property Column.AllowGroupBy as AllowGroupByEnum
Specifies whether the user can group by this column.

AllowGroupByEnum An AllowGroupByEnum expression that specifies where the column can be dropped on the control's pivot bar.
By default, the AllowGroupBy property is exGroupByAny, which indicates that the column can be dropped anywhere on the control's pivot bar. The PivotBarVisible property shows or hides the control's pivot bar. Use the AllowGroupBy property to prevent the column to group by that column. For instance, you can prevent grouping by numeric columns. Use the AllowDrop property on False, to prevent loading the data-files ( TXT, XML files ), by drag and drop, into the control. The AllowGroupBy property has effect for columns dragged from the control's Columns Floating Panel ( PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible property ), or from the control's columns header.