property Serie.Vertical as Boolean
Specifies whether the serie is showing the data vertically or horizontally

Boolean A boolean expression that determines whether the serie is showing the data vertically or horizontally
By default, the Vertical property is false, so the chart is displayed horizontally. The Vertical property specifies whether the serie is showing the data vertically or horizontally. When the view is set to display multiple series of data, an important feature to note is that if the Vertical property of any individual series is set to True, it will dictate the orientation of the entire chart. In other words, if just one series within the view is designated to be displayed vertically, the entire chart will adopt a vertical layout. The Type property specifies the type of the serie (the way the data is represented).

The following screen shot shows the chart displayed horizontally (columns):

The following screen shot shows the chart displayed vertically (bars):

The Vertical property has effect for area and xy-compatible chart-types as listed:

