How can I convert the exBarStart/exBarEnd property to a string (by default it returns as VARIANT/VT_DATE type, method 3)

// Occurs when a bar is moving or resizing.
Procedure OnComBarResizing HITEM   llItem Variant   llKey
	Forward Send OnComBarResizing llItem llKey
	Variant v
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComItemBar of hoItems llItem llKey OLEexBarStartStr to v
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Showln "Start" llKey v
	Variant v1
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Get ComItemBar of hoItems1 llItem llKey OLEexBarEndStr to v1
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Showln "End" llKey v1

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComDebug to True
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "9/20/2006"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComResizeUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexMinute
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems2
	Get ComItems to voItems2
	Handle hoItems2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems2
	Set pvComObject of hoItems2 to voItems2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 1")) "Task" "9/21/2006" "9/24/2006" "K1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 2")) "Task" "9/22/2006" "9/25/2006" "K2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 3")) "Task" "9/23/2006" "9/26/2006" "K3" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems2
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I convert the exBarStart/exBarEnd property to a string (by default it returns as VARIANT/VT_DATE type, method 2)

// Occurs when a bar is moving or resizing.
Procedure OnComBarResizing HITEM   llItem Variant   llKey
	Forward Send OnComBarResizing llItem llKey
	Variant vA
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComItemBar of hoItems llItem llKey OLEexBarStart to vA
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Showln "Start" llKey (ComFormatABC(Self,"dateF(value)",vA,Nothing,Nothing))
	Variant vA1
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Get ComItemBar of hoItems1 llItem llKey OLEexBarEnd to vA1
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Showln "End" llKey (ComFormatABC(Self,"dateF(value)",vA1,Nothing,Nothing))

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComDebug to True
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "9/20/2006"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComResizeUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexMinute
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems2
	Get ComItems to voItems2
	Handle hoItems2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems2
	Set pvComObject of hoItems2 to voItems2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 1")) "Task" "9/21/2006" "9/24/2006" "K1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 2")) "Task" "9/22/2006" "9/25/2006" "K2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 3")) "Task" "9/23/2006" "9/26/2006" "K3" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems2
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I convert the exBarStart/exBarEnd property to a string (by default it returns as VARIANT/VT_DATE type, method 1)

// Occurs when a bar is moving or resizing.
Procedure OnComBarResizing HITEM   llItem Variant   llKey
	Forward Send OnComBarResizing llItem llKey
	Variant vA
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComItemBar of hoItems llItem llKey OLEexBarStart to vA
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Showln "Start" llKey (ComFormatABC(Self,"date(value) format `MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss`",vA,Nothing,Nothing))
	Variant vA1
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Get ComItemBar of hoItems1 llItem llKey OLEexBarEnd to vA1
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Showln "End" llKey (ComFormatABC(Self,"date(value) format `MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss`",vA1,Nothing,Nothing))

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComDebug to True
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "9/20/2006"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComResizeUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexMinute
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems2
	Get ComItems to voItems2
	Handle hoItems2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems2
	Set pvComObject of hoItems2 to voItems2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 1")) "Task" "9/21/2006" "9/24/2006" "K1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 2")) "Task" "9/22/2006" "9/25/2006" "K2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Task 3")) "Task" "9/23/2006" "9/26/2006" "K3" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems2
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add/Remove/Updates the item-bar's resources

// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the tree control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComSelectedItem of hoItems 0 to h
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h (ComFirstItemBar(hoItems,h)) OLEexBarResources to "+R4[10%]"
	Send Destroy to hoItems

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "<%=%49%>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Machines" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Machine 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 h "Task" "1/6/2001" "1/12/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems1 h "K1" OLEexBarResources to "R1,R2"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Machine 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 h "Task" "1/4/2001" "1/14/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems1 h "K2" OLEexBarResources to "R2[75%],R3"
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Distributes resources to a bar

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "<%=%49%>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Machines" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/6/2001" "1/12/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarResources to "R1,R2"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/4/2001" "1/14/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarResources to "R2[75%],R3"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display additional information about a time zone when the user clicks on it (expandable)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/20/2009"
		Send ComMarkTimeZone of hoChart "TZ" "1/1/2010" "1/3/2010" 65280 "1;;<c>TimeZone<b><off -4><a ;exp=just more info about>*</a></b>;1"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
How can I have a tooltip for a marked TimeZone

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Variant vToolTip
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComTimeZoneFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to vToolTip
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComShowToolTip vToolTip "" "+8" Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "12/28/2009"
		Send ComMarkTimeZone of hoChart1 "Top" "1/1/2010" "1/5/2010" 16711680 "1;;<fgcolor=FFFFFF>Top;1"
		Send ComMarkTimeZone of hoChart1 "Partial" "1/8/2010" "1/12/2010" 16711680 "50;;<fgcolor=FFFFFF>Partial;1"
		Send ComMarkTimeZone of hoChart1 "Default" "1/15/2010" "1/19/2010" 16711680 ";;<fgcolor=FFFFFF>Default;1"
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
Can I set a filter that automatically adds a * before and after the word, so the user can just search for 'cat' and it becomes '*cat*' automatically

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Items" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDisplayFilterButton of hoColumn to True
			Set ComDisplayFilterPattern of hoColumn to True
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexFilterPatternTemplate to "*<%filter%>*"
			Set ComFilterType of hoColumn to OLEexPattern
			Set ComFilter of hoColumn to "1"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root 1" to h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Child 1" to Nothing
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Child 2" to Nothing
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h to True
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root 2" to h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Child 1" to Nothing
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Child 2" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComApplyFilter
	Send ComEndUpdate
The fine dotted lines in the control appear much thicker than the standard ones we've been using. How can we fix this

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexAllLines
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column 1" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Column 2" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns2 "Column 3" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Variant voColumns3
	Get ComColumns to voColumns3
	Handle hoColumns3
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns3
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns3 to voColumns3
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns3 "Column 4" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns3
	Send ComEndUpdate
Load data as a tree using a parent-id relationship

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexVLines
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADODB.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "Select * FROM Employees WHERE 1=0" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.mdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns 0 to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 128
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Get Comcreateobject "ADODB.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "Employees" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.mdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Send ComPutItems rs ";0;17"
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems 0 to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is there a way to change the contents of the drop down editor based on a value in another column

// Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComCellEditorVisible of hoItems llItem 0 to OLEexEditorVisible
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Set ComCellEditorVisible of hoItems1 llItem 1 to OLEexEditorVisible
	Send Destroy to hoItems1

// Occurs when the edit operation starts.
Procedure OnComEditOpen 
	Forward Send OnComEditOpen 
	Variant voItems2
	Get ComItems to voItems2
	Handle hoItems2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems2
	Set pvComObject of hoItems2 to voItems2
		Variant v
		Get ComCellValue of hoItems2 (ComFocusItem(hoItems2)) 0 to v
		Variant c
		Get ComCellCaption of hoItems2 (ComFocusItem(hoItems2)) 0 to c
	Send Destroy to hoItems2
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns 1 to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Send ComClearItems of hoEditor
				Send ComAddItem of hoEditor v c Nothing
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "DropDownList" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Variant voEditor1
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor1
			Handle hoEditor1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLEDropDownListType
				Send ComAddItem of hoEditor1 1 "First" Nothing
				Send ComAddItem of hoEditor1 2 "Second" Nothing
				Send ComAddItem of hoEditor1 3 "Third" Nothing
			Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns2 "DropDownList-Related" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Variant voEditor2
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn2 to voEditor2
			Handle hoEditor2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor2
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor2 to voEditor2
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor2 to OLEDropDownListType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor2
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Variant voItems3
	Get ComItems to voItems3
	Handle hoItems3
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems3
	Set pvComObject of hoItems3 to voItems3
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems3 (ComAddItem(hoItems3,1)) 1 to -1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems3 (ComAddItem(hoItems3,2)) 1 to -1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems3 (ComAddItem(hoItems3,3)) 1 to -1
		Set ComLockedItemCount of hoItems3 OLEexBottom to 1
		Variant h
		Get ComLockedItem of hoItems3 OLEexBottom 0 to h
		Set ComItemDivider of hoItems3 h to 0
		Set ComItemDividerLineAlignment of hoItems3 h to OLEDividerTop
		Set ComCellEditorVisible of hoItems3 h 0 to False
		Set ComCellSingleLine of hoItems3 h 0 to False
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems3 h 0 to OLEexHTML
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems3 h 0 to "The drop down editor in the second column is filled during the <b>EditOpen event</b>, and the values are based on the selection on the first column."
	Send Destroy to hoItems3
	Send ComEndUpdate
Highlight the editable fields

// Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.
Procedure OnComChange HITEM   llItem Integer   llColIndex Variant   llNewValue
	Forward Send OnComChange llItem llColIndex llNewValue
	Send ComRefresh

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComFreezeEvents True
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voConditionalFormats
	Get ComConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
	Handle hoConditionalFormats
	Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormats)) to hoConditionalFormats
	Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
		Variant voConditionalFormat
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CE1" Nothing to voConditionalFormat
		Handle hoConditionalFormat
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat to voConditionalFormat
			Set ComBold of hoConditionalFormat to True
			Set ComBackColor of hoConditionalFormat to (RGB(245,245,245))
			Set ComApplyTo of hoConditionalFormat to |CI$1
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat
		Variant voConditionalFormat1
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CE2" Nothing to voConditionalFormat1
		Handle hoConditionalFormat1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat1
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat1 to voConditionalFormat1
			Set ComBold of hoConditionalFormat1 to True
			Set ComBackColor of hoConditionalFormat1 to (RGB(245,245,245))
			Set ComApplyTo of hoConditionalFormat1 to |CI$2
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat1
		Variant voConditionalFormat2
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CE3" Nothing to voConditionalFormat2
		Handle hoConditionalFormat2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat2
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat2 to voConditionalFormat2
			Set ComBold of hoConditionalFormat2 to True
			Set ComBackColor of hoConditionalFormat2 to (RGB(245,245,245))
			Set ComApplyTo of hoConditionalFormat2 to |CI$3
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat2
	Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormats
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Description" to Nothing
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Qty" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%1)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Price" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexTotalColumn to "avg(current,rec,%2)"
			Variant voEditor1
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor1
			Handle hoEditor1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Amount" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComComputedField of hoColumn2 to "%1 * %2"
			Set ComDef of hoColumn2 OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%3)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant r
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to r
		Variant g1
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 1" to g1
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 10
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 2
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 11
		Variant g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 2" to g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 3
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 12
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 4
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 13
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems 0 to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Send ComFreezeEvents False
Highlight the total fields

// Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.
Procedure OnComChange HITEM   llItem Integer   llColIndex Variant   llNewValue
	Forward Send OnComChange llItem llColIndex llNewValue
	Send ComRefresh

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComFreezeEvents True
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voConditionalFormats
	Get ComConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
	Handle hoConditionalFormats
	Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormats)) to hoConditionalFormats
	Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
		Variant voConditionalFormat
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CT1" Nothing to voConditionalFormat
		Handle hoConditionalFormat
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat to voConditionalFormat
			Set ComForeColor of hoConditionalFormat to (RGB(128,128,128))
			Set ComApplyTo of hoConditionalFormat to |CI$1
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat
		Variant voConditionalFormat1
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CT2" Nothing to voConditionalFormat1
		Handle hoConditionalFormat1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat1
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat1 to voConditionalFormat1
			Set ComForeColor of hoConditionalFormat1 to (RGB(128,128,128))
			Set ComApplyTo of hoConditionalFormat1 to |CI$2
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat1
		Variant voConditionalFormat2
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CT3" Nothing to voConditionalFormat2
		Handle hoConditionalFormat2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat2
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat2 to voConditionalFormat2
			Set ComForeColor of hoConditionalFormat2 to (RGB(128,128,128))
			Set ComApplyTo of hoConditionalFormat2 to |CI$3
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat2
	Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormats
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Description" to Nothing
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Qty" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%1)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Price" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexTotalColumn to "avg(current,rec,%2)"
			Variant voEditor1
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor1
			Handle hoEditor1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Amount" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComComputedField of hoColumn2 to "%1 * %2"
			Set ComDef of hoColumn2 OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%3)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant r
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to r
		Variant g1
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 1" to g1
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 10
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 2
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 11
		Variant g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 2" to g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 3
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 12
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 4
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 13
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems 0 to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Send ComFreezeEvents False
Highlight the leaf items

