property G2Host.Host as Object
Specifies the reference to the host.

Object An Object of ExG2antt type. 
By default, the control creates an instance of ExG2antt type, and the Host property returns a reference to the newly created host. Once the Host is created, the HostInitTemplate property is applied, so columns, and colors are being initialized. You can use the Host property to access the inner host. The Host property returns Nothing, if the host has not been created. The HostReadOnly property specifies whether the host is read only. Once the Host property is invoked, the control's data is loaded based on the DataTechnology, DataSource, DataMember and DataField properties.

If the control is not able to create the Host, it may display:

Usually, this is happen, if no ExG2antt is installed on the machine.

If the control is not able to create the Host, it may display:

Usually, this is happen, if the version of the ExG2antt on the machine, is lower than 15.0. The eXG2Host tool requires version 15.0 of ExG2antt or upper.

If the host is created successfully, it may display:

In case you want to have some intelisense for VB6, all you need is to add reference to exg2antt control, Project\References\ExG2antt 1.0 Control Library and add a code such as:

Dim g As EXG2ANTTLib.G2antt
Set g = G2Host1.Host
With g
'     Now g is the inner control of EXG2Host, which is actually a ExG2antt control.
End With

For instance, the following sample adds Start and End columns:

With G2Host1
    .HostReadOnly = HostReadOnlyEnum.exHostReadWrite Or HostReadOnlyEnum.exHostAllowAddEmptyItem
    Dim g As EXG2ANTTLib.G2antt
    Set g = G2Host1.Host
    With g
        .SingleSel = False
        .OnResizeControl = 1
        .ScrollBars = &H800 Or ScrollBarsEnum.exDisableNoVertical
        With .Columns.Add("Start")
            .AllowSizing = False
            .Def(18) = 1
            .Editor.EditType = 7
        End With
        With .Columns.Add("End")
            .AllowSizing = False
            .Def(18) = 2
            .Editor.EditType = 7
        End With
        .Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
        With .Chart
            .AllowCreateBar = 1
            .PaneWidth(False) = 256
            .Bars.Item("Task").OverlaidType = OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStackAutoArrange Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStack
        End With
    End With
End With