Type | Description | |||
Item as Variant | A long expression that indicates the item's handle | |||
ColIndex as Variant | A long expression that indicates the cell's handle or the column's index, a string expression that indicates the column's caption or the column's key | |||
EditorVisibleEnum | An EditorVisibleEnum expression that indicates whether the cell's editor visible, always visible or hidden. |
Use the CellEditorVisible property to hide the cell's editor. Use the Editor or CellEditor property to assign an editor to the entire column or to a specific cell. Use the Locked property to lock an editor. If the cell's editor is hidden, the cell displays the CellValue property as a plain text, if the CellValueFormat property is exText, else if the CellValueFormat property is exHTML the cell displays the CellValue using built-in HTML format.
The following VB sample hides the editor for the focused cell:
With Grid1.Items .CellEditorVisible(.FocusItem, Grid1.FocusColumnIndex) = False End With
The following C++ sample hides the editor for the focused cell:
#include "Items.h" CItems items = m_grid.GetItems(); items.SetCellEditorVisible( COleVariant( items.GetFocusItem() ), COleVariant( m_grid.GetFocusColumnIndex() ), FALSE );
The following VB.NET sample hides the editor for the focused cell:
With AxGrid1.Items .CellEditorVisible(.FocusItem, AxGrid1.FocusColumnIndex) = False End With
The following C# sample hides the editor for the focused cell:
EXGRIDLib.Items items = axGrid1.Items; items.set_CellEditorVisible(items.FocusItem, axGrid1.FocusColumnIndex, false);
The following VFP sample hides the editor for the focused cell:
with thisform.Grid1.Items .DefaultItem = .FocusItem .CellEditorVisible( 0, thisform.Grid1.FocusColumnIndex ) = .f. endwith