ExCursor object
The ExCursor object defines the configuration options to display crosshair over the hover/touch area, tooltips for some or all nearby series data items, as well as tooltips on axes. Use the Cursor to specify different configuration options to show the cursor (crosshair over the hover/touch area, tooltips for some or all nearby series data items, as well as tooltips on axes). 

The ExCursor object supports the following properties and method:

AxisTooltipBackColorSpecifies the visual appearance of the tooltips on the axes
AxisTooltipForeColorIndicates the foreground color used for displaying tooltips on axes
LineDefines the configuration options to display the crosshair over the hover/touch area (showCursorCategoryLine or showCursorValueLine)
SerieTooltipBackColorSpecifies the visual appearance of the tooltips on the series
SerieTooltipForeColorIndicates the foreground color used for displaying tooltips on series
ShowCursorCategoryLineSpecifies the flags to show the vertical/horizontal category/x-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart
ShowCursorSerieTooltipDefines the flags to show the tooltips, when the crosshair cursor hovers the charts of the series
ShowCursorValueLineShows or hides the horizontal/vertical value/y-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart
ShowCursorXLineShows or hides the vertical y-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart (available for xy-chart types only)
ShowCursorYLineShows or hides the horizontal x-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart (available for xy-chart types only)
TooltipPadDefines the tooltip's padding (space between tooltip's caption and its borders)
VisibleShows or hides the cursor (crosshair over the hover/touch area, tooltips for some or all nearby series data items, as well as tooltips on axes)