constants HitTestEnum
Specifies the hit test codes supported by the control. Call the HitTest method to determine the location of the specified point relative to the client area of a xml grid view control.

exHTUnknown0 On the control's client area.
exHTExpandBar4608 On the control's expand bar area.
exHTClient4096 On the node's client area.
exHTExpand4097 On the node's expand/collapse button.
exHTPicture4098 On the node's picture.
exHTNode4352 On the node's client area excluding the indent area.
exHTName4368 On the node's name area.
exHTIcon4369 On the node's icon area.
exHTText4370 On the node's caption area.
exHTValue4384 On the node's value area.
exHTLevelResize61440 The level border.