property Node.NextNode as Node
Gets the next sibling tree node.

Node A Node object that's the next sibling node.
Use the NextNode property to get the next sibling node. Use the FirstNode property to get the first child node. Use the PrevNode property to get the previous sibling node. Use the Visible property to hide a node. Use the NextVisibleNode property to get the next visible node. Use the PrevVisibleNode property to get the previous visible node. If there is no next tree node, the NextNode property returns a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

The following sample displays recursively all child nodes:

Private Sub scanRec(ByVal x As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.XMLGrid, ByVal n As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.Node)
    Dim c As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.Node
    Set c = n.FirstNode
    While Not c Is Nothing
        Debug.Print c.Name
        scanRec x, c
        Set c = c.NextNode
End Sub