Occasionally, the margins of the axes may not align perfectly with the view

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 18
	Set ComPad to 24
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format `0`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Hulunbuir{China}(263068),Abu Dhabi{United Arab Emirates}(97200),Jiuquan{China}(167996),Altamira{Brazil}(159891),Brasília{Brazil}(5784),Mumbai{India}(603.4),Delhi{India}(1484),Chongqing{China}(82400),Hulunbuir{China}(263068),Sao Paulo{Brazil}(1522),Linfen{China}(20527),Santiago{Chile}(641),Mexico City{Mexico}(1485),Belo Horizonte{Brazil}(313),Hangzhou{China}(16817),Nairobi{Kenya}(696),Berlin{Germany}(891.68),Montreal{Canada}(431.5),Cordoba{Argentina}(576),Manaus{Brazil}(11401),Astana{Kazakhstan}(810),Goiânia{Brazil}(741),Cali{Colombia}(564),Sao Paulo{Brazil}(1522),Goiania{Brazil}(781)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Col"
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
"candlestick" explained, an [open,high,low,close] chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 32
	Set ComValuePoint to "0,,,,lightgray,1"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions to 4
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "One(79.38 79.57 78.86 79.01)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candlestick"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "(inner array (`<b>open`,`<fgcolor gray>high`,`<fgcolor gray>low`,`<b>close`)) + ` ` + value"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"candlestick", a candlestick chart (also called Japanese candlestick chart or K-line) is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security, derivative, or currency. While similar in appearance to a bar chart, each candleStick represents four important pieces of information for that day: open and close in the thick body, and high and low in the "candle wick". Being densely packed with information, it tends to represent trading patterns over short periods of time, often a few days or a few trading sessions. (data requires array of array of four-numbers, such as [[open, high, low and close]], supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 18
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value mid 9 left 2"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Open,High,Low,Close" "msft" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candlestick"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"ohlc" explained, an [open,high,low,close] chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 32
	Set ComValuePoint to "0,,,,lightgray,1"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions to 4
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "One(79.38 79.57 78.86 79.01)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "(inner array (`<b>open`,`<fgcolor gray>high`,`<fgcolor gray>low`,`<b>close`)) + ` ` + value"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"ohlc", an open-high-low-close chart (also OHLC) is a type of chart typically used to illustrate movements in the price of a financial instrument over time. Each vertical line on the chart shows the price range (the highest and lowest prices) over one unit of time, e.g., one day or one hour. Tick marks project from each side of the line indicating the opening price (e.g., for a daily bar chart this would be the starting price for that day) on the left, and the closing price for that time period on the right. The bars may be shown in different hues depending on whether prices rose or fell in that period. (data requires array of array of four-numbers, such as [[open, high, low and close]], supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 18
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value mid 9 left 2"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Open,High,Low,Close" "msft" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"bubble", a bubble chart or bubble plot is a type of chart that displays three dimensions of data (a bubble chart is an extension of the scatter plot used to look at relationships between three numeric variables.). Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size. Bubble charts can facilitate the understanding of social, economical, medical, and other scientific relationships. (data requires array of array of three-numbers, such as [[x, y, size]], supports vertical field, non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1 25 1,2 49 2,3 70 3,4 86 4,5 96 5,6 100 4,7 96 3,8 86 2,9 70 1,10 49 1,11 25 1" "Bell<b>1" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexScatterPlotSize to 32
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "1 -25 1,2 -49 2,3 -70 3,4 -86 4,5 -96 5,6 -100 6,7 -96 5,8 -86 4,9 -70 3,10 -49 2,11 -25 1" "Bell<b>2" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie1 OLEexScatterPlotSize to 32
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
"scatter", a scatter plot (also called a scatterplot, scatter graph, scatter chart, scattergram, or scatter diagram) is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[x, y]], supports vertical field, non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1 25,2 49,3 70,4 86,5 96,6 100,7 96,8 86,9 70,10 49,11 25" "Bell<b>1" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "scatter"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "1 -25,2 -49,3 -70,4 -86,5 -96,6 -100,7 -96,8 -86,9 -70,10 -49,11 -25" "Bell<b>2" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "scatter"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
"scatterline", curved