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voConditionalFormats
	Get ComConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
	Handle hoConditionalFormats
	Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormats)) to hoConditionalFormats
	Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
		Variant voConditionalFormat
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CC0=0" Nothing to voConditionalFormat
		Handle hoConditionalFormat
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat to voConditionalFormat
			Set ComForeColor of hoConditionalFormat to (RGB(128,128,128))
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat
	Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormats
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Item" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 16
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Desc" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant hR
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to hR
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems hR 1 to "The root directory /"
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems hR to True
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems hR "Home" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to "The home directory with user directories Alice and Bob"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Alice" to Nothing
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Bob" to Nothing
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h to True
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems hR "Etc" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to "The etc directory with one configuration file"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "nginx.conf" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,hR,"Var")) 1 to "The var directory"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Highlight the parent items

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voConditionalFormats
	Get ComConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
	Handle hoConditionalFormats
	Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormats)) to hoConditionalFormats
	Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
		Variant voConditionalFormat
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CC0" Nothing to voConditionalFormat
		Handle hoConditionalFormat
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat to voConditionalFormat
			Set ComForeColor of hoConditionalFormat to (RGB(255,0,0))
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat
	Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormats
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Item" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 16
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Desc" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant hR
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to hR
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems hR 1 to "The root directory /"
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems hR to True
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems hR "Home" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to "The home directory with user directories Alice and Bob"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Alice" to Nothing
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Bob" to Nothing
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h to True
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems hR "Etc" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to "The etc directory with one configuration file"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "nginx.conf" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,hR,"Var")) 1 to "The var directory"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Highlight the item being expanded or collapsed

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voConditionalFormats
	Get ComConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
	Handle hoConditionalFormats
	Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormats)) to hoConditionalFormats
	Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormats to voConditionalFormats
		Variant voConditionalFormat
		Get ComAdd of hoConditionalFormats "%CX0" Nothing to voConditionalFormat
		Handle hoConditionalFormat
		Get Create (RefClass(cComConditionalFormat)) to hoConditionalFormat
		Set pvComObject of hoConditionalFormat to voConditionalFormat
			Set ComBold of hoConditionalFormat to True
		Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormat
	Send Destroy to hoConditionalFormats
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Item" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 16
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Desc" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant hR
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to hR
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems hR 1 to "The root directory /"
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems hR to True
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems hR "Home" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to "The home directory with user directories Alice and Bob"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Alice" to Nothing
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Bob" to Nothing
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h to True
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems hR "Etc" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to "The etc directory with one configuration file"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "nginx.conf" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,hR,"Var")) 1 to "The var directory"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I am using exTotalColumn. Is there an option to exclude specific cells to display the total

// Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.
Procedure OnComChange HITEM   llItem Integer   llColIndex Variant   llNewValue
	Forward Send OnComChange llItem llColIndex llNewValue
	Send ComRefresh

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComFreezeEvents True
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Description" to Nothing
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Qty" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%1)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Price" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexTotalColumn to "avg(current,rec,%2)"
			Variant voEditor1
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor1
			Handle hoEditor1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Amount" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComComputedField of hoColumn2 to "%1 * %2"
			Set ComDef of hoColumn2 OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%3)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant r
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to r
		Variant g1
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 1" to g1
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems g1 2 to "`<average missing>`"
		Set ComCellEditorVisible of hoItems g1 2 to False
		Set ComCellBold of hoItems g1 2 to True
		Set ComCellForeColor of hoItems g1 2 to (RGB(255,0,0))
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 10
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 2
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 11
		Variant g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 2" to g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 3
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 12
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 4
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 13
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems 0 to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Send ComFreezeEvents False
How can I add a total column

// Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.
Procedure OnComChange HITEM   llItem Integer   llColIndex Variant   llNewValue
	Forward Send OnComChange llItem llColIndex llNewValue
	Send ComRefresh

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComFreezeEvents True
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Description" to Nothing
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Qty" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%1)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Price" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexTotalColumn to "avg(current,rec,%2)"
			Variant voEditor1
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor1
			Handle hoEditor1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Amount" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComComputedField of hoColumn2 to "%1 * %2"
			Set ComDef of hoColumn2 OLEexTotalColumn to "sum(current,rec,%3)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant r
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to r
		Variant g1
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 1" to g1
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 10
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g1 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 2
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 11
		Variant g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems r "Group 2" to g2
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 3
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 12
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems g2 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to 4
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 2 to 13
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems 0 to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Send ComFreezeEvents False
Is it possible when I move the horizontal scroll bar, that the whole chart scrolls live during move the horizontal scroll bar. Not it scrolls just when I release the left mouse, not during change the horizontal scroll position
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComToolTip of hoChart to ""
	Send Destroy to hoChart
The exLinkStyle is not valid (the style of the link is still solid) if the link's width is greater than 1. What can be done
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Set ComAntiAliasing to True
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/4/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/5/2001" "1/7/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L1" h1 "K1" h2 "K2"
		Set ComLink of hoItems "L1" OLEexLinkStyle to 2
		Set ComLink of hoItems "L1" OLEexLinkWidth to 2
		Variant h3
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 4" to h3
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h3 "Task" "1/8/2001" "1/10/2001" "K3" Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L2" h2 "K2" h3 "K3"
		Set ComLink of hoItems "L2" OLEexLinkStyle to 1
		Set ComLink of hoItems "L2" OLEexLinkWidth to 2
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I change the tooltip's margins (method 2)

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Variant vToolTip
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComBarFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to vToolTip
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComShowToolTip vToolTip Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComToolTipMargin to "16,8"
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart1 to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart1 to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "..."
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Are there any properties to set text margins at tooltip, like Margins="5,5" (method 1). Margins is used to get some space between text and the tooltips border

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Variant vToolTip
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComBarFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to vToolTip
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComShowToolTip vToolTip Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComToolTipMargin to "16,8"
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart1 to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart1 to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "..."
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 24
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 20
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComAntiAliasing to True
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/10/2024"
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComDrawTickLines of hoLevel to OLEexLevelNoLine
			Send ComDrawTickLinesFrom of hoLevel 0 OLEexLevelDotLine
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (|CI$fffffef9 + OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Set ComShowLinks of hoChart to OLEexShowExtendedLinks
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T1")) "Task" "1/10/2024 10:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 10:20:00 AM" "T1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T2")) "Task" "1/10/2024 9:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 12:00:00 PM" "T2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T3")) "Task" "1/10/2024 8:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 8:30:00 AM" "T3" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T4")) "Task" "1/10/2024 8:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 8:30:00 AM" "T4" Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L13" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "T1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) "T3"
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L14" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "T1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,3)) "T4"
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L24" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) "T2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,3)) "T4"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
According to the documentation of the ShowExtendedLinksEnum value exShowExtendedLinks (1) it is possible to distinctly visualise links (rather than showing them one over another) when two or more links start or end on the same bar

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 24
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 20
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComAntiAliasing to True
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/10/2024"
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComDrawTickLines of hoLevel to OLEexLevelNoLine
			Send ComDrawTickLinesFrom of hoLevel 0 OLEexLevelDotLine
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (|CI$fffffef9 + OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T1")) "Task" "1/10/2024 10:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 10:20:00 AM" "T1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T2")) "Task" "1/10/2024 9:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 12:00:00 PM" "T2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T3")) "Task" "1/10/2024 8:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 8:30:00 AM" "T3" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"T4")) "Task" "1/10/2024 8:00:00 AM" "1/10/2024 8:30:00 AM" "T4" Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "T1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) "T3"
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) "T2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,3)) "T4"
		Set ComLink of hoItems "L2" OLEexLinkShowRound to 4
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How to use arrows key left/right to move the cursor left/right inside the text
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Edit" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEEditType
				Set ComOption of hoEditor OLEexLeftArrow to False
				Set ComOption of hoEditor OLEexRightArrow to False
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "000" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "111" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "222" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I force the cursor to jump to the end of the editor once the user clicks the cell
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComSelBackColor to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComSelForeColor to (ComForeColor(Self))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Edit" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEEditType
				Set ComOption of hoEditor OLEexEditSelStart to -1
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "000" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "111" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "222" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I show the overview with a different color except or outside the selection

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackColorLevelHeader to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelResize to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelOut to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComOverviewSelBackColor of hoChart to (RGB(255,255,255))
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelUnit to |CI$1000000
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "6/21/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 48
		Set ComOverviewVisible of hoChart1 to (|CI$400 + OLEexOverviewShowSelMargins + OLEexOverviewShowMargins + OLEexOverviewShowDateTimeScaleBottom + OLEexOverviewShowAllVisible)
		Set ComOverviewHeight of hoChart1 to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart1 to OLEexDay
		Set ComLabel of hoChart1 OLEexHour to ""
		Set ComLabel of hoChart1 OLEexMinute to ""
		Set ComLabel of hoChart1 OLEexSecond to ""
		Set ComAllowOverviewZoom of hoChart1 to OLEexAlwaysZoom
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "7/2/2001" "7/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "11/2/2001" "11/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Resize the chart using the overview's selection left and right margins (blue)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackColorLevelHeader to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelResize to (RGB(0,0,255))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/21/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComOverviewVisible of hoChart to (|CI$400 + OLEexOverviewShowSelMargins + OLEexOverviewShowMargins + OLEexOverviewShowDateTimeScaleBottom + OLEexOverviewShowAllVisible)
		Set ComOverviewHeight of hoChart to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexDay
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "7/2/2001" "7/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "11/2/2001" "11/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Resize the chart using the overview's selection left and right margins (black)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackColorLevelHeader to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelResize to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/21/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComOverviewVisible of hoChart to (|CI$400 + OLEexOverviewShowSelMargins + OLEexOverviewShowMargins + OLEexOverviewShowDateTimeScaleBottom + OLEexOverviewShowAllVisible)
		Set ComOverviewHeight of hoChart to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexDay
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "7/2/2001" "7/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "11/2/2001" "11/11/2001" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Disable temporarily the column's sort, resize and drag and drop

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComOnResizeControl to OLEexResizeChart
	Set ComSortBarVisible to True
	Set ComSortBarCaption to "<fgcolor 808080><c>the header and the sort-bar are disabled (no drag and drop is allowed)"
	Set ComAllowGroupBy to True
	Set ComHeaderEnabled to False
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Index" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn to "1 index ``"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Pos" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn1 to "1 apos ``"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns2 "Edit" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn2 to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEEditType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexVLines
	Set ComGridLineColor to (RGB(224,224,224))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 196
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexAllLines
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComDrawGridLines of hoLevel to True
			Variant v
				Get ComGridLineColor to v
			Set ComGridLineColor of hoLevel to v
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Finish-Start(FS) link (method 3)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Start-Start(SS) link (method 3)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkStartPos to 0
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkEndPos to 0
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Finish-Finish(FF) link (method 3)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkStartPos to 2
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkEndPos to 2
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Start-Finish(SF) link (method 3)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkStartPos to 0
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkEndPos to 2
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Finish-Start(FS) link (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h2 "" OLEexBarPredecessor to "1FS"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Start-Start(SS) link (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h2 "" OLEexBarPredecessor to "1SS"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Finish-Finish(FF) link (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h2 "" OLEexBarPredecessor to "1FF"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Start-Finish(SF) link (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h2 "" OLEexBarPredecessor to "1SF"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Start-Finish(SF) link (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkType to "SF"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Finish-Finish(FF) link (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkType to "FF"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Start-Start(SS) link (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkType to "SS"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds a Finish-Start(FS) link (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h1 "" h2 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkType to "FS"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
What is the difference between lags with "W" or without

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComAdd of hoBars "Task:Split" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComShortcut of hoBar to "Task"
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarKeepWorkingCount to True
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" OLEexBarSuccessor to "2SF:-1,3SF:-1W"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
What is the difference between lags with "W" or without

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" OLEexBarSuccessor to "2SF:-1,3SF:-1W"
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I remove all outgoing links

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/1/2001" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/5/2001" "1/8/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "1/9/2001" "1/12/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) ""
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) "" OLEexBarSuccessor to ""
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I remove all incoming links

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/1/2001" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/5/2001" "1/8/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "1/9/2001" "1/12/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) ""
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) "" OLEexBarPredecessor to ""
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How do I add a link between two bars (method 3)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/1/2001" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/5/2001" "1/8/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "" OLEexBarSuccessor to "2SF"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How do I add a link between two bars (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/1/2001" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/5/2001" "1/8/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "" OLEexBarPredecessor to "2SF"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Highlight the selected-link while editing the predecessor/successor column

// Occurs when the user links two bars using the mouse.
Procedure OnComAddLink String   llLinkKey
	Forward Send OnComAddLink llLinkKey
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComLink of hoItems llLinkKey OLEexLinkShowRound to 3
	Send Destroy to hoItems

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComOnResizeControl to OLEexResizeChart
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 32
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 28
	Set ComBackColorLevelHeader to (RGB(255,255,255))
	Set ComBackground OLEexPSLinkColorEditSel to (RGB(160,160,160))
	Set ComBackground OLEexPSBarColorEditSel to (RGB(128,128,128))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 48
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Start" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn1 to 48
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEDateType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "End" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn2 to 48
			Variant voEditor1
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn2 to voEditor1
			Handle hoEditor1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLEDateType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn2 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 543
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
		Variant voColumn3
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Predecessor" to voColumn3
		Handle hoColumn3
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn3
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn3 to voColumn3
			Variant voEditor2
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn3 to voEditor2
			Handle hoEditor2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor2
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor2 to voEditor2
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor2 to OLEEditType
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor2 to OLEMaskType
				Set ComMask of hoEditor2 to ";;;rich"
			Send Destroy to hoEditor2
			Set ComDef of hoColumn3 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 270
		Send Destroy to hoColumn3
		Variant voColumn4
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Successor" to voColumn4
		Handle hoColumn4
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn4
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn4 to voColumn4
			Variant voEditor3
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn4 to voEditor3
			Handle hoEditor3
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor3
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor3 to voEditor3
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor3 to OLEEditType
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor3 to OLEMaskType
				Set ComMask of hoEditor3 to ";;;rich"
			Send Destroy to hoEditor3
			Set ComDef of hoColumn4 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 271
		Send Destroy to hoColumn4
		Variant voColumn5
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "(I)" to voColumn5
		Handle hoColumn5
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn5
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn5 to voColumn5
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn5 to "1 index ``"
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn5 to 0
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn5 to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn5 to 20
		Send Destroy to hoColumn5
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to True
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineColor to (RGB(224,224,224))
	Set ComAntiAliasing to True
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComShowLinks of hoChart to OLEexShowExtendedLinks
		Set ComLinksStyle of hoChart to OLEexLinkSolid
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 362
		Set ComNonworkingDays of hoChart to 0
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to True
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAutoEndInclusive
		Set ComAllowZoomOnFly of hoChart to (|CI$fffffcc4 + OLEexZoomOnFlyIncludeSelectedItems + OLEexZoomOnFlyBarsOnly + OLEexZoomOnFly + OLEexZoomOnFlyCtrl + OLEexZoomOnFlyShift)
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexAllLines
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComHeight of hoBar to 15
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "<%=%C5%>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Set ComAllowCellValueToItemBar of hoItems1 to True
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 (ComAddItem(hoItems1,"Phase A")) "Task" "1/1/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 (ComAddItem(hoItems1,"Phase B")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/7/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 (ComAddItem(hoItems1,"Phase C")) "Task" "12/29/2000" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems1 "L1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems1,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems1,1)) ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems1 "L1" OLEexLinkPDMDelay to 1
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems1 "L2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems1,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems1,2)) ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems1 "L3" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems1,2)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems1,1)) ""
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems1 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adding an editable successor column

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 48
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Successor" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEEditType
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEMaskType
				Set ComMask of hoEditor to ";;;rich"
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 271
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "(I)" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn2 to "1 index ``"
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn2 to 0
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn2 to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn2 to 20
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to True
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineColor to (RGB(224,224,224))
	Set ComAntiAliasing to True
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 256
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to True
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAutoEndInclusive
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComAllowCellValueToItemBar of hoItems to True
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Phase A")) "Task" "1/1/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Phase B")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/7/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Phase C")) "Task" "12/29/2000" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L3" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) ""
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adding an editable predecessor column

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 48
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Predecessor" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEEditType
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEMaskType
				Set ComMask of hoEditor to ";;;rich"
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 270
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "(I)" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn2 to "1 index ``"
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn2 to 0
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn2 to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn2 to 20
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to True
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineColor to (RGB(224,224,224))
	Set ComAntiAliasing to True
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 256
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to True
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAutoEndInclusive
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComAllowCellValueToItemBar of hoItems to True
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Phase A")) "Task" "1/1/2001" "1/6/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Phase B")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/7/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Phase C")) "Task" "12/29/2000" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L1" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L2" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,0)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L3" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,2)) "" (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) ""
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adding an Index column

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart True to 0
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Name" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 48
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Index" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn1 to "1 index ``"
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn1 to 0
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn1 to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn1 to 48
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Phase A" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Phase B" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Phase C" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Create a new bar should start at 1 day (after moving some pixel to the right 1 days is showing) and new days should been showing as soon as you hit the next day. How can I do that (create bar manually)

// Fired when the user creates a new bar.
Procedure OnComCreateBar HITEM   llItem DateTime   llDateStart DateTime   llDateEnd
	Forward Send OnComCreateBar llItem llDateStart llDateEnd
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems llItem "Task" llDateStart llDateEnd "" "new"
	Send Destroy to hoItems

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComOnResizeControl to OLEexResizeChart
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Index" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn to "1 index ``"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexHLines
	Set ComGridLineColor to (RGB(224,224,224))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComNonworkingDays of hoChart to 0
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to True
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarManualEndInclusive
		Set ComAllowZoomOnFly of hoChart to (|CI$fffffcc4 + OLEexZoomOnFlyIncludeSelectedItems + OLEexZoomOnFlyBarsOnly + OLEexZoomOnFly + OLEexZoomOnFlyCtrl + OLEexZoomOnFlyShift)
		Variant v
			Get ComGridLineStyle to v
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to v
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexAllLines
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComDrawGridLines of hoLevel to True
			Variant v1
				Get ComGridLineColor to v1
			Set ComGridLineColor of hoLevel to v1
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Create a new bar should start at 1 day (after moving some pixel to the right 1 days is showing) and new days should been showing as soon as you hit the next day. How can I do that (create bar automatically)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComOnResizeControl to OLEexResizeChart
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Index" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn to "1 index ``"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexHLines
	Set ComGridLineColor to (RGB(224,224,224))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/28/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComNonworkingDays of hoChart to 0
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to True
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAutoEndInclusive
		Set ComAllowZoomOnFly of hoChart to (|CI$fffffcc4 + OLEexZoomOnFlyIncludeSelectedItems + OLEexZoomOnFlyBarsOnly + OLEexZoomOnFly + OLEexZoomOnFlyCtrl + OLEexZoomOnFlyShift)
		Variant v
			Get ComGridLineStyle to v
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to v
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexAllLines
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComDrawGridLines of hoLevel to True
			Variant v1
				Get ComGridLineColor to v1
			Set ComGridLineColor of hoLevel to v1
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display the "<%ddd%> <%d%> <%mmm%>" format followed by number of working-days when using the DateTickerLabel property (method 4, locale)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComAdd of hoBars "Task:Split" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComShortcut of hoBar to "Task"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
		Variant voBars1
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars1
		Handle hoBars1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars1
		Set pvComObject of hoBars1 to voBars1
			Variant voBar1
			Get ComItem of hoBars1 "Task" to voBar1
			Handle hoBar1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar1
			Set pvComObject of hoBar1 to voBar1
				Set ComDef of hoBar1 OLEexBarKeepWorkingCount to True
			Send Destroy to hoBar1
		Send Destroy to hoBars1
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%=value format `ddd dd`%><fgcolor 808080><%=(value=end?` (` + (wcount) + `wd)`:``)%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/28/2005" "7/1/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display the "<%ddd%> <%d%> <%mmm%>" format followed by number of days when using the DateTickerLabel property (method 4, locale)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%=value format `ddd dd`%><fgcolor 808080><%=(value=end?` (` + (end-start) + `d)`:``)%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/28/2005" "7/1/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display the "<%ddd%> <%d%> <%mmm%>" format followed by number of days when using the DateTickerLabel property (method 3, english locale)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%=(0 array (0:=(longdate(date(value)) split `,`)) left 3) + ` ` +  ((2 array ((1 array =:0) split ` `)) lpad `00`) + (value=end?` (` + (end-start) + `d)`:``)%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/28/2005" "7/1/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display the "<%ddd%> <%d%> <%mmm%>" format for start and end margins, but end margin should display one day before followed by the number of days

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%=(weekday(0:=(value-(value=end?1:0))) array 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' ') + ` ` + day(=:0) + ` ` + ((month(=:0) - 1) array 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec' split ' ') + (value=end?` (` + (end-start) + `d)`:``)%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/28/2005" "7/1/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display the "<%ddd%> <%d%> <%mmm%>" format followed by number of days when using the DateTickerLabel property (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%ddd%> <%d%> <%mmm%><%=(value=end?` (` + (end-start) + `d)`:``)%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/28/2005" "7/1/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display the "<%ddd%> <%d%> <%mmm%>" format followed by number of days when using the DateTickerLabel property (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%=(weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' ') + ` ` + day(value) + ` ` + ((month(value) - 1) array 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec' split ' ') + (value=end?` (` + (end-start) + `d)`:``)%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/28/2005" "7/1/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display just the end-margin when user resizes the bar

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%=value=start?``:value%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/23/2005" "7/3/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to include the number of days (duration in days, hours, minutes) within the date-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComResizeUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%=date(value=end?value-1:value)%><fgcolor 666666><off -4><%=value=end?` ` + ((1:=int(0:= end - start)) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 ? =:1 + ' hour(s) ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : ''):``%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/23/2005" "7/3/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to include the number of days within the date-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%mmm%> <%d%><fgcolor 808080><%=value=end?` (`+(end - start) + ` days)`:``%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/23/2005" "7/3/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to show the date-label with the bar being created, moved or resized instead below the header-bar

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%mmm%> <%d%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/23/2005" "7/3/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Date-label customization

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 2 "CP:1 -2 -2 4 4" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelBack to |CI$2000000
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelFore to (RGB(255,255,255))
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelHAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelVAlign to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelHMargin to (RGB(4,0,0))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%mmm%><br><%d%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/23/2005" "7/3/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I change the visual appearance for the date-label (EBN)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelBack to |CI$1000000
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelFore to (RGB(10,10,10))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to " <%mmm%> <%d%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/23/2005" "7/3/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I change the visual appearance for the date-label (solid colors)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVertical)
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelBack to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Set ComBackground OLEexDateTickerLabelFore to (RGB(255,255,255))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/20/2005"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawDateTicker of hoChart to True
		Set ComDateTickerLabel of hoChart to "<%mmm%> <%d%>"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "6/21/2005" "6/28/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "6/23/2005" "7/3/2005" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate

// Occurs when an anchor element is clicked.
Procedure OnComAnchorClick String   llAnchorID String   llOptions
	Forward Send OnComAnchorClick llAnchorID llOptions
	Showln llAnchorID

