bar when it is required.  
By default, the AutoScrollBar property is True, that means that the vertical scroll bar for the control is shown when it is required. Use the AutoScrollBar property on False, to hide the control's vertical scroll bar. The control's vertical scroll bar may scroll the groups. The scrollbars in the groups scrolls items inside the groups. Use the ScrollBars property of the Group object to define the scrollbars being displayed in the groups. If the AutoScrollBar property is True, the control shows the vertical scroll bar only if required. Use the ScrollWidth property to specify the width of the vertical scroll bar. Use the ScrollThumbSize property to define a fixed size for the scrollbar's thumb. Use the Background property to change the visual aspect for the scrollbars.