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1 25,2 49,3 70,4 86,5 96,6 100,7 96,8 86,9 70,10 49,11 25" "Bell" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "scatterline"
			Set ComStyle of hoSerie to OLEexSpline
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"scatterline", a scatter line chart is similar with "scatter" type, excepts that lines are shown between scatter plots. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[x, y]], supports vertical field, non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1 25,2 49,3 70,4 86,5 96,6 100,7 96,8 86,9 70,10 49,11 25" "Bell<b>1" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "scatterline"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "1 -25,2 -49,3 -70,4 -86,5 -96,6 -100,7 -96,8 -86,9 -70,10 -49,11 -25" "Bell<b>2" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "scatterline"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
"scatterarea", curved

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1 25,2 49,3 70,4 86,5 96,6 100,7 96,8 86,9 70,10 49,11 25" "Bell" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "scatterarea"
			Set ComStyle of hoSerie to OLEexSpline
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"scatterarea", a scatter area chart is similar with "scatterLine" type, excepts that scatter plots zone is filled. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[x, y]], supports vertical field, non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1 25,2 49,3 70,4 86,5 96,6 100,7 96,8 86,9 70,10 49,11 25" "Bell<b>1" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "scatterarea"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "1 -25,2 -49,3 -70,4 -86,5 -96,6 -100,7 -96,8 -86,9 -70,10 -49,11 -25" "Bell<b>2" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "scatterarea"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
"polarscatter", shows the serie as non-connected data points (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[angle, value]], non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexRadialRotateLabels to False
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "45,90,135,180,225,270,315,360"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "0 0,15 2,30 4,45 6,60 8,75 10,90 12,105 14,120 16,135 18,150 20,165 22,180 24,195 26,210 28,225 30,240 32,255 34,270 36,285 38,300 40,315 42,330 44,345 46,360 48,15 50,30 52,45 54,60 56,75 58,90 60" "Spiral" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "polarscatter"
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"polarline", represents data points connected with straight line segments (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[angle, value]], non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexRadialRotateLabels to False
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "45,90,135,180,225,270,315,360"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "0 0,15 2,30 4,45 6,60 8,75 10,90 12,105 14,120 16,135 18,150 20,165 22,180 24,195 26,210 28,225 30,240 32,255 34,270 36,285 38,300 40,315 42,330 44,345 46,360 48,15 50,30 52,45 54,60 56,75 58,90 60" "Spiral" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "polarLine"
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"polararea", represents data points connected with straight line segments that enclose a filled area together with the chart pole (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[angle, value]], non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexRadialRotateLabels to False
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "45,90,135,180,225,270,315,360"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "0 0,15 2,30 4,45 6,60 8,75 10,90 12,105 14,120 16,135 18,150 20,165 22,180 24,195 26,210 28,225 30,240 32,255 34,270 36,285 38,300 40,315 42,330 44,345 46,360 48,15 50,30 52,45 54,60 56,75 58,90 60" "Spiral" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "polarArea"
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to "lime"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"rangearea", a range chart displays sets of data points, each of which is defined by multiple values for the same category, and emphasizes the distance between the two values. The category labels are displayed on the category axis. The plain Range chart fills in the area between the top and the bottom value for each data point. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[from, to]], supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "rangearea"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Jan(3 13), Feb(4 15), Mar(8 17), Apr(11 20), May(15 25), Jun(19 29), Jul(21 31), Aug(21 31), Sep(17 27), Oct(12 22), Nov(7 16), Dec(4 14)" "Spain" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "rangearea"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
"rangecolumn", single

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
"rangecolumn", a range column chart displays information as a range of data by plotting two Y-values (low and high) per data point. The vertical axis shows the values, and the horizontal axis shows the categories they belong to; in multiple-series range column charts, values are grouped by categories. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[from, to]], supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Jan(3 13), Feb(4 15), Mar(8 17), Apr(11 20), May(15 25), Jun(19 29), Jul(21 31), Aug(21 31), Sep(17 27), Oct(12 22), Nov(7 16), Dec(4 14)" "Spain" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
"pie", a pie chart (or a circle chart) is a circular statistical graphic which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice (and consequently its central angle and area) is proportional to the quantity it represents. While it is named for its resemblance to a pie which has been sliced, there are variations on the way it can be presented. (data requires array of numbers, non-scrollable)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComMisc OLEexPaddingInsidePie to 2
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "pie"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "pie"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"waterfall", a waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. These intermediate values can either be time based or category based. The waterfall chart is also known as a flying bricks chart or Mario chart due to the apparent suspension of columns (bricks) in mid-air. Often in finance, it will be referred to as a bridge. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "waterfall"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "waterfall"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"radarcolumn", stacked