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to True
	Set ComTreeColumnIndex to -1
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComBackColorAlternate to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Set ComShowFocusRect to False
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Default" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "before item" to Nothing
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "<solidline> <c><b>Bank Account 1</b></solidline><br>+ owner: String <r><a 1;e64=gA8ABzABvABsABpABkg8JABuABlAA+AAgAECMcTi4AMwAM4AjMGhEGOUVAA4AAwk8plcqihwAElg0wiUlOkOiUEgQvgcFhsKhkIhUQiUUnccj0gn0jmMagUlowAMNOpEfkMNkkmlEqrctjQmAAjAA5AA2sssHcbnkdq1Ln1QtVSjQAAEBA==>▲</a><br><solidline>+ balance: Currency = 0</solidline><br>+ deposit(amount: Currency)<r><a 2;e64=gA8ABjAA+AECMwAM8DABvABshoAOQAEAAHAAGEWjEajMGNoAMoAOgANERMgAOcHAAvAEJhcEh0Qh0Tg0CmkqMMFlUuhkxiMTisXjNCjk6EwAEYAHIAG1MjY7lUsnkwh8/nUClk5gwAAEBA==>▲</a><br>+ withdraw(amount: Currency)" to h
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems h 0 to OLEexHTML
		Set ComCellSingleLine of hoItems h 0 to False
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "<solidline> <c><b>Bank Account 2</b><br> <c><fgcolor 808080>properties</solidline><a 1;e64=gArAAgABvAB3ABuABlAByAA6gYAKYAOkNABphIAM8RHgAMMRGIAHcLAA2AA0AA9jQAIIAHEsABCAB6mEyO01ABznBwnBrlcvJU4Os4NkwlsClstjctIoAIYAJoAMYAKkXk8wqMIltRlEtNVQABHABoAFNsRPABVABWo1XpMHAE+l88otTONWslasoAosbGFwjFqoton1owN7jZRAE3jdTI1jnIAJeQnxJyFqxWHtUKqdTr9/jcKv9fNtgj8bwUFuFbABOAFonlNM1xsGun0+0tFpt3h1TitfxWlt9ft41toyyM6nRIqQAMUZnxkAF3kJMjMhxUVtkT4FtpsylsqlQ+AEdh3kEwAEYAHMlAHGv8jjovjwA8kd5/n8uRg1FjDpP8jKGPIgSCOej6io+ziSIgginqGhyHIZBY8oilSCL++b+L4q0AKshUBgBESAgA==><r>▼</a></fgcolor><br><c><fgcolor 808080>methods</fgcolor><r><a 2;e64=gArAAgABkABlABwABvABzABpAB0AAoABhABthYAOoAN0RAA6gYAIcaAByksHjgAMYAPIAFIAHkVkIyAA7lA2AA0AA9ABnABBAA4n4AIQANVDoECoBFkQAJoAO9Dp9CIlDop2q0NABojNAJ4AKNDplAoBIpAAI4AphXo1qmVHp9pJ1dp10r8+oFzphSut4AFfldmsgArFLABKrcqt1cGFgxONKk9AGNkcYNYAON1p5GABsABVklcy54h91yMQhxYttzkdHy84plRwxZodmJNDtIxutH2g3zufrUdy9RrlCF8p0Ejz2XGuS2ViolDnk8H0wk/VEwAEYAHIAnHNxs2mPHi3VmJi64AgUEqMQiVcg0mi1RikWjEMjcdiUggkjjaTJMhCOpWlqXgAACAg><fgcolor 808080>▼</fgcolor></a>" to h
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems h 0 to OLEexHTML
		Set ComCellSingleLine of hoItems h 0 to False
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "after item" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to True
	Set ComTreeColumnIndex to -1
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComBackColorAlternate to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Set ComShowFocusRect to False
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Default" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "before item" to Nothing
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "<solidline><b>Header</b></solidline><br>Line1<r><a ;exp=show lines>+</a><br>Line2<br>Line3" to h
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems h 0 to OLEexHTML
		Set ComCellSingleLine of hoItems h 0 to False
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "after item" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Can I change the pattern for a specific bar only
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/31/2009"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComStartColor of hoBar to (RGB(255,255,255))
				Set ComEndColor of hoBar to (ComColor(hoBar))
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Types" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Original")) "Task" "1/4/2010" "1/9/2010" "" Nothing
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "W/h Pattern" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/4/2010" "1/9/2010" "" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "" OLEexBarPattern to 6
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Original")) "Task" "1/4/2010" "1/9/2010" "" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Force hover-all feature
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComBackground OLEexScrollHoverAll to -1
Disable hover-all feature (Windows 11 or greater)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComBackground OLEexScrollHoverAll to (RGB(1,0,0))
I'm using the Milestone bar type, but find it to small and want to enlarge it. I can change the bar height, but then the shape gets a bit distorted (e.g. it doesn't scale properly)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 2 "CP:1 1 1 11 -2" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 32
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Milestone" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComHeight of hoBar to 24
				Set ComColor of hoBar to |CI$2000000
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Milestone" "1/2/2001" "1/2/2001" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I'm using the Milestone bar type, but find it to small and want to enlarge it. I can change the bar height, but then the shape gets a bit distorted (e.g. it doesn't scale properly)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 2 "CP:1 -6 0 20 0" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 32
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Milestone" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComHeight of hoBar to 28
				Set ComColor of hoBar to |CI$2000000
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Milestone" "1/2/2001" "1/2/2001" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I'm using the Milestone bar type, but find it to small and want to enlarge it. I can change the bar height, but then the shape gets a bit distorted (e.g. it doesn't scale properly)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 32
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Milestone" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComHeight of hoBar to 28
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Milestone" "1/2/2001" "1/2/2001" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Display the bar's tooltip at runtime

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Variant vToolTip
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComBarFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to vToolTip
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComShowToolTip vToolTip Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart1 to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart1 to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "..."
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Includes the cell's state and user-data to bar's tooltip

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellHasCheckBox to True
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<%=%C0%><br>Start: <%=%1%><br>End: <%=%2%><br>State: <b><%=%CS0%></b><br>UserData: <b><%=%CD0%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 1" to h
		Set ComCellState of hoItems h 0 to 1
		Set ComCellData of hoItems h 0 to "just some data"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "B" "B"
		Set ComCellData of hoItems h 0 to "just nother data"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows the tooltip of the object moved relative to its default position

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Send ComShowToolTip "<null>" "<null>" "+8" "+8"

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<b><%=%C0 + ` ` + %9%></b><br>Start: <b><%=%1%></b><br>End: <b><%=%2%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds, changes or replaces the title of the object's tooltip

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Variant vTitle
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComBarFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to vTitle
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComShowToolTip "<null>" vTitle Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart1 to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart1 to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<b><%=%C0 + ` ` + %9%></b><br>Start: <b><%=%1%></b><br>End: <b><%=%2%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds, changes or replaces the object's tooltip

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Variant vToolTip
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComBarFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to vToolTip
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComShowToolTip vToolTip Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart1 to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart1 to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<b><%=%C0 + ` ` + %9%></b><br>Start: <b><%=%1%></b><br>End: <b><%=%2%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows a new tooltip and title at current position

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Send ComShowToolTip "new content" "new title" Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<b><%=%C0 + ` ` + %9%></b><br>Start: <b><%=%1%></b><br>End: <b><%=%2%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows a new tooltip and title moved relative to the current position

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Send ComShowToolTip "new content" "new title" "+8" "+8"

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<b><%=%C0 + ` ` + %9%></b><br>Start: <b><%=%1%></b><br>End: <b><%=%2%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Displays a different tooltip at a fixed position
// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Send ComShowToolTip "new content" "" 128 128

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<b><%=%C0 + ` ` + %9%></b><br>Start: <b><%=%1%></b><br>End: <b><%=%2%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide the tooltip

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Send ComShowToolTip "" "" Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<b><%=%C0 + ` ` + %9%></b><br>Start: <b><%=%1%></b><br>End: <b><%=%2%></b>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I need 2 bars that are linked together and cannot be moved/splitted alone (moving one should move the two bars, like a « Group » of bars). How can I achieve that

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComHeaderVisible to OLEexHeaderVisibleExtendLevels
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems Nothing to Nothing
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/5/2001 12:00:00 PM" "1/7/2001" "T1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h1 "" OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/4/2001 12:00:00 PM" "T2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h1 "T2" OLEexBarColor to 255
		Send ComGroupBars of hoItems h1 "T1" True h1 "T2" True 27 0
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I show the tooltip programmatically ( I want to be able to set the tooltip content dynamically just before the tooltip start to appear, not using the exBarTooltip )
// Fired when the control prepares the object's tooltip.
Procedure OnComToolTip HITEM   llItem Integer   llColIndex Boolean   llVisible Integer   llX Integer   llY Integer   llCX Integer   llCY
	Forward Send OnComToolTip llItem llColIndex llVisible llX llY llCX llCY
	Variant vToolTip
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComBarFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to vToolTip
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComShowToolTip vToolTip Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart1 to OLEexNoCreateBar
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "1/1/2010"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart1 to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "..."
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2010" "1/5/2010" "A" "A"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2010" "1/8/2010" "B" "B"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/8/2010" "1/11/2010" "C" "C"
		Send ComGroupBars of hoItems h "A" False h "B" True 39 Nothing
		Send ComGroupBars of hoItems h "B" False h "C" True 39 Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I'd like to move itembars from one item to another, using .Chart.Bars("Task").Def(exBarCanMoveToAnother) = True this works for any new bar. The question is how can I specify this feature for bars already created

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 32
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexRowLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexRowLines
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to False
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to OLEexOverlaidBarsCascade
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "only horizontal"
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaptionVOffset to 18
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCanMoveToAnother to True
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/5/2001" "A" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/4/2001" "1/6/2001" "B" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/5/2001" "C" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems 0 "<*>" OLEexBarCanMoveToAnother to False
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I'd like to move itembars from one item to another, using .Chart.Bars("Task").Def(exBarCanMoveToAnother) = True this works for any new bar. The question is can I disable this for particular item-bars

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 32
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexRowLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexRowLines
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to False
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to OLEexOverlaidBarsCascade
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "anywhere"
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaptionVOffset to 18
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCanMoveToAnother to True
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/5/2001" "A" Nothing
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Item 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/4/2001" "1/6/2001" "B" "only horiontal"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "B" OLEexBarCanMoveToAnother to False
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 3")) "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/5/2001" "C" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I need the top row to display months, while the second to show units in weeks, but can 10 by 10 days days. Is it possible

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexVLines
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 30
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComUnit of hoLevel to OLEexMonth
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComUnit of hoLevel1 to OLEexDay
			Set ComCount of hoLevel1 to 10
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Limit the chart's margins when using the CopyTo method

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMarkSearchColumn to False
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Start" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 1
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "End" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 2
			Variant voEditor1
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn1 to voEditor1
			Handle hoEditor1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLESpinType
			Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 196
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComShowEmptyBars of hoChart to 1
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2009"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComAllowCellValueToItemBar of hoItems to True
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "1/2/2009" "1/7/2009" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "1/4/2009" "1/9/2009" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComStartPrintDate of hoChart1 to "1/4/2009"
		Set ComEndPrintDate of hoChart1 to "1/5/2009"
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant var_CopyTo
	Get ComCopyTo "c:/temp/xtest.pdf" to var_CopyTo
	Showln "Look for C:\Temp\xtest.pdf file."
	Send ComEndUpdate
I want to always keep the bottom item stationary. It can always display even when scrolling vertically. The bar placed at the bottom item is must be movable to other items

