property Column.ExpandColumns as String
Specifies the list of columns to be shown when the current column is expanded.

String A String expression that specifies the columns to be expanded/collapsed by current column. The expression contains the index of the columns to be shown or hidden, separated by comma. The list can includes the index of the current column, and so the column is always visible no matter if the column is expanded or collapsed.
By default, the ExpandColumns property is "". The ExpandColumns property specifies the columns to be shown/hidden when a column is expanded or collapsed. The ExpandColumns property can include the index of the current column, which indicates that the column is visible no matter if the column is expanded or collapsed. In other words, the Expanded/ExpandColumns properties provides expandable header. The Index property specifies the index of the column. The Expanded property specifies whether a column is expanded or collapsed. The DisplayExpandButton property indicates whether the +/- expanding/collapsing button is shown in the column's header. The HasButtons property specifies how the +/- buttons are shown.

The following screen shot shows the control's header when all columns are collapsed:


The following screen shot shows the control's header with columns expanded/collapsed :