property Node.Assistant (Index as Variant) as Node
Retrieves an assistant node by its index.

Index as Variant A long expression that indicates the index of assistant node being accessed
Node An assistant Node being accessed.

Use the Assistant property to access to the assistant nodes collection. Use the CountAssistants property to get the number of the assistant nodes assigned to the node. Use the AddAssistant property to add an assistant node. Use the RemoveAssistant method to remove an assistant node. Use the IsAssistant property to specify whether the node is an assistant node or a child node.

The following VB sample enumerates the assistant nodes, for the root node:

With ChartView1.Root
        For i = 0 To .CountAssistants - 1
            Debug.Print .Assistant(i).Caption
End With

The following C++ sample enumerates the assistant nodes, for the root node:

CNode root = m_chartview.GetRoot();
for ( long i = 0; i < root.GetCountAssistants(); i++ )
	CNode assistant = root.GetAssistant( COleVariant( i ) );
	OutputDebugString( assistant.GetCaption() );

The following VB.NET sample enumerates the assistant nodes, for the root node:

With AxChartView1.Root
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To .CountAssistants - 1
End With

The following C# sample enumerates the assistant nodes, for the root node:

EXORGCHARTLib.Node root = axChartView1.Root;
for (int i = 0; i < root.CountAssistants; i++)
	EXORGCHARTLib.Node node = root.get_Assistant(i);

The following VFP sample enumerates the assistant nodes, for the root node:

with thisform.ChartView1.Root
	For i = 0 To .CountAssistants - 1
		wait window  nowait .Assistant(i).Caption