property NETHostEvent.AsString as String
Gives a brief description of the event including its arguments.

String A String expression that describes the event being fired including the event's name [event's identifier] { event's arguments }
The AsString property gives a general idea of what data the event contains. The Name property indicates the name of the event. The ID property indicates the identifier of the event. The Arguments property, gives a NETObjectTemplate object, whose Item or Template properties can be used to access the event's argument using the x-script language. The AsString property may returns: "The trial/evaluation version of the control limits firing this event. In other words, using the trial/evaluation version won't fire the event every time it should.", only for not-registered version. The Version property specifies the NETHost control's version, which includes the DEMO if you are running the trial version of the control.

The following sample displays brief information about firing events:

Private Sub NETHost1_HostEvent(ByVal Ev As exontrol_NETHostCtl.INETHostEvent)
    With NETHost1
        Debug.Print Ev.AsString()
    End With
End Sub

The information you get shows as follows:

MouseMove[72] {Button = Left, Clicks = 0, X = 69, Y = 53, Delta = 0, Location = {X=69,Y=53}}
NodeMouseHover[15] {Node = TreeNode: Sub-Child 2.1}
Click[42] {Button = Left, Clicks = 1, X = 69, Y = 53, Delta = 0, Location = {X=69,Y=53}}
MouseClick[65] {Button = Left, Clicks = 1, X = 69, Y = 53, Delta = 0, Location = {X=69,Y=53}}
MouseUp[73] {Button = Left, Clicks = 1, X = 69, Y = 53, Delta = 0, Location = {X=69,Y=53}}
MouseMove[72] {Button = None, Clicks = 0, X = 69, Y = 54, Delta = 0, Location = {X=69,Y=54}}

Let's explain what data in the AsString representation means:

MouseMove[72] {Button = Left, Clicks = 0, X = 69, Y = 53, Delta = 0, Location = {X=69,Y=53}}

 Having this information about the event, we would know the following:

The following sample displays each argument of the MouseMove event:

Private Sub NETHost1_HostEvent(ByVal Ev As exontrol_NETHostCtl.INETHostEvent)
    With Ev
        If (.Name = "MouseMove") Then
            Debug.Print .Arguments.Item("Button").AsInt
            Debug.Print .Arguments.Item("Clicks").AsInt
            Debug.Print .Arguments.Item("X").AsInt
            Debug.Print .Arguments.Item("Y").AsInt
            Debug.Print .Arguments.Item("Delta").AsInt
            Debug.Print .Arguments.Item("Location.X").AsInt
            Debug.Print .Arguments.Item("Location.Y").AsInt
        End If
    End With
End Sub