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant color
	Move 15790320 to color
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDebug to True
	Set ComHeaderVisible to OLEexHeaderVisibleExtendLevels
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComShowLockedItems to True
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/31/2015"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCanMoveToAnother to True
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComLockedItemCount of hoItems OLEexTop to 3
		Variant h
		Get ComLockedItem of hoItems OLEexTop 0 to h
		Set ComItemBackColor of hoItems h to color
			Variant voChart1
			Get ComChart to voChart1
			Handle hoChart1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
			Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
				Set ComItemBackColor of hoChart1 h to color
			Send Destroy to hoChart1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 0 to "locked-top 1"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/4/2016" "1/8/2016" "T1" Nothing
		Get ComLockedItem of hoItems OLEexTop 1 to h
		Set ComItemBackColor of hoItems h to color
			Variant voChart2
			Get ComChart to voChart2
			Handle hoChart2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart2
			Set pvComObject of hoChart2 to voChart2
				Set ComItemBackColor of hoChart2 h to color
			Send Destroy to hoChart2
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 0 to "locked-top 2"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2016" "1/9/2016" "T2" Nothing
		Get ComLockedItem of hoItems OLEexTop 2 to h
		Set ComSelectItem of hoItems h to False
		Set ComItemDivider of hoItems h to 0
		Set ComItemHeight of hoItems h to 2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"un-locked item 1")) "Task" "1/4/2016" "1/8/2016" "T3" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"un-locked item 2")) "Task" "1/5/2016" "1/9/2016" "T4" Nothing
		Set ComLockedItemCount of hoItems OLEexMiddle to 3
		Get ComLockedItem of hoItems OLEexMiddle 0 to h
		Set ComSelectItem of hoItems h to False
		Set ComItemDivider of hoItems h to 0
		Set ComItemHeight of hoItems h to 2
		Get ComLockedItem of hoItems OLEexMiddle 1 to h
		Set ComItemBackColor of hoItems h to color
			Variant voChart3
			Get ComChart to voChart3
			Handle hoChart3
			Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart3
			Set pvComObject of hoChart3 to voChart3
				Set ComItemBackColor of hoChart3 h to color
			Send Destroy to hoChart3
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 0 to "locked-bottom 1"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/4/2016" "1/8/2016" "T5" Nothing
		Get ComLockedItem of hoItems OLEexMiddle 2 to h
		Set ComItemBackColor of hoItems h to color
			Variant voChart4
			Get ComChart to voChart4
			Handle hoChart4
			Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart4
			Set pvComObject of hoChart4 to voChart4
				Set ComItemBackColor of hoChart4 h to color
			Send Destroy to hoChart4
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 0 to "locked-bottom 2"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/5/2016" "1/9/2016" "T6" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I get a cell that shows the sum of a column of minutes in hours + minutes format

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Minutes" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComSortType of hoColumn to OLESortNumeric
			Variant voEditor
			Get ComEditor of hoColumn to voEditor
			Handle hoEditor
			Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
			Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
				Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEEditType
				Set ComNumeric of hoEditor to OLEexInteger
			Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 10 to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 20 to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 30 to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 40 to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 50 to Nothing
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "sum(all,dir,dbl(%0))" to h
		Set ComSelectableItem of hoItems h to False
		Set ComSortableItem of hoItems h to False
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems h 0 to (OLEexTotalField + OLEexHTML)
		Set ComCellHAlignment of hoItems h 0 to OLERightAlignment
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "'<b>HH:NN</b>: '+ (int(value/60) lpad '00') + ':' + ((value mod 60) lpad '00')"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Ensure that a bar fits the chart's visible area (unique keys)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "3/26/2023"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task A")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/12/2001" "T1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task B")) "Task" "1/20/2001" "1/31/2001" "T2" Nothing
		Send ComEnsureVisibleBar of hoItems 0 "T1"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Ensure that a bar fits the chart's visible area

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "3/26/2023"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task A" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/12/2001" "T1" Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task B" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Task" "1/20/2001" "1/31/2001" "T2" Nothing
		Send ComEnsureVisibleBar of hoItems h1 "T1"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to change the visual appearance for the frame to create newly bar by drag and drop

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackground OLEexChartCreateBar to |CI$1000000
	Set ComBackground OLEexCreateBarHeight to (RGB(15,0,0))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComColor of hoBar to |CI$1000000
				Set ComHeight of hoBar to 15
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 1")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/7/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Item 2")) "Task" "1/6/2001" "1/14/2001" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Highlight the match once the filter is applied

// Occurs when the filter was changed.
Procedure OnComFilterChange 
	Forward Send OnComFilterChange 
	Variant format
	Get ComFormatABC "`lower(value) replace lower('` + value + `') with '<bgcolor 000000><fgcolor FFFFFF>` + value  + `</fgcolor></bgcolor>'`" (ComFilterBarPromptPattern(Self)) Nothing Nothing to format
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns 0 to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn to format
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComItem of hoColumns1 1 to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn1 to format
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComItem of hoColumns2 2 to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn2 to format
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComSelBackColor to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComSelForeColor to (ComForeColor(Self))
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to True
	Set ComContinueColumnScroll to False
	Set ComMarkSearchColumn to False
	Set ComSearchColumnIndex to 1
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 23
	Set ComBackColorLevelHeader to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComFilterBarCaption to "`<b>` + value + `</b><r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` : ``)"
	Set ComFilterBarPromptVisible to (OLEexFilterBarCompact + OLEexFilterBarCaptionVisible + OLEexFilterBarVisible + OLEexFilterBarPromptVisible)
	Set ComFilterBarBackColor to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComFilterBarPromptPattern to "and"
	Variant voColumns3
	Get ComColumns to voColumns3
	Handle hoColumns3
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns3
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns3 to voColumns3
		Variant voColumn3
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns3 "Name" to voColumn3
		Handle hoColumn3
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn3
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn3 to voColumn3
			Set ComDef of hoColumn3 OLEexCellValueFormat to 1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn3 to "lower(value)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn3
		Variant voColumn4
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns3 "Title" to voColumn4
		Handle hoColumn4
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn4
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn4 to voColumn4
			Set ComDef of hoColumn4 OLEexCellValueFormat to 1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn4 to "lower(value)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn4
		Variant voColumn5
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns3 "City" to voColumn5
		Handle hoColumn5
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn5
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn5 to voColumn5
			Set ComDef of hoColumn5 OLEexCellValueFormat to 1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn5 to "lower(value)"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn5
	Send Destroy to hoColumns3
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h0
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Nancy Davolio" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Sales Representative"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "Seattle"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Andrew Fuller" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Vice President, Sales"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "Tacoma"
		Set ComSelectItem of hoItems h0 to True
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Janet Leverling" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Sales Representative"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "Kirkland"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Margaret Peacock" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Sales Representative"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "Redmond"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Steven Buchanan" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Sales Manager"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "London"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Michael Suyama" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Sales Representative"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "London"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Robert King" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Sales Representative"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "London"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Laura Callahan" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Inside Sales Coordinator"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "Seattle"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Anne Dodsworth" to h0
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 1 to "Sales Representative"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h0 2 to "London"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
The count of filtered items includes the group-parents. How can I exclude them from count

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexVLines
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEFlat
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Set ComSortBarHeight to 28
	Set ComSortBarVisible to True
	Set ComAllowGroupBy to True
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Col 1" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Col 2" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"219 Smith")) 1 to "Ignacio 1234"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"1666 County Road 309A")) 1 to "897 Manassa"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"38 Lone Pine")) 1 to "Durango 11"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"612 Jachim Street")) 1 to "Lamar 222"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Set ComLayout to "MultipleSort="C1:1""
	Set ComFilterBarCaption to "`<b>` + value + `</b><r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? leafitemcount + ` result(s)` : ``)"
	Set ComFilterBarPromptVisible to (OLEexFilterBarCompact + OLEexFilterBarCaptionVisible + OLEexFilterBarVisible + OLEexFilterBarPromptVisible)
	Set ComFilterBarPromptType to (OLEexFilterPromptCaseSensitive + OLEexFilterPromptContainsAll)
	Set ComFilterBarPromptPattern to "12"
	Set ComFilterBarBackColor to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to display the count of filtered items

