property Node.PrevNode as Node
Gets the previous sibling node.

Node A Node object that identifies the previous sibling node.

Use the PrevNode property to determine the previous sibling node. Use the NextNode property to determine the next sibling node Use the LastNode property to determine the last child node. Use the FirstNode property to get the first child node. Use the NodeCount property to get the number of child nodes. Use the Position property to change the node's position. 

The following VB sample enumerates recursively all the child nodes: 

Private Sub enumRec(ByVal n As EXORGCHARTLibCtl.Node)
    Dim c As EXORGCHARTLibCtl.Node
    Set c = n.FirstNode
    While Not c Is Nothing
        Debug.Print c.Caption
        enumRec c
        Set c = c.NextNode
End Sub

The following C++ sample enumerates recursively all the child nodes: 

void enumRec( CNode* pNode )
	if ( pNode != NULL )
		CNode child = pNode->GetFirstNode();
		while ( child.m_lpDispatch != NULL )
			OutputDebugString( child.GetCaption() );
			OutputDebugString( "\r\n" );
			enumRec( &child );
			child = child.GetNextNode();

The following VB.NET sample enumerates recursively all the child nodes: 

Private Sub enumRec(ByVal n As EXORGCHARTLib.Node)
    Dim c As EXORGCHARTLib.Node = n.FirstNode
    While Not c Is Nothing
        c = c.NextNode
    End While
End Sub

The following C# sample enumerates recursively all the child nodes: 

private void enumRec(EXORGCHARTLib.Node node)
	EXORGCHARTLib.Node child = node.FirstNode;
	while (child != null)
		child = child.NextNode;

The following VFP sample enumerates recursively all the child nodes: 


local child
child = node.FirstNode
do while ( !isnull( child ) )
	wait window nowait child.Caption
	thisform.enumrec( child )
	child = child.NextNode