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radarcolumn"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "radarcolumn"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"radarcolumn", displays data in radial columns starting from one center point. The circle is divided into equal portions depending on the number of columns and each column group occupies one portion (similar with "radarArea" type, data requires array of numbers, non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radarcolumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "radarcolumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"radarline", stacked

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radarline"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "radarline"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"radarline" (data requires array of numbers, non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radarline"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "radarline"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"radararea", stacked

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radararea"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "radararea"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"radararea", a radar chart is a graphical method of displaying multivariate data in the form of a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables represented on axes starting from the same point. The relative position and angle of the axes is typically uninformative, but various heuristics, such as algorithms that plot data as the maximal total area, can be applied to sort the variables (axes) into relative positions that reveal distinct correlations, trade-offs, and a multitude of other comparative measures. (data requires array of numbers, non-scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radararea"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "radararea"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"column", single

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "column"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
"column", stacked

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "column"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "column"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"column", a column chart or column graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular columns with heights proportional to the values that they represent. A horizontal column chart is called a bar chart. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "column"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "column"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"line", stacked

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "line"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "line"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"line", a line chart or line graph, also known as curve chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields. It is similar to a scatter plot except that the measurement points are ordered (typically by their x-axis value) and joined with straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time - a time series - thus the line is often drawn chronologically. In these cases they are known as run charts. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "line"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "line"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"area", stacked

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "area"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "area"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "group"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
"area", an area chart or area graph displays graphically quantitative data. It is based on the line chart. The area between axis and line are commonly emphasized with colors, textures and hatchings. Commonly one compares two or more quantities with an area chart. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComPad to 18
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(14.1),Spanish(6.7),English(4.9),Hindi(4.2),Arabic(4.1),Bengali(3.3),Portuguese(2.9),Russian(2.8),Japanese(1.7),Lahnda(1.6)" "Worldwide" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "area"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Chinese(13.2),Spanish(6.6),English(4.8),Hindi(4.1),Arabic(4.0),Bengali(3.2),Portuguese(2.8),Russian(2.7),Japanese(1.6),Lahnda(1.5)" "Native" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "area"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color to show the frame around the pies

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1920(1.8),1945(2.3),1970(13.7),1995(5.7),2020(7.8)" "Population" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexPieFrameColor to 255
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 4
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the width of the line to show the serie

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1920(1.8),1945(2.3),1970(13.7),1995(5.7),2020(7.8)" "Population" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 4
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the spline's tension and alpha curves

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1920(1.8),1945(2.3),1970(13.7),1995(5.7),2020(7.8)" "Population" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComStyle of hoSerie to OLEexSpline
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexSplineTension to 0
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexSplineAlpha to 1
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Enables or disables the presentation of hollow representations. This indicates instances where the closing price exceeds the opening price, resulting in candlesticks characterized by unfilled bodies

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexCandleAllowHollow to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size to display the candle stick

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 18
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value mid 9 left 2"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexCandleStickSize to 2
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the radius to show the plot on scatter-type charts

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "11 22 33,44 55 66,77 88 99,12 34 56,78 90 23" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexScatterPlotSize to 64
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "21 32 43,54 65 76,87 98 09,45 67 89,90 23 45" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie1 OLEexScatterPlotSize to 64
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorXLine of hoCursor to False
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the captions to be shown within the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComLegendFormat of hoSerie to "trim(label replace `Ocean` with ``)"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Stacked (data points within a series are stacked on top of each other rather than plotted side by side)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Electronics(350),Clothing(200),Books(150)" 2001 to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "A"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Electronics(500),Clothing(150),Books(180)" 2002 to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "A"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Draws a curved line

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1920(1.8),1945(2.3),1970(3.7),1995(5.7),2020(7.8)" "Population" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComStyle of hoSerie to OLEexSpline
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 2
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the values to display on the chart (showValue property includes the exValue)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComVisible of hoCategoryAxis to False
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "category + `<br><b>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows or hides the serie's value-points, value-lines and values

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows or hides the serie

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie to False
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
			Set ComName of hoSerie to 2001
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to 2002
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Show bars graph (the serie is showing the data vertically or horizontally)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to 16777216
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComColor of hoSerie1 to 16777216
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "red,RGB(255,128,0)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the name of the chart serie which is visible in the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "(value  * 100 format `0`) + `%`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asian(10),Black(13),Hispanic(15),White(60),Other(7)" "<fgcolor blue>Population" to Nothing
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asian(65),Black(69),Hispanic(67),White(70),Other(68)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "<fgcolor teal>Height"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the visual appearance of the serie using EBN colors (method 3,mixt)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to 16777216
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComColor of hoSerie1 to 16777216
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "red,RGB(255,128,0)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color to show the serie (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "red,RGB(255,128,0)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color to show the serie (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComColor of hoSerie1 to 33023
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the position of the serie