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexVLines
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Col 1" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Col 2" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"219 Smith")) 1 to "Ignacio 1234"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"1666 County Road 309A")) 1 to "897 Manassa"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"38 Lone Pine")) 1 to "Durango 11"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"612 Jachim Street")) 1 to "Lamar 222"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Set ComFilterBarCaption to "`<b>` + value + `</b><r><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` : ``)"
	Set ComFilterBarPromptVisible to (OLEexFilterBarCompact + OLEexFilterBarCaptionVisible + OLEexFilterBarVisible + OLEexFilterBarPromptVisible)
	Set ComFilterBarPromptType to (OLEexFilterPromptCaseSensitive + OLEexFilterPromptContainsAll)
	Set ComFilterBarPromptPattern to "12"
	Set ComFilterBarBackColor to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Send ComEndUpdate
// Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems llItem "Task" (ComCellValue(hoItems,llItem,2)) (ComCellValue(hoItems,llItem,4)) Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "Orders" "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.mdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "8/4/1994"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 256
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Set ComAllowCellValueToItemBar of hoItems1 to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns 2 to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComItem of hoColumns1 4 to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 2
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Send ComEndUpdate
exOverlaidBarsOffset + exOverlaidBarTransparent + exBarCanMoveToAnother
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 22
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexRowLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexRowLines
		Set ComGridLineStyle of hoChart to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
		Set ComResizeUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to (OLEexOverlaidBarsTransparent + OLEexOverlaidBarsOffset)
				Set ComOverlaid of hoBar OLEexOverlaidBarsTransparent to 70
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCanMoveToAnother to true
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Set ComItemsAllowSizing to OLEexResizeItem
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComSelectableItem of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,Nothing)) to False
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/4/2001" "A1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/5/2001" "A2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/4/2001" "1/7/2001" "A3" Nothing
		Set ComItemHeight of hoItems h to 64
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/7/2001" "1/10/2001" "A4" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/8/2001" "1/12/2001" "A5" Nothing
		Set ComSelectableItem of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,Nothing)) to False
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Editors (ImageSize = 32)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComImageSize to 32
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 36
	Set ComHeaderHeight to (ComDefaultItemHeight(Self))
	Set ComSortBarHeight to (ComDefaultItemHeight(Self))
	Variant voStdFont
	Get ComFont to voStdFont
	Handle hoStdFont
	Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont
	Set pvComObject of hoStdFont to voStdFont
		Set ComSize of hoStdFont to 16
	Send Destroy to hoStdFont
	Variant voStdFont1
	Get ComFilterBarFont to voStdFont1
	Handle hoStdFont1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont1
	Set pvComObject of hoStdFont1 to voStdFont1
		Variant v
			Variant voStdFont2
			Get ComFont to voStdFont2
			Handle hoStdFont2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont2
			Set pvComObject of hoStdFont2 to voStdFont2
				Get ComSize of hoStdFont2 to v
			Send Destroy to hoStdFont2
		Set ComSize of hoStdFont1 to v
	Send Destroy to hoStdFont1
	Variant voStdFont3
	Get ComToolTipFont to voStdFont3
	Handle hoStdFont3
	Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont3
	Set pvComObject of hoStdFont3 to voStdFont3
		Variant v1
			Variant voStdFont4
			Get ComFont to voStdFont4
			Handle hoStdFont4
			Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont4
			Set pvComObject of hoStdFont4 to voStdFont4
				Get ComSize of hoStdFont4 to v1
			Send Destroy to hoStdFont4
		Set ComSize of hoStdFont3 to v1
	Send Destroy to hoStdFont3
	Set ComIndent to 26
	Send ComImages ("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" + ;
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "gBFLBCJwBAEHhEJAAEhABfICg6AADACAxRDgMQBQKAAzQFAYbhkGCGAAGMZxRgmFgAQhFcZQSKUOQTDKMIziaQAGgkNQwCSLIwjNIsBxPFKVQChEYxSjKA40SJNUgyj6CCY+QLIE5PfQgAL9I6eJABCCSQKkYx0HScRiwPBIbAZAYhCZqaKhWgkKI/WBQIABRDVLx5ESiLRtKy7Mq2bpvXBcNxXHalaztO68LxvKyqHb5fJ/PpgL4YHgmC4NQ7EMRwF6rfbyfZ7Xg/ORPTijZ4sdzMHTzJyscx3HqfaBoOaZU5eMLceTUMofHIndxCcasPbsOatVqjG5sYjcGC3La9cz3Pq/bpuDCbMxuaK1TrYXr1TTrcofBDldAxXRKDxRDWVhLnYOw9i6XxzjuXprCaOoKB6EwbiCZZCGOdZYlcT4xHmbhMnwNxtn+G5bmqdZ7n4Pw/i+X5zm+dQ9g4CAFjsfAJheOI8HsDoWDWTB/lwSAQkmA5PEgRYoDyDwYFYFoFmGCBmBqBphDgRJ0gOTIYBGRB/lyRh0iSCZbjYWJzgWDwIjYLoLmMCJGDKDJjBgWgqG6YhyhGHRzA2aJ1mCABOAiOJvhCZBJBYRoRmSCQmEqEQimkAZgg8TZnDCV4UkmCUmBKZYJGYWoWCUUhiFMNZckNUh2GENoaGaGZmgmJhqhqZpGGIEx2GYIxSGGGJdggWJth2Z4JmYeoemeSZ2H6H4hGmQhihyTRHGYLg7CiCgmgqIpokoNoOiOaJ4jqAochqaZGgaCxpAoZoaiaaJqEmWIcGgShcnCJwqEqFoR3YOoFlgchflqNouiuawHmWSYqGkWZQhcatzmaOoumuSp2j6L5bBaKo0GQKRnGGCxqiyCwmkqMpsksNpOGUGI7A0ew1G0Rxlg0PptgsZuDG2Sx2l6N5tnYNZZjUDRXDCVo5l2FoymqOpukuNpujubwLjmWY5k0ZwxkaFxYlWdp6j6b5Lnafo/nABQdg2FxcUsY5BkmXAkmeQpckwNRrkKTh8CSHZBk4NwyC4KxxgMDwakOMZDn8GgwnGAo2C4cwthMcwmCcMoHBMHRehwTIghySYNksZwcH4HBMEsHx5hyPItiweYxnwSZEH4Mozn0fR+DMAo7EYJ50gkdZelKdNql2UgJn0GIukwH4HicQRai2GI4mSVpNl0dZGledgNgcYpYDWUx3FsOQi5YV5anaTY3G6W53A2RxylydxFjiaxEFCCgBBAQ==" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackColorHeader to |CI$4c6c6c6
	Set ComSelBackColor to |CI$4000000
	Set ComSelForeColor to (RGB(0,0,1))
	Set ComShowFocusRect to False
	Set ComCheckImage OLEUnchecked to 16777216
	Set ComCheckImage OLEChecked to 33554432
	Set ComCheckImage OLEPartialChecked to 50331648
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Editors" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellValueFormat to 1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant voEditor
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(ReadOnly)")) 0 to voEditor
		Handle hoEditor
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEReadOnly
		Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Variant voEditor1
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(EditType)")) 0 to voEditor1
		Handle hoEditor1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLEEditType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Value 1" to h
		Variant voEditor2
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor2
		Handle hoEditor2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor2
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor2 to voEditor2
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor2 to OLEDropDownType
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor2 1 "Value 1" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor2 2 "Value 2" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor2 3 "Value 3" 3
		Send Destroy to hoEditor2
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor3
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor3
		Handle hoEditor3
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor3
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor3 to voEditor3
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor3 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor3 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 1 "Nancy Davolio" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 2 "Andrew Fuller" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 3 "Janet Leverling" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 4 "Peacock Margaret" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 5 "Steven Buchanan" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 6 "Michael Suyama" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 7 "Robert King" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 8 "Laura Callahan" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 9 "Anne Dodsworth" 2
		Send Destroy to hoEditor3
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - single column list)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor4
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor4
		Handle hoEditor4
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor4
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor4 to voEditor4
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor4 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor4 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor4 1 "Nancy Davolio" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor4 2 "Andrew Fuller" 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 3 "Janet Leverling" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 4 "Peacock Margaret" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 5 "Steven Buchanan" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 6 "Michael Suyama" 1 5
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 7 "Robert King" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 8 "Laura Callahan" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 9 "Anne Dodsworth" 2 5
			Send ComExpandAll of hoEditor4
		Send Destroy to hoEditor4
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - single column tree)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor5
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor5
		Handle hoEditor5
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor5
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor5 to voEditor5
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor5 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor5 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Set ComOption of hoEditor5 OLEexDropDownColumnCaption to "Name¦Title¦City¦Phone"
			Set ComOption of hoEditor5 OLEexDropDownColumnWidth to "312¦¦¦96"
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 1 "Nancy Davolio¦Sales Representative¦Seattle¦(206) 555-9857" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 2 "Andrew Fuller¦<b>Vice President</b>, Sales¦Tacoma¦(206) 555-9482" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 3 "Janet Leverling¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(206) 555-3412" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 4 "Peacock Margaret¦Sales Representative¦Redmond¦(206) 555-8122" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 5 "Steven Buchanan¦Sales Manager¦London¦(71) 555-4848" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 6 "Michael Suyama¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-7773" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 7 "Robert King¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(71) 555-5598" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 8 "Laura Callahan¦Inside Sales Coordinator¦Seattle¦(206) 555-1189" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 9 "Anne Dodsworth¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-4444" 2
		Send Destroy to hoEditor5
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - multiple columns list)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor6
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor6
		Handle hoEditor6
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor6
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor6 to voEditor6
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor6 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor6 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Set ComOption of hoEditor6 OLEexDropDownColumnCaption to "Name¦Title¦City¦Phone"
			Set ComOption of hoEditor6 OLEexDropDownColumnWidth to "312¦¦¦96"
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor6 1 "Nancy Davolio¦Sales Representative¦Seattle¦(206) 555-9857" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor6 2 "Andrew Fuller¦<b>Vice President</b>, Sales¦Tacoma¦(206) 555-9482" 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 3 "Janet Leverling¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(206) 555-3412" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 4 "Peacock Margaret¦Sales Representative¦Redmond¦(206) 555-8122" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 5 "Steven Buchanan¦Sales Manager¦London¦(71) 555-4848" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 6 "Michael Suyama¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-7773" 1 5
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 7 "Robert King¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(71) 555-5598" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 8 "Laura Callahan¦Inside Sales Coordinator¦Seattle¦(206) 555-1189" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 9 "Anne Dodsworth¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-4444" 2 5
			Send ComExpandAll of hoEditor6
		Send Destroy to hoEditor6
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - multiple columns tree)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 100 to h
		Variant voEditor7
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor7
		Handle hoEditor7
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor7
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor7 to voEditor7
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor7 to OLESpinType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor7
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (SpinType)'"
		Variant voEditor8
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(MemoType)")) 0 to voEditor8
		Handle hoEditor8
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor8
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor8 to voEditor8
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor8 to OLEMemoType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor8
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 3 to h
		Variant voEditor9
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor9
		Handle hoEditor9
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor9
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor9 to voEditor9
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor9 to OLECheckListType
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor9 1 "Border" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor9 2 "Single" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor9 4 "Frame" 3
		Send Destroy to hoEditor9
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (CheckListType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "" to h
		Variant voEditor10
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor10
		Handle hoEditor10
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor10
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor10 to voEditor10
			Set ComMask of hoEditor10 to "{0,255}.{0,255}.{0,255}.{0,255}"
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor10 to OLEMaskType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor10
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (MaskType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 65280 to h
		Variant voEditor11
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor11
		Handle hoEditor11
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor11
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor11 to voEditor11
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor11 to OLEColorType
			Set ComMask of hoEditor11 to "`RGB(`{0,255}\,{0,255}\,{0,255}`)`;;0"
		Send Destroy to hoEditor11
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (ColorType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Tahoma" to h
		Variant voEditor12
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor12
		Handle hoEditor12
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor12
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor12 to voEditor12
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor12 to OLEFontType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor12
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (FontType)'"
		Variant voEditor13
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor13
		Handle hoEditor13
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor13
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor13 to voEditor13
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor13 to OLEPictureType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor13
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (PictureType)'"
		Variant voEditor14
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(ButtonType)")) 0 to voEditor14
		Handle hoEditor14
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor14
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor14 to voEditor14
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor14 to OLEButtonType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor14
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 25 to h
		Variant voEditor15
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor15
		Handle hoEditor15
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor15
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor15 to voEditor15
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor15 to OLEProgressBarType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor15
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (ProgressBarType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Value 1" to h
		Variant voEditor16
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor16
		Handle hoEditor16
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor16
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor16 to voEditor16
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor16 to OLEPickEditType
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor16 1 "Value 1" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor16 2 "Value 2" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor16 3 "Value 3" 3
		Send Destroy to hoEditor16
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (PickEditType)'"
		Variant voEditor17
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(LinkEditType)")) 0 to voEditor17
		Handle hoEditor17
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor17
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor17 to voEditor17
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor17 to OLELinkEditType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor17
		Variant voEditor18
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(UserEditorType)")) 0 to voEditor18
		Handle hoEditor18
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor18
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor18 to voEditor18
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor18 to OLEUserEditorType
			Send ComUserEditor of hoEditor18 "Exontrol.ComboBox" ""
			Variant voComboBox
			Get ComUserEditorObject of hoEditor18 to voComboBox
			Handle hoComboBox
			Get Create (RefClass(cComComboBox)) to hoComboBox
			Set pvComObject of hoComboBox to voComboBox
				Send ComBeginUpdate of hoComboBox
				Variant v2
					Get ComDefaultItemHeight to v2
				Set ComLabelHeight of hoComboBox to v2
				Set ComStyle of hoComboBox to OLEDropDownList
				Set ComColumnAutoResize of hoComboBox to False
				Variant rs
				Get Comcreateobject of hoComboBox "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
					Send ComOpen of hoComboBox "Orders" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
				Send Destroy to hoComboBox
				Set ComDataSource of hoEditor18 to rs
				Set ComMinHeightList of hoEditor18 to 128
				Set ComSearchColumnIndex of hoEditor18 to 0
				Set ComUseTabKey of hoEditor18 to False
				Send ComEndUpdate of hoEditor18
			Send Destroy to hoEditor18
		Send Destroy to hoItems
		Get ComAddItem 255 to h
		Variant voEditor19
		Get ComCellEditor h 0 to voEditor19
		Handle hoEditor19
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor19
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor19 to voEditor19
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor19 to OLEColorListType
			Set ComOption of hoEditor19 OLEexColorListShowName to True
		Send Destroy to hoEditor19
		Set ComFormatCell h 0 to "value + ' (ColorListType)'"
		Variant voEditor20
		Get ComCellEditor (ComAddItem(Self,65280)) 0 to voEditor20
		Handle hoEditor20
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor20
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor20 to voEditor20
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor20 to OLEColorListType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor20
		Variant voEditor21
		Get ComCellEditor (ComAddItem(Self,"(MemoDropDownType)")) 0 to voEditor21
		Handle hoEditor21
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor21
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor21 to voEditor21
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor21 to OLEMemoDropDownType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor21
		Variant voEditor22
		Get ComCellEditor (ComAddItem(Self,-1)) 0 to voEditor22
		Handle hoEditor22
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor22
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor22 to voEditor22
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor22 to OLECheckValueType
			Set ComOption of hoEditor22 OLEexCheckValue2 to 1
		Send Destroy to hoEditor22
		Get ComAddItem 50 to h
		Variant voEditor23
		Get ComCellEditor h 0 to voEditor23
		Handle hoEditor23
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor23
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor23 to voEditor23
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor23 to OLESliderType
			Set ComOption of hoEditor23 OLEexSliderWidth to -60
			Set ComOption of hoEditor23 OLEexSliderTickFrequency to 10
			Set ComOption of hoEditor23 OLEexSliderTickStyle to 2
		Send Destroy to hoEditor23
		Set ComFormatCell h 0 to "value + ' (SliderType)'"
		Get ComAddItem 100 to h
		Variant voEditor24
		Get ComCellEditor h 0 to voEditor24
		Handle hoEditor24
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor24
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor24 to voEditor24
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor24 to OLECalculatorType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor24
		Set ComFormatCell h 0 to "value + ' (CalculatorType)'"
		Send ComEnsureVisibleItem h
	Send ComEndUpdate
Editors (ImageSize = 16, default)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComImageSize to 16
	Send ComImages "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"
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Editors" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellValueFormat to 1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant voEditor
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(ReadOnly)")) 0 to voEditor
		Handle hoEditor
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor to voEditor
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor to OLEReadOnly
		Send Destroy to hoEditor
		Variant voEditor1
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(EditType)")) 0 to voEditor1
		Handle hoEditor1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor1
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor1 to voEditor1
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor1 to OLEEditType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor1
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Value 1" to h
		Variant voEditor2
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor2
		Handle hoEditor2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor2
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor2 to voEditor2
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor2 to OLEDropDownType
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor2 1 "Value 1" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor2 2 "Value 2" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor2 3 "Value 3" 3
		Send Destroy to hoEditor2
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor3
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor3
		Handle hoEditor3
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor3
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor3 to voEditor3
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor3 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor3 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 1 "Nancy Davolio" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 2 "Andrew Fuller" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 3 "Janet Leverling" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 4 "Peacock Margaret" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 5 "Steven Buchanan" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 6 "Michael Suyama" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 7 "Robert King" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 8 "Laura Callahan" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor3 9 "Anne Dodsworth" 2
		Send Destroy to hoEditor3
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - single column list)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor4
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor4
		Handle hoEditor4
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor4
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor4 to voEditor4
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor4 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor4 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor4 1 "Nancy Davolio" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor4 2 "Andrew Fuller" 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 3 "Janet Leverling" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 4 "Peacock Margaret" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 5 "Steven Buchanan" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 6 "Michael Suyama" 1 5
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 7 "Robert King" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 8 "Laura Callahan" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor4 9 "Anne Dodsworth" 2 5
			Send ComExpandAll of hoEditor4
		Send Destroy to hoEditor4
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - single column tree)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor5
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor5
		Handle hoEditor5
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor5
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor5 to voEditor5
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor5 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor5 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Set ComOption of hoEditor5 OLEexDropDownColumnCaption to "Name¦Title¦City¦Phone"
			Set ComOption of hoEditor5 OLEexDropDownColumnWidth to "312¦¦¦96"
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 1 "Nancy Davolio¦Sales Representative¦Seattle¦(206) 555-9857" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 2 "Andrew Fuller¦<b>Vice President</b>, Sales¦Tacoma¦(206) 555-9482" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 3 "Janet Leverling¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(206) 555-3412" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 4 "Peacock Margaret¦Sales Representative¦Redmond¦(206) 555-8122" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 5 "Steven Buchanan¦Sales Manager¦London¦(71) 555-4848" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 6 "Michael Suyama¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-7773" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 7 "Robert King¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(71) 555-5598" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 8 "Laura Callahan¦Inside Sales Coordinator¦Seattle¦(206) 555-1189" 3
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor5 9 "Anne Dodsworth¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-4444" 2
		Send Destroy to hoEditor5
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - multiple columns list)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to h
		Variant voEditor6
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor6
		Handle hoEditor6
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor6
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor6 to voEditor6
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor6 to OLEDropDownListType
			Set ComDropDownAutoWidth of hoEditor6 to OLEexDropDownEditorWidth
			Set ComOption of hoEditor6 OLEexDropDownColumnCaption to "Name¦Title¦City¦Phone"
			Set ComOption of hoEditor6 OLEexDropDownColumnWidth to "312¦¦¦96"
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor6 1 "Nancy Davolio¦Sales Representative¦Seattle¦(206) 555-9857" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor6 2 "Andrew Fuller¦<b>Vice President</b>, Sales¦Tacoma¦(206) 555-9482" 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 3 "Janet Leverling¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(206) 555-3412" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 4 "Peacock Margaret¦Sales Representative¦Redmond¦(206) 555-8122" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 5 "Steven Buchanan¦Sales Manager¦London¦(71) 555-4848" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 6 "Michael Suyama¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-7773" 1 5
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 7 "Robert King¦Sales Representative¦Kirkland¦(71) 555-5598" 2 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 8 "Laura Callahan¦Inside Sales Coordinator¦Seattle¦(206) 555-1189" 3 2
			Send ComInsertItem of hoEditor6 9 "Anne Dodsworth¦Sales Representative¦London¦(71) 555-4444" 2 5
			Send ComExpandAll of hoEditor6
		Send Destroy to hoEditor6
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (DropDownList - multiple columns tree)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 100 to h
		Variant voEditor7
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor7
		Handle hoEditor7
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor7
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor7 to voEditor7
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor7 to OLESpinType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor7
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (SpinType)'"
		Variant voEditor8
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(MemoType)")) 0 to voEditor8
		Handle hoEditor8
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor8
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor8 to voEditor8
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor8 to OLEMemoType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor8
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 3 to h
		Variant voEditor9
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor9
		Handle hoEditor9
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor9
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor9 to voEditor9
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor9 to OLECheckListType
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor9 1 "Border" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor9 2 "Single" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor9 4 "Frame" 3
		Send Destroy to hoEditor9
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (CheckListType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "" to h
		Variant voEditor10
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor10
		Handle hoEditor10
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor10
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor10 to voEditor10
			Set ComMask of hoEditor10 to "{0,255}.{0,255}.{0,255}.{0,255}"
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor10 to OLEMaskType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor10
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (MaskType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 65280 to h
		Variant voEditor11
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor11
		Handle hoEditor11
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor11
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor11 to voEditor11
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor11 to OLEColorType
			Set ComMask of hoEditor11 to "`RGB(`{0,255}\,{0,255}\,{0,255}`)`;;0"
		Send Destroy to hoEditor11
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (ColorType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Tahoma" to h
		Variant voEditor12
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor12
		Handle hoEditor12
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor12
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor12 to voEditor12
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor12 to OLEFontType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor12
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (FontType)'"
		Variant voEditor13
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor13
		Handle hoEditor13
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor13
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor13 to voEditor13
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor13 to OLEPictureType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor13
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (PictureType)'"
		Variant voEditor14
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(ButtonType)")) 0 to voEditor14
		Handle hoEditor14
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor14
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor14 to voEditor14
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor14 to OLEButtonType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor14
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 25 to h
		Variant voEditor15
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor15
		Handle hoEditor15
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor15
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor15 to voEditor15
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor15 to OLEProgressBarType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor15
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (ProgressBarType)'"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Value 1" to h
		Variant voEditor16
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems h 0 to voEditor16
		Handle hoEditor16
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor16
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor16 to voEditor16
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor16 to OLEPickEditType
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor16 1 "Value 1" 1
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor16 2 "Value 2" 2
			Send ComAddItem of hoEditor16 3 "Value 3" 3
		Send Destroy to hoEditor16
		Set ComFormatCell of hoItems h 0 to "value + ' (PickEditType)'"
		Variant voEditor17
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(LinkEditType)")) 0 to voEditor17
		Handle hoEditor17
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor17
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor17 to voEditor17
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor17 to OLELinkEditType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor17
		Variant voEditor18
		Get ComCellEditor of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"(UserEditorType)")) 0 to voEditor18
		Handle hoEditor18
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor18
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor18 to voEditor18
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor18 to OLEUserEditorType
			Send ComUserEditor of hoEditor18 "Exontrol.ComboBox" ""
			Variant voComboBox
			Get ComUserEditorObject of hoEditor18 to voComboBox
			Handle hoComboBox
			Get Create (RefClass(cComComboBox)) to hoComboBox
			Set pvComObject of hoComboBox to voComboBox
				Send ComBeginUpdate of hoComboBox
				Variant v
					Get ComDefaultItemHeight to v
				Set ComLabelHeight of hoComboBox to v
				Set ComStyle of hoComboBox to OLEDropDownList
				Set ComColumnAutoResize of hoComboBox to False
				Variant rs
				Get Comcreateobject of hoComboBox "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
					Send ComOpen of hoComboBox "Orders" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
				Send Destroy to hoComboBox
				Set ComDataSource of hoEditor18 to rs
				Set ComMinHeightList of hoEditor18 to 128
				Set ComSearchColumnIndex of hoEditor18 to 0
				Set ComUseTabKey of hoEditor18 to False
				Send ComEndUpdate of hoEditor18
			Send Destroy to hoEditor18
		Send Destroy to hoItems
		Get ComAddItem 255 to h
		Variant voEditor19
		Get ComCellEditor h 0 to voEditor19
		Handle hoEditor19
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor19
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor19 to voEditor19
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor19 to OLEColorListType
			Set ComOption of hoEditor19 OLEexColorListShowName to True
		Send Destroy to hoEditor19
		Set ComFormatCell h 0 to "value + ' (ColorListType)'"
		Variant voEditor20
		Get ComCellEditor (ComAddItem(Self,65280)) 0 to voEditor20
		Handle hoEditor20
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor20
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor20 to voEditor20
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor20 to OLEColorListType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor20
		Variant voEditor21
		Get ComCellEditor (ComAddItem(Self,"(MemoDropDownType)")) 0 to voEditor21
		Handle hoEditor21
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor21
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor21 to voEditor21
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor21 to OLEMemoDropDownType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor21
		Variant voEditor22
		Get ComCellEditor (ComAddItem(Self,-1)) 0 to voEditor22
		Handle hoEditor22
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor22
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor22 to voEditor22
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor22 to OLECheckValueType
			Set ComOption of hoEditor22 OLEexCheckValue2 to 1
		Send Destroy to hoEditor22
		Get ComAddItem 50 to h
		Variant voEditor23
		Get ComCellEditor h 0 to voEditor23
		Handle hoEditor23
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor23
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor23 to voEditor23
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor23 to OLESliderType
			Set ComOption of hoEditor23 OLEexSliderWidth to -60
			Set ComOption of hoEditor23 OLEexSliderTickFrequency to 10
			Set ComOption of hoEditor23 OLEexSliderTickStyle to 2
		Send Destroy to hoEditor23
		Set ComFormatCell h 0 to "value + ' (SliderType)'"
		Get ComAddItem 100 to h
		Variant voEditor24
		Get ComCellEditor h 0 to voEditor24
		Handle hoEditor24
		Get Create (RefClass(cComEditor)) to hoEditor24
		Set pvComObject of hoEditor24 to voEditor24
			Set ComEditType of hoEditor24 to OLECalculatorType
		Send Destroy to hoEditor24
		Set ComFormatCell h 0 to "value + ' (CalculatorType)'"
		Send ComEnsureVisibleItem h
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to limit the overlaid to two rows only

