method ListBar.EndUpdate ()
Resumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.

Use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to maintain performance while adding multiple groups and items. Use the Add method to add a new group to the control. Use the AddItem method to add new items to the group.

The following VB sample adds a group and two items:

With ListBar1
    With .Groups.Add("Group 1")
        .AddItem "Item 1"
        .AddItem "Item 2"
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds a group and two items:

#include "Item.h"
#include "Group.h"
#include "Groups.h"
COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing ) = VT_ERROR;
CGroups groups = m_listbar.GetGroups();
CGroup group = groups.Add("Group 1");
group.AddItem( "Item 1", vtMissing );
group.AddItem( "Item 2", vtMissing );

The following VB.NET sample adds a group and two items:

With AxListBar1
    With .Groups.Add("Group 1")
        .AddItem("Item 1")
        .AddItem("Item 2")
    End With
End With

The following C# sample adds a group and two items:

EXLISTBARLib.Group group = axListBar1.Groups.Add("Group 1");
group.AddItem("Item 1", null);
group.AddItem("Item 2", null);

The following VFP sample adds a group and two items:

With thisform.ListBar1
    With .Groups.Add("Group 1")
        .AddItem("Item 1")
        .AddItem("Item 2")