property Level.Alignment as AlignmentEnum
Specifies the label's alignment.

AlignmentEnum An AlignmentEnum expression that indicates how the level's label is aligned in the chart's header. The Alignment property can combine the LeftAlignment, CenterAlignment and RightAlignment with exHOutside which indicates that the label is always visible when user does scrolling the chart.
By default, the Alignment property is CenterAlignment. Use the Alignment property to align labels in the chart's header. If the Alignment property includes the exHOutside, the label is being visible while the time unit is visible. For instance, if the Alignment property is CenterAlignment + exHOutside ( 17 = 1 + 16 ), the labels are always centered, and visible while the time-unit is visible, so the label is still visible while the time unit is partially visible, usually when the user does scroll left or right the chart. Use the Label property to specify the label of the level. Use the ForeColor and BackColor properties to change the level's appearance.

For instance the following screen shot shows the component if the Level.Alignment property is 1 ( CenterAlignment ):

while the next screen shot shows the component if the Level.Alignment property is 17 ( CenterAlignment + exHOutside ):