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComItem of hoSeries1 1 to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComPosition of hoSerie to 0
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Referencing a series by its key

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComKey of hoSerie to "1st"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComKey of hoSerie1 to "2nd"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie2
		Get ComItem of hoSeries1 "2nd" to voSerie2
		Handle hoSerie2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie2
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie2 to voSerie2
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie2 to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie2
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Removes the serie (click to remove the serie)
// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Send ComRemove of hoSeries 0
	Send Destroy to hoSeries

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Clears the series (click to remove all series)
// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Send ComClear of hoSeries
	Send Destroy to hoSeries

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add multiple series (mixt)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexBaseMajorUnits to "1,5"
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "g+a" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis to 0.66
			Variant voGridLinesOptions1
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions1
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
				Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions1 to 1000
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "p" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis1 to 0.66
			Variant voGridLinesOptions2
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis1 to voGridLinesOptions2
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions2
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions2 to voGridLinesOptions2
				Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions2 to 1000
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions2
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(22.7),China(17.6),Japan(5.0),Germany(4.4),India(3.2),UnitedKingdom(3.1),France(3.0),Brazil(2.5)" "GDP" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "g+a"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "g+a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(331),China(1400),Japan(126),Germany(83),India(1400),UnitedKingdom(68),France(67),Brazil(213)" "Population" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "p"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
		Variant voSerie2
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(9.8),China(9.6),Japan(0.377),Germany(0.357),India(3.3),UnitedKingdom(0.610),France(0.695),Brazil(8.5)" "Area" to voSerie2
		Handle hoSerie2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie2
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie2 to voSerie2
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie2 to "g+a"
			Set ComStack of hoSerie2 to "g+a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie2
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add multiple series (same value-axis, stacked)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(22.7),China(17.6),Japan(5.0),Germany(4.4),India(3.2),UnitedKingdom(3.1),France(3.0),Brazil(2.5)" "GDP" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "g+a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(331),China(1400),Japan(126),Germany(83),India(1400),UnitedKingdom(68),France(67),Brazil(213)" "Population" to Nothing
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(9.8),China(9.6),Japan(0.377),Germany(0.357),India(3.3),UnitedKingdom(0.610),France(0.695),Brazil(8.5)" "Area" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "g+a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add multiple series (same value-axis, all stacked)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(22.7),China(17.6),Japan(5.0),Germany(4.4),India(3.2),UnitedKingdom(3.1),France(3.0),Brazil(2.5)" "GDP" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComStack of hoSerie to "all"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(331),China(1400),Japan(126),Germany(83),India(1400),UnitedKingdom(68),France(67),Brazil(213)" "Population" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComStack of hoSerie1 to "all"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
		Variant voSerie2
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(9.8),China(9.6),Japan(0.377),Germany(0.357),India(3.3),UnitedKingdom(0.610),France(0.695),Brazil(8.5)" "Area" to voSerie2
		Handle hoSerie2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie2
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie2 to voSerie2
			Set ComStack of hoSerie2 to "all"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie2
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add multiple series (same value-axis)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(22.7),China(17.6),Japan(5.0),Germany(4.4),India(3.2),UnitedKingdom(3.1),France(3.0),Brazil(2.5)" "GDP" to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(331),China(1400),Japan(126),Germany(83),India(1400),UnitedKingdom(68),France(67),Brazil(213)" "Population" to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(9.8),China(9.6),Japan(0.377),Germany(0.357),India(3.3),UnitedKingdom(0.610),France(0.695),Brazil(8.5)" "Area" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add multiple series (different value axes)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "g" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis to 0.33
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis to False
			Variant voGridLinesOptions1
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions1
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
				Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions1 to 1000
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "p" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis1 to 0.33
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis1 to 0.66
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis1 to False
			Variant voGridLinesOptions2
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis1 to voGridLinesOptions2
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions2
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions2 to voGridLinesOptions2
				Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions2 to 1000
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions2
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
		Variant voValueAxis2
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "a" to voValueAxis2
		Handle hoValueAxis2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis2
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis2 to voValueAxis2
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis2 to 0.66
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis2 to False
			Variant voGridLinesOptions3
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis2 to voGridLinesOptions3
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions3
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions3
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions3 to voGridLinesOptions3
				Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions3 to 1000
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions3
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis2
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(22.7),China(17.6),Japan(5.0),Germany(4.4),India(3.2),UnitedKingdom(3.1),France(3.0),Brazil(2.5)" "GDP" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "g"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(331),China(1400),Japan(126),Germany(83),India(1400),UnitedKingdom(68),France(67),Brazil(213)" "Population" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "p"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
		Variant voSerie2
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "UnitedStates(9.8),China(9.6),Japan(0.377),Germany(0.357),India(3.3),UnitedKingdom(0.610),France(0.695),Brazil(8.5)" "Area" to voSerie2
		Handle hoSerie2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie2
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie2 to voSerie2
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie2 to "a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie2
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Display the values over the columns

