property CategoryAxis.MajorTicks as TickOptions
Defines the configuration options to show the major ticks of the category-axis

TickOptions A TickOptions object that defines the configuration options to show the major ticks of the category-axis
The MajorTicks property defines the configuration options to show the major ticks of the category-axis. The MajorGridLines property defines the configuration options to show the major grid lines of the category-axis. The ChartGridLines property defines the configuration options to show the grid lines and labels between for the chart panel. The OverviewGridLines property defines the configuration options to show the grid lines and labels between for the overview panel. The Color property specifies the line's color. The Style property defines the style of the line. The Width property specifies the line's width or size (1 by default). The Step property defines the step to show the ticks. The Skip property specifies the number of ticks to skip.