constants HostEventEnum
The HostEventEnum type holds identifiers of events being fired by the host. The HostEvent event notifies the application once the host fires an event. The HostEventParam(-2) gives a general information of the event. The HostEventEnum type supports the following values:

exHostKeyDown-602 Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus. 

This identifier handles the KeyDown event of the host. 

exHostKeyUp-604 Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus. 

This identifier handles the KeyUp event of the host.

exHostKeyPress-603 Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.

This identifier handles the KeyPress event of the host.

exHostClick-600 Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.

This identifier handles the Click event of the host.

exHostMouseMove-606 Occurs when the user moves the mouse.

This identifier handles the MouseMove event of the host.

exHostMouseDown-605 Occurs when the user presses a mouse button.

This identifier handles the MouseDown event of the host.

exHostMouseUp-607 Occurs when the user releases a mouse button.

This identifier handles the MouseUp event of the host.

exHostDblClick-601 Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object.

This identifier handles the DblClick event of the host.

exHostAddItem1 Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection

This identifier handles the AddItem event of the host.

exHostRemoveItem2 Occurs before removing an Item.

This identifier handles the RemoveItem event of the host.

exHostColumnClick3 Fired after the user clicks on column's header.

This identifier handles the ColumnClick event of the host.

exHostCellImageClick4 Occurs when the user clicks the cell's icon.

This identifier handles the CellImageClick event of the host.

exHostCellStateChanged5 Fired after cell's state has been changed.

This identifier handles the CellStateChanged event of the host.

exHostSelectionChanged6 Fired after a new item has been selected.

This identifier handles the SelectionChanged event of the host.

exHostAddColumn7 Fired after a new column has been added.

This identifier handles the AddColumn event of the host.

exHostRemoveColumn8 Fired before deleting a column.

This identifier handles the RemoveColumn event of the host.

exHostOversizeChanged9 Occurs when the right range of the scroll has been changed.

This identifier handles the OversizeChanged event of the host.

exHostOffsetChanged10 Occurs when the scroll position has been changed.

This identifier handles the OffsetChanged event of the host.

exHostRClick11 Fired when right mouse button is clicked.

This identifier handles the RClick event of the host. The control fires the Context event, once the user right clicks the host.

exHostFormatColumn15 Fired when a cell requires to format its caption.

This identifier handles the FormatColumn event of the host.

exHostBeforeExpandItem16 Fired before an item is about to be expanded (collapsed).

This identifier handles the BeforeExpandItem event of the host.

exHostAfterExpandItem17 Fired after an item is expanded (collapsed).

This identifier handles the AfterExpandItem event of the host.

exHostItemOleEvent18 Fired when an ActiveX control hosted by an item has fired an event.

This identifier handles the ItemOleEvent event of the host.

exHostLayoutChanged19 Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.

This identifier handles the LayoutChanged event of the host.

exHostHyperLinkClick20 Occurs when the user clicks on a hyperlink cell.

This identifier handles the HyperLinkClick event of the host.

exHostFilterChange21 Occurs when filter was changed.

This identifier handles the FilterChange event of the host.

exHostTooltip22 Fired when the control prepares the object's tooltip.

This identifier handles the ToolTip event of the host.

exHostFilterChanging24 Notifies your application that the filter is about to change.

This identifier handles the FilterChanging event of the host.

exHostAddGroupItem31 Occurs after a new Group Item has been inserted to Items collection.

This identifier handles the AddGroupItem event of the host.

exHostCellStateChanging32 Fired before cell's state is about to be changed.

This identifier handles the CellStateChanging event of the host.

exHostDateChange50 Occurs when the first visible date is changed.

This identifier handles the DateChange event of the host.

exHostChartStartChanging51 Occurs when the chart is about to be changed.

This identifier handles the ChartStartChanging event of the host.

exHostChartEndChanging52 Occurs when the chart is about to be changed.

This identifier handles the ChartEndChanging event of the host.

exHostInsideZoom53 Notifies your application that a date is about to be magnified.

This identifier handles the InsideZoom event of the host.

exHostBeforeDrawPart54 Occurs just before drawing a part of the control.

This identifier handles the BeforeDrawPart event of the host.

exHostAfterDrawPart55 Occurs right after drawing the part of the control.

This identifier handles the AfterDrawPart event of the host.

exHostSort100 Occurs when the control sorts a column.

This identifier handles the Sort event of the host.

exHostEdit101 Occurs just before editing the focused cell.

This identifier handles the Edit event of the host.

exHostButtonClick102 Occurs when user clicks on the cell's button.

This identifier handles the ButtonClick event of the host.

exHostChange103 Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.

This identifier handles the Change event of the host.

exHostError104 Fired when an internal error occurs.

This identifier handles the Error event of the host.

exHostValidateValue105 Occurs before user changes the cell's value.

This identifier handles the ValidateValue event of the host.

exHostUserEditorOpen106 Occurs when an user editor is about to be opened.

This identifier handles the UserEditorOpen event of the host.

exHostUserEditorClose107 Occurs when an user editor is about to be closed.

This identifier handles the UserEditorClose event of the host.

exHostUserEditorOleEvent108 Occurs when an user editor fires an event.

This identifier handles the UserEditorOleEvent event of the host.

exHostFocusChanged109 Occurs when a new cell is focused.

This identifier handles the FocusChanged event of the host.

exHostEditOpen110 Occurs when the edit operation starts.

This identifier handles the EditOpen event of the host.

exHostEditClose111 Occurs when the edit operation ends.

This identifier handles the EditClose event of the host.

exHostBarResize120 Occurs when the bar is moved or resized.

This identifier handles the BarResize event of the host.

exHostCreateBar121 Fired when the user creates a new bar.

This identifier handles the CreateBar event of the host.

exHostAddLink122 Occurs when the user links two bars using the mouse.

This identifier handles the AddLink event of the host.

exHostChartSelectionChanged123 Occurs when the user selects objects in the chart area.

This identifier handles the ChartSelectionChanged event of the host.

exHostDateTimeChanged124 Notifies your application that the current time is changed.

This identifier handles the DateTimeChanged event of the host.

exHostBarParentChange125 Occurs just before moving a bar from current item to another item.

This identifier handles the BarParentChange event of the host.

exHostOverviewZoom126 Occurs once the user selects a new time scale unit in the overview zoom area.

This identifier handles the OverviewZoom event of the host.

exHostHistogramBoundsChanged127 Occurs when the location and the size of the histogram is changed.

This identifier handles the HistogramBoundsChanged event of the host.

exHostAllowLink128 Notifies at runtime when a link between two bars is possible.

This identifier handles the AllowLink event of the host.

exHostBarResizing129 Occurs when a bar is moving or resizing.

This identifier handles the BarResizing event of the host.

exHostAllowAutoDrag130 Occurs when the user drags the item between InsertA and InsertB as child of NewParent

This identifier handles the AllowAutoDrag event of the host.

exHostScrollButtonClick200 Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.

This identifier handles the ScrollButtonClick event of the host.

exHostAnchorClick450 Occurs when an anchor element is clicked.

This identifier handles the AnchorClick event of the host.