property ListBar.SelectShortcut as Variant
Selects and displays the specified shortcut.

Variant A String expression that indicates the caption of the Shortcut being selected.
The SelectShortcut property indicates the shortcut being selected. The Shortcut property of the Group object indicates the shortcuts that may be selected. The Group objects with the same Shortcut property indicates a set of groups, that may be selected using the SelectShortcut property. The SelectShortcut event is fired when the user clicks a shortcut or when the user calls the SelectShortcut property. The ShowShortcutBar property shows or hides the control's shortcut bar. The ShortcutPicture property assigns a custom size picture to a shortcut. Use the ShortcutPictureWidth and ShortcutPictureHeight properties to indicate the size of the picture being displayed in the shortcut bar. The ShortcutBarHeight property sets or gets a value that indicates the height in pixels of the control's shortcut bar.