constants LayoutChangingEnum
The LayoutStartChanging event notifies your application once the user starts any of these operations.  The LayoutEndChanging event notifies your application once of the following operation ends. The LayoutChangingEnum type supports the following values:

exEditNode0 Notifies your application that a node is being inline edited at runtime. The Caption property indicates the caption of the node being edited. Use the NodeFromPoint property to get the node from the current position. The AllowEdit property indicates the keys combination so the user start editing the node's caption at runtime.
exResizeChart1 Occurs once the chart is magnified or shrank, at runtime. Use the ZoomWidthMode property to specify whether the ZoomWidth property is updated when the control is resized. Use the ZoomHeightMode property to specify whether the ZoomHeight property is updated when the control is resized.
exMoveNode2 Occurs once user moves a node at runtime. The Parent property specifies the parent node. Use the NodeFromPoint property to get the node from the current position. The DragOutsideDef property customizes the speed to scroll the control's content while user moves nodes by drag and drop then outside of the control's client area.