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComValuePoint to "0,,,,,,0"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the pad, distance between value-label and its frame (the number indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 11-th position)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,,,8"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size of the frame around the value-label (the number indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 10-th position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,,4"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color of the frame around the value-label (the color indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 9-th position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,red"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the background color of the value-label (the color indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 8-th position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,red"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the length of the line (the number indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 7-th position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,0"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size of the line from the value point to its label (the number indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 6-th position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,4"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color of the line from the value point to its label (the color indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 5-th position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,red"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size of the frame around the value point (the number indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 4-th position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,4"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color of the frame around the value point (the color indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 3-rd position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,red"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color of the value point (the color indicated by the ValuePoint property in the 2-nd position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to ",red"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size of the value point (the number indicated by the ValuePoint property in the first position)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComValuePoint to "16"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific(16525), Atlantic(10646), Indian(7056), Southern(2033), Arctic(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Disables resizing the chart by drag and drop (resize the chart's value by clicking and dragging with the middle mouse button)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 64
	Set ComAllowValueResize to False
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Scrolls programatically the chart
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComScrollPos OLEexHScroll to 256
	Send ComEndUpdate
Disables scrolling the chart by clicking and dragging the chart
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComAllowScroll to False
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Disables the scroll bars
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComScrollBars to OLEexNoScroll
	Set ComAllowScroll to False
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the scroll bars
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComScrollBars to OLEexNoScroll
	Send ComEndUpdate
The maximum value of the axis does not fit the view. Is there anything I can do to ensure that it fits the view

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComPad to 24
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the "no or invalid data" message

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComInvalid to "<fgcolor red>no or invalid data"
	Set ComFormatText to (OLEexTextAlignBottom + OLEexTextAlignCenter)
Sorts descending the serie

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Sorts ascending the serie

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0"
	Send ComEndUpdate
I changed the ValueSize property but it appears that it has no effect

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 32
	Set ComAutoFit to False
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value replace `Ocean` with ``"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Column"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size to show a column or a bar within the chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 32
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value replace `Ocean` with ``"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the tooltip (shown while the cursor hovers value-points of the chart)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexToolTipBackColor to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Set ComBackground OLEexToolTipForeColor to (RGB(255,255,255))
	Set ComToolTipFormat to "`<b>` + category + `</b><br>Value: ` + (value format ``)"
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to OLEexPoint
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Resizes the elements of the series to fit the control's content

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1,2,3,4" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the preset color scheme for the chart's series, encompassing both regular and reduced values

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "gray"
	Set ComSeriesColorsDecrease to "black"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the default colors for the chart's series

