method HTML.Find (FindWhat as String, FindOption as HTMLEditFindOptionEnum)
Finds a string and selects the string if it is found.

FindWhat as String A String expression that indicates the plain text searching for.
FindOption as HTMLEditFindOptionEnum A HTMLEditFindOptionEnum expression that determines the options for finding the string. The FindOption can be a bit-wise combination of the HTMLEditFindOptionEnum values. For instance Find("Class", exHTMLEditMatchWholeWordOnly + exHTMLEditMatchCase ) searches for the first match case sensitive of the Class word. ( The  CursorPos property determines the current cursor position, where the searching starts )
The Find method finds and selects ( if found ) the giving string. The Find method does not show the control's Find dialog. The SelText property returns the text that the user selected in a text-entry area of a control, or returns an empty string ("") if no characters are selected. The CursorText property gets or sets the text between giving coordinates, formatted or unformatted. Use the SelLength property to get the selection's length. The SelStart property returns or sets the starting point of text selected; indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected. The AllowFind property specifies whether the control allows displaying the Find dialog when user presses the CTRL + F keys combination. The AllowIncrementalSearch property specifies whether the control allows incremental search.