property Level.ReplaceLabel(Label as String) as String
Specifies a HTML replacement for the given label.

Label as String A String expression that specifies the caption being replaced.  If empty, the set method removes all replacements in the level.
String A String expression that specifies the new caption, that can use built-n HTML tags as explained bellow.  
By default, the Label property specifies the caption being displayed in the chart's header. Use the ReplaceLabel property to customize your chart's header. The  ReplaceLabel property may be used to add icons or pictures ( <img> ), or change the captions of the levels in the chart's header. The ReplaceLabel property is a get/set property. When get property is called, the ReplaceLabel(Label) property returns the replacement HTML string for specified label. If the set property is called, the specified label is replaced with the newly value, so the newly value is displayed instead. You can remove all replacement by calling the set ReplaceLabel property with Label parameter as empty string. The Label parameter never includes the HTML built tags. For instance, if your Label property is "<%h%><%AM/PM%>", then the Label parameter should be: 12AM,1AM,2AM, and so on, as they are displayed on the chart's header. 

The following screen shot shows the chart's header when no replacements are performed:

The following screen shot shows the chart's header when the hours were replaced with icons:

The following screen shot shows the chart's header when the hours were replaced with icons, excepts the  12:00 PM were replaced by Noon caption:

The ReplaceLabel property supports the following built-in HTML elements: