constants DebugLayerDragEnum
A DebugLayerDragEnum type the holds what information the debugging the drag operation should display. The Debug property specifies debugging information to be shown while dragging the layers. 

The following information shows all debug information while dragging the layer:

The DebugLayerDragEnum type supports the following flags:

exDebugLayerDragNothing0 No debug information is displayed.
exDebugLayerDragHighlight256 Specifies that layers should be shown with a semi-transparent color, so the debugging information is more clear.
exDebugLayerDragClick1 Shows the point where the drag operation begins. The X property indicates the x-position of the cursor, when the drag operation starts and the Y property indicates the y-position of the cursor, when the drag operation starts.
exDebugLayerDragCurrent2 Shows the current dragging point. The CurrentX property indicates the current x-position of the cursor, while dragging the layer and the CurrentY property indicates the current y-position of the cursor, while dragging the layer.
exDebugLayerDragDeltaX4 Shows the horizontal offset. The DeltaX property returns the offset on the x-coordinate of the the current drag operation, equivalent with the value of CurrentX - X.
exDebugLayerDragDeltaY8 Shows the vertical offset. The DeltaY property returns the offset on the y-coordinate of the the current drag operation, equivalent with the value of CurrentY - Y. 
exDebugLayerDragDelta16 Shows the distance between clicking and current point. The Delta property, returns the distance between clicking and current points.
exDebugLayerDragMove287 Shortcut flag for move operation by dragging. It combines exDebugLayerDragClick + exDebugLayerDragCurrent + exDebugLayerDragDeltaX + exDebugLayerDragDeltaY + exDebugLayerDragDelta + exDebugLayerDragHighlight
exDebugLayerDragRotateCenter32 Shows the rotation center of the dragging layer. The RotateCenterLayer, RotateCenterX and RotateCenterY properties determines the (x,y) rotation center, relative to specified layer.
exDebugLayerDragDeltaAngle64 Shows the delta angle. The DeltaAngle property specifies the angle (in degrees) that has been rotated the layer/object, during the drag operation.  
exDebugLayerDragDeltaAngleMultiply128 Adds lines to split equally the circle.
exDebugLayerDragRotate483 Shortcut flag for rotate operation by dragging. It combines exDebugLayerDragClick + exDebugLayerDragCurrent + exDebugLayerDragRotateCenter + exDebugLayerDragDeltaAngle + exDebugLayerDragDeltaAngleMultiply + exDebugLayerDragHighlight.
exDebugLayerDragAll-1 Includes all debug information.