property Item.Alignment as AlignmentEnum
Specifies the item's alignment.

AlignmentEnum An AlignmentEnum expression that indicates the item's alignment.

By default, the item's alignment is exCenter. Use the AddItem event to change the alignment for all items into a group, like in the following samples. Use the ItemHeight property to specify the height for all items in the control. Use the Image property to assign a picture to an item. Use the Caption property to specify the caption of the item.

The following VB sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

Private Sub ListBar1_AddItem(ByVal Item As EXLISTBARLibCtl.IItem)
    With Item
        If (.Group.Index = 0) Then
            .Alignment = exRight
        End If
    End With
End Sub

The following C++ sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

void OnAddItemListbar1(LPDISPATCH Item) 
	CItem item( Item ); item.m_bAutoRelease = FALSE;
	if ( item.GetGroup().GetIndex() == 0 )
		item.SetAlignment( 2 /*exRight*/ );

The following VB.NET sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

Private Sub AxListBar1_AddItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXLISTBARLib._IListBarEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxListBar1.AddItem
    With e.item
        If (.Group.Index = 0) Then
            .Alignment = EXLISTBARLib.AlignmentEnum.exRight
        End If
    End With
End Sub

The following C# sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

private void axListBar1_AddItem(object sender, AxEXLISTBARLib._IListBarEvents_AddItemEvent e)
	if (e.item.Group.Index == 0)
		e.item.Alignment = EXLISTBARLib.AlignmentEnum.exRight;

The following VFP sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

with item
	If (.Group.Index = 0) Then
		.Alignment = 2 && exRight