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComNonworkingDays of hoChart to 0
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "9/17/2006"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to OLEexOverlaidBarsCascade
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/26/2006" "10/6/2006" "K1" "K1"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "10/5/2006" "10/10/2006" "K3" "K2"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/21/2006" "9/27/2006" "T1" "T"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems 0 "<T*>" OLEexBarColor to 65280
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems 0 "<K*>" OLEexBarOverlaidKey to "Level0"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems 0 "<T*>" OLEexBarOverlaidKey to "Level1"
		Set ComItemMaxHeight of hoItems h1 to 26
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to sort the bars

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAntiAliasing to True
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComAllowSort of hoColumn to False
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Name" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 0
			Set ComSortType of hoColumn1 to OLESortString
			Set ComVisible of hoColumn1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/31/2000"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComPattern of hoBar to OLEexPatternSolid
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
		Variant voBars1
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars1
		Handle hoBars1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars1
		Set pvComObject of hoBars1 to voBars1
			Variant voBar1
			Get ComCopy of hoBars1 "Task" "Red" to voBar1
			Handle hoBar1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar1
			Set pvComObject of hoBar1 to voBar1
				Set ComColor of hoBar1 to (RGB(255,0,0))
			Send Destroy to hoBar1
		Send Destroy to hoBars1
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(224,224,224))
		Set ComLinksStyle of hoChart to OLEexLinkSolid
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComAllowCellValueToItemBar of hoItems to True
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 1" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/4/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h2
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 2" to h2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h2 "Red" "1/2/2001" "1/5/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h3
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 3" to h3
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h3 "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/5/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h4
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 4" to h4
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h4 "Red" "1/2/2001" "1/5/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h5
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 5" to h5
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h5 "Red" "1/2/2001" "1/5/2001" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L1" h1 "" h3 ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L2" h2 "" h4 ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L3" h3 "" h4 ""
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "L4" h4 "" h5 ""
		Get ComSchedulePDM of hoItems 0 "" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComShowLinks of hoChart1 to OLEexShowExtendedLinks
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComItem of hoColumns2 "Name" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComSortOrder of hoColumn2 to OLESortAscending
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Send ComEndUpdate
Re-order the cell's caption, icons and images/pictures