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComMisc OLEextVisibleBeforeAxis to 1
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComDataOptions to "hdr=1 eor=';' eof=' '"
	Set ComData to "Month Min Max;Jan -2 10;Feb 0 12;Mar 3 15;Apr 7 18;May 12 22;Jun 16 25;Jul 18 28;Aug 17 27;Sep 14 24;Oct 9 19;Nov 4 15;Dec 0 10"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "transparent"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Month"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions1
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions1
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions1 to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Min,Max"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to 16777216
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Updates the x-axis, y-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComXAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voLineOptions
		Get ComAxisLine of hoValueAxis to voLineOptions
		Handle hoLineOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions to voLineOptions
			Set ComWidth of hoLineOptions to 2
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voValueAxis1
	Get ComYAxis to voValueAxis1
	Handle hoValueAxis1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
		Variant voLineOptions1
		Get ComAxisLine of hoValueAxis1 to voLineOptions1
		Handle hoLineOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions1 to voLineOptions1
			Set ComWidth of hoLineOptions1 to 2
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions1 to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "1 99 1,2 96 2,3 92 3,4 86 4,5 79 5,6 70 6,7 60 7,8 50 8,9 38 9,10 25 10,11 13 11"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexScatterPlotSize to 96
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
Updates the default/first value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComTfi of hoValueAxis to "<fgcolor red>"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Friendster(121111111),Facebook(979750000),Flickr(79664888),Google Buzz(170000000),Google+(107319100),Hi5(900202990),Instagram(80202990),MySpace(80202990),Orkut(45067022),Pinterest(197319100),Reddit(360250000),Snapchat(280250000),TikTok(860250000),Tumblr(146890156),Twitter(160250000),WeChat(118123370),Weibo(79195730),Whatsapp(1160250000),YouTube(844638200)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
Updates the default/first category-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "Column"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add multiple series into the same view

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "Column"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Do do I get the DAO version I have installed
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant v
Handle hoPrivDBEngine
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine // Import the 'Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.51 Compatibility Library' library
		Get ComVersion of hoPrivDBEngine to v
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine
	Showln v
	Variant v1
Handle hoPrivDBEngine1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine1 // Import the 'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library' library
		Get ComVersion of hoPrivDBEngine1 to v1
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine1
	Showln v1
	Variant v2
Handle hoPrivDBEngine2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine2 // Import the 'Microsoft Office 15.0 Access database engine Object Library' library
		Get ComVersion of hoPrivDBEngine2 to v2
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine2
	Showln v2
How do I get a list of interfaces the object implemenets
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Handle hoPrivDBEngine
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine // Import the 'Microsoft Office 15.0 Access database engine Object Library' library
		Variant v
		Variant voDatabase
		Get ComOpenDatabase of hoPrivDBEngine "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" Nothing Nothing Nothing to voDatabase
		Handle hoDatabase
		Get Create (RefClass(cComDatabase)) to hoDatabase
		Set pvComObject of hoDatabase to voDatabase
			Get ComOpenRecordset of hoDatabase "MSFT" Nothing Nothing Nothing to v
		Send Destroy to hoDatabase
		Variant rs
		Move v to rs
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine
	Handle hoObject
	Get Create (RefClass(cComObject)) to hoObject // Import the '' library
	Showln (pvComObject(hoObject))
	Set ComDataSource of hoObject to rs
	Send ComEndUpdate of hoObject
Do do I get the ADO version I have installed
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant v
Handle hoConnection
	Get Create (RefClass(cComConnection)) to hoConnection // Import the 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library' library
		Get ComVersion of hoConnection to v
	Send Destroy to hoConnection
	Showln "ADO Version:" v

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Handle hoPrivDBEngine
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine // Import the 'Microsoft Office 15.0 Access database engine Object Library' library
		Variant v
		Variant voDatabase
		Get ComOpenDatabase of hoPrivDBEngine "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" Nothing Nothing Nothing to voDatabase
		Handle hoDatabase
		Get Create (RefClass(cComDatabase)) to hoDatabase
		Set pvComObject of hoDatabase to voDatabase
			Get ComOpenRecordset of hoDatabase "MSFT" Nothing Nothing Nothing to v
		Send Destroy to hoDatabase
		Variant rs
		Move v to rs
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value left 7"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 7"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
DAO, MDB, 120

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Handle hoPrivDBEngine
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine // Import the 'Microsoft Office 15.0 Access database engine Object Library' library
		Variant v
		Variant voDatabase
		Get ComOpenDatabase of hoPrivDBEngine "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" Nothing Nothing Nothing to voDatabase
		Handle hoDatabase
		Get Create (RefClass(cComDatabase)) to hoDatabase
		Set pvComObject of hoDatabase to voDatabase
			Get ComOpenRecordset of hoDatabase "MSFT" Nothing Nothing Nothing to v
		Send Destroy to hoDatabase
		Variant rs
		Move v to rs
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value left 7"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 7"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Handle hoPrivDBEngine
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine // Import the 'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library' library
		Variant v
		Variant voDatabase
		Get ComOpenDatabase of hoPrivDBEngine "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.mdb" Nothing Nothing Nothing to voDatabase
		Handle hoDatabase
		Get Create (RefClass(cComDatabase)) to hoDatabase
		Set pvComObject of hoDatabase to voDatabase
			Get ComOpenRecordset of hoDatabase "MSFT" Nothing Nothing Nothing to v
		Send Destroy to hoDatabase
		Variant rs
		Move v to rs
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value left 7"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 7"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADODB.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "MSFT" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" OLEadOpenKeyset OLEadLockReadOnly Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value left 7"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 7"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "MSFT" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value left 7"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 7"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADODB.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "MSFT" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value left 7"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 7"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "MSFT" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value left 7"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 7"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "ohlc"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
The value-axis gets updated as soon as the control is scrolled. It is possible to prevent that