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Send ComImages "gBJJgBAICAADAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEahkZAIAEEbjMjlErlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrlTiFdib/sNjr9gs1nldlrlqtFtt0stlguNvulyh91ud1vVVvNuvt7wFHr9/vl3luEwOJouIq+Dw2KyGRyWTymVy2XzGZzUuiw+lmej0gkUaksljaAnmDcD/cEbf7w1+ufD/fEbeB028bYAO3enB6AB++4EoA4A4sb4vHjXJ4nG5vKAHA4ca6XBjTAD/Y2x/eB/jcB"
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "ToLeft" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellHasCheckBox to True
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "ToRight" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellHasCheckBox to True
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellDrawPartsOrder to "caption,picture,icons,icon,check"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 32
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexVLines
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Caption" to h
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems h 0 to 2
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems h 0 to "1,2"
		Variant vPicture
		Get ComExecuteTemplate "loadpicture(`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to vPicture
		Set ComCellPicture of hoItems h 0 to (vPicture)
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to (ComCellValue(hoItems,h,0))
		Set ComCellHAlignment of hoItems h 1 to OLERightAlignment
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems h 1 to (ComCellImage(hoItems,h,0))
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems h 1 to "2,1"
		Set ComCellPicture of hoItems h 1 to (ComCellPicture(hoItems,h,0))
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "<b>HTML</b> <off 4>Caption" to h
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems h 0 to OLEexHTML
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems h 0 to 2
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems h 0 to "1,2"
		Variant vPicture1
		Get ComExecuteTemplate "loadpicture(`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`)" to vPicture1
		Set ComCellPicture of hoItems h 0 to (vPicture1)
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h 1 to (ComCellValue(hoItems,h,0))
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems h 1 to OLEexHTML
		Set ComCellHAlignment of hoItems h 1 to OLERightAlignment
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems h 1 to (ComCellImage(hoItems,h,0))
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems h 1 to "2,1"
		Set ComCellPicture of hoItems h 1 to (ComCellPicture(hoItems,h,0))
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
ImageSize property on 32 (specifies the size of control' icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons)

// Fired after a new column has been added.
Procedure OnComAddColumn Variant   llColumn
	Forward Send OnComAddColumn llColumn
	// Column.Def(48) = 2
	// Column.Def(49) = 2

// Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems llItem "Task" "1/2/2022" "1/8/2022" "<img>1</img>"
	Send Destroy to hoItems

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComImageSize to 32
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 36
	Set ComHeaderHeight to (ComDefaultItemHeight(Self))
	Set ComSortBarHeight to (ComDefaultItemHeight(Self))
	Variant voStdFont
	Get ComFont to voStdFont
	Handle hoStdFont
	Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont
	Set pvComObject of hoStdFont to voStdFont
		Set ComSize of hoStdFont to 16
	Send Destroy to hoStdFont
	Variant voStdFont1
	Get ComFilterBarFont to voStdFont1
	Handle hoStdFont1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont1
	Set pvComObject of hoStdFont1 to voStdFont1
		Variant v
			Variant voStdFont2
			Get ComFont to voStdFont2
			Handle hoStdFont2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont2
			Set pvComObject of hoStdFont2 to voStdFont2
				Get ComSize of hoStdFont2 to v
			Send Destroy to hoStdFont2
		Set ComSize of hoStdFont1 to v
	Send Destroy to hoStdFont1
	Variant voStdFont3
	Get ComToolTipFont to voStdFont3
	Handle hoStdFont3
	Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont3
	Set pvComObject of hoStdFont3 to voStdFont3
		Variant v1
			Variant voStdFont4
			Get ComFont to voStdFont4
			Handle hoStdFont4
			Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont4
			Set pvComObject of hoStdFont4 to voStdFont4
				Get ComSize of hoStdFont4 to v1
			Send Destroy to hoStdFont4
		Set ComSize of hoStdFont3 to v1
	Send Destroy to hoStdFont3
	Set ComIndent to 26
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2022"
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComHeight of hoBar to 22
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComImages ("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" + ;
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "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" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackColorHeader to |CI$4c6c6c6
	Set ComSelBackColor to |CI$4000000
	Set ComSelForeColor to (RGB(0,0,1))
	Set ComCheckImage OLEUnchecked to 16777216
	Set ComCheckImage OLEChecked to 33554432
	Set ComCheckImage OLEPartialChecked to 50331648
	Set ComBackground OLEexSelBackColorFilter to (ComSelBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexSelForeColorFilter to (ComSelForeColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexBackColorFilter to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexForeColorFilter to (ComForeColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexCursorHoverColumn to -1
	Set ComBackground OLEexHeaderFilterBarButton to |CI$4000000
	Set ComBackground OLEexHeaderFilterBarActive to |CI$4010101
	Set ComBackground OLEexFooterFilterBarButton to |CI$40000ff
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComShowFocusRect to False
	Set ComSortBarVisible to True
	Set ComAllowGroupBy to True
	Set ComBackColorSortBar to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackColorLevelHeader to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComFilterBarDropDownHeight to 1
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Check" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellHasCheckBox to True
			Set ComPartialCheck of hoColumn to True
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 128
			Set ComDisplayFilterButton of hoColumn to True
			Set ComFilterList of hoColumn to OLEexShowCheckBox
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Pos" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn1 to "1 pos ``"
			Set ComAllowSort of hoColumn1 to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn1 to 48
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn1 to False
			Set ComAlignment of hoColumn1 to OLECenterAlignment
			Set ComHeaderAlignment of hoColumn1 to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns2 "Image" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComDisplayFilterButton of hoColumn2 to True
			Set ComFilterList of hoColumn2 to (OLEexShowExclude + OLEexShowCheckBox + OLEexSortItemsAsc)
			Set ComFilterType of hoColumn2 to OLEexImage
			Set ComDisplayExpandButton of hoColumn2 to True
			Set ComExpandColumns of hoColumn2 to "1,2,3"
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn2 to 128
			Set ComHeaderImage of hoColumn2 to 1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Variant voColumns3
	Get ComColumns to voColumns3
	Handle hoColumns3
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns3
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns3 to voColumns3
		Variant voColumn3
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns3 "Images" to voColumn3
		Handle hoColumn3
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn3
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn3 to voColumn3
			Set ComDef of hoColumn3 OLEexCellHasCheckBox to True
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn3 to 196
			Set ComHTMLCaption of hoColumn3 to "<img>1</img><img>2</img><img>3</img> Images"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn3
	Send Destroy to hoColumns3
	Variant voColumns4
	Get ComColumns to voColumns4
	Handle hoColumns4
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns4
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns4 to voColumns4
		Variant voColumn4
		Get ComItem of hoColumns4 "Pos" to voColumn4
		Handle hoColumn4
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn4
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn4 to voColumn4
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn4 to 3
		Send Destroy to hoColumn4
	Send Destroy to hoColumns4
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Variant hR
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Root" to hR
		Set ComItemDivider of hoItems1 hR to 0
		Set ComItemDividerLine of hoItems1 hR to OLEEmptyLine
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 hR "Child A" to h
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems1 h 2 to 1
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems1 h 3 to "1,2,3"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems1 h 3 to "123"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 hR "Child B" to h
		Set ComCellState of hoItems1 h 0 to 1
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems1 h 2 to 3
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems1 h 3 to "2,3,1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems1 h 3 to "231"
		Set ComSelectItem of hoItems1 h to True
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 hR "Child C" to h
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems1 h 2 to 2
		Set ComCellState of hoItems1 h 3 to 1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems1 h 3 to "312"
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems1 h 3 to "3,1,2"
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems1 hR to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Send ComEndUpdate
ImageSize property on 16 (default) (specifies the size of control' icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons)

// Fired after a new column has been added.
Procedure OnComAddColumn Variant   llColumn
	Forward Send OnComAddColumn llColumn
	// Column.Def(48) = 2
	// Column.Def(49) = 2

// Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems llItem "Task" "1/2/2022" "1/8/2022" "<img>1</img>"
	Send Destroy to hoItems

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2022"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Set ComImageSize to 16
	Send ComImages "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"
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackColorHeader to |CI$4c6c6c6
	Set ComSelBackColor to |CI$4000000
	Set ComSelForeColor to (RGB(0,0,1))
	Set ComBackground OLEexSelBackColorFilter to (ComSelBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexSelForeColorFilter to (ComSelForeColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexBackColorFilter to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexForeColorFilter to (ComForeColor(Self))
	Set ComBackground OLEexCursorHoverColumn to -1
	Set ComBackground OLEexHeaderFilterBarButton to |CI$4000000
	Set ComBackground OLEexHeaderFilterBarActive to |CI$4010101
	Set ComBackground OLEexFooterFilterBarButton to |CI$40000ff
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComShowFocusRect to False
	Set ComSortBarVisible to True
	Set ComAllowGroupBy to True
	Set ComBackColorSortBar to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComBackColorLevelHeader to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComFilterBarDropDownHeight to 1
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Check" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellHasCheckBox to True
			Set ComPartialCheck of hoColumn to True
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 128
			Set ComDisplayFilterButton of hoColumn to True
			Set ComFilterList of hoColumn to OLEexShowCheckBox
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Pos" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn1 to "1 pos ``"
			Set ComAllowSort of hoColumn1 to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn1 to 48
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn1 to False
			Set ComAlignment of hoColumn1 to OLECenterAlignment
			Set ComHeaderAlignment of hoColumn1 to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns2 "Image" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComDisplayFilterButton of hoColumn2 to True
			Set ComFilterList of hoColumn2 to (OLEexShowExclude + OLEexShowCheckBox + OLEexSortItemsAsc)
			Set ComFilterType of hoColumn2 to OLEexImage
			Set ComDisplayExpandButton of hoColumn2 to True
			Set ComExpandColumns of hoColumn2 to "1,2,3"
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn2 to 128
			Set ComHeaderImage of hoColumn2 to 1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Variant voColumns3
	Get ComColumns to voColumns3
	Handle hoColumns3
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns3
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns3 to voColumns3
		Variant voColumn3
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns3 "Images" to voColumn3
		Handle hoColumn3
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn3
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn3 to voColumn3
			Set ComDef of hoColumn3 OLEexCellHasCheckBox to True
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn3 to 196
			Set ComHTMLCaption of hoColumn3 to "<img>1</img><img>2</img><img>3</img> Images"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn3
	Send Destroy to hoColumns3
	Variant voColumns4
	Get ComColumns to voColumns4
	Handle hoColumns4
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns4
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns4 to voColumns4
		Variant voColumn4
		Get ComItem of hoColumns4 "Pos" to voColumn4
		Handle hoColumn4
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn4
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn4 to voColumn4
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn4 to 3
		Send Destroy to hoColumn4
	Send Destroy to hoColumns4
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Variant hR
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Root" to hR
		Set ComItemDivider of hoItems1 hR to 0
		Set ComItemDividerLine of hoItems1 hR to OLEEmptyLine
		Variant h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 hR "Child A" to h
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems1 h 2 to 1
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems1 h 3 to "1,2,3"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems1 h 3 to "123"
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 hR "Child B" to h
		Set ComCellState of hoItems1 h 0 to 1
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems1 h 2 to 3
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems1 h 3 to "2,3,1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems1 h 3 to "231"
		Set ComSelectItem of hoItems1 h to True
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 hR "Child C" to h
		Set ComCellImage of hoItems1 h 2 to 2
		Set ComCellState of hoItems1 h 3 to 1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems1 h 3 to "312"
		Set ComCellImages of hoItems1 h 3 to "3,1,2"
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems1 hR to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Send ComEndUpdate
How do I clip/hide/align the bar's caption/text based on the bar's size/width/length

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Clip" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComScrollBySingleLine to True
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexRowLines
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexRowLines
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/23/2000"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 216
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComPattern of hoBar to OLEexPatternBox
				Set ComColor of hoBar to (RGB(164,164,164))
				Set ComStartColor of hoBar to (RGB(240,240,240))
				Set ComEndColor of hoBar to (ComStartColor(hoBar))
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to (OLEexOverlaidBarsIncludeCaption + OLEexOverlaidBarsStackAutoArrange + OLEexOverlaidBarsStack)
				Set ComHeight of hoBar to 15
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
		Set ComMinUnitWidth of hoChart to (ComUnitWidth(hoChart))
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "no clip, (0-2)" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/4/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, right(<b>2</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 2
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/4/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, center(<b>1</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/4/2001" "K3" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, left(<b>0</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 0
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "clip, inside (3-5)" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "clip, inside, right(<b>5</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 5
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "clip, inside, center(<b>4</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 4
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K3" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "clip, inside, left(<b>3</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 3
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "hide on min width, clip if not fit, inside (6-8)" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/26/2000" "1/10/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "hide on min width, clip if not fit, inside, right(<b>8</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 8
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/26/2000" "1/10/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "hide on min width, clip if not fit, inside, center(<b>7</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 7
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/26/2000" "1/10/2001" "K3" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "hide on min