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 2
	Set ComMisc OLEexUpdateRangeOnScroll to 0
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Showln (ComDataSample(Self))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Debug the data I loaded, or gatter a data sample

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Showln (ComDataSample(Self))
	Send ComEndUpdate
Imports the control's data from a safe array (array, method 3)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "MSFT" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Access\sample.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComData to rs
	Showln (ComDataSample(Self))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Column 2,Column 3,Column 4,Column 5"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Imports the control's data from a CSV format (file, method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Imports the control's data from a CSV format (content, string, method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEextVisibleBeforeAxis to 1
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComDataOptions to "hdr=1 eor=';' eof=' '"
	Set ComData to "Month Min Max;Jan -2 10;Feb 0 12;Mar 3 15;Apr 7 18;May 12 22;Jun 16 25;Jul 18 28;Aug 17 27;Sep 14 24;Oct 9 19;Nov 4 15;Dec 0 10"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "transparent"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Month"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions1
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions1
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions1 to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Min,Max"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Imports the control's data from a CSV format (file, method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Get ComImport "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt" Nothing to Nothing
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Imports the control's data from a CSV format (content, string, method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEextVisibleBeforeAxis to 1
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Get ComImport "Month Min Max;Jan -2 10;Feb 0 12;Mar 3 15;Apr 7 18;May 12 22;Jun 16 25;Jul 18 28;Aug 17 27;Sep 14 24;Oct 9 19;Nov 4 15;Dec 0 10" "hdr=1 eor=';' eof=' '" to Nothing
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "transparent"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Month"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions1
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions1
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions1 to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Min,Max"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the field delimitators, such as eor(end of record), eof(end of field) and hdr(header)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEextVisibleBeforeAxis to 1
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComDataOptions to "hdr=1 eor=';' eof=' '"
	Set ComData to "Month Min Max;Jan -5 2;Feb -4 7;Mar 1 12;Apr 5 17;May 10 23;Jun 14 26;Jul 15 28;Aug 14 28;Sep 11 25;Oct 5 18;Nov 1 9;Dec -3 4"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "transparent"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Month"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions1
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions1
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions1 to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Min,Max"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "RGB(9,80,239),RGB(9,120,239),RGB(249,186,7),RGB(249,173,7),RGB(255,148,51),RGB(255,125,51),RGB(255,114,51),RGB(255,120,51),RGB(255,139,51),RGB(249,171,7),RGB(249,200,7),RGB(9,110,239)"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size of the control's tooltip margins

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Send ComShowToolTip "just a text to be shown when cursor hovers the view" "title" Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComToolTipMargin to "16,16"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600),Africa(1300),Europe(747),North America(579),South America(433),Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Sets the size of icons the control displays

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComImageSize to 32
	Send ComImages "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yNAOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA="
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "<img>1</img>Asia(4600),<img>2</img>Africa(1300),<img>3</img>Europe(747),<img>4</img>North America(579),<img>5</img>South America(433),<img>6</img>Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Prevents the control to fire any event

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComFreezeEvents True
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Send ComFreezeEvents False
Display columns using EBN colors (BASE64)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to 16777216
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Display columns using EBN colors

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to 16777216
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Show images

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHTMLPicture "china" to "c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif"
	Set ComHTMLPicture "india" to "c:\exontrol\images\auction.gif"
	Set ComHTMLPicture "usa" to "c:\exontrol\images\colorize.gif"
	Set ComMisc OLEexShowValueIf to 0
	Set ComMisc OLEexShowLabelsIf to 0
	Set ComValueSize to 32
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "<img>china</img>,<img>india</img>,<img>usa</img>"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows a custom tooltip

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Send ComShowToolTip "just a text to be shown when cursor hovers the view" "title" Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600),Africa(1300),Europe(747),North America(579),South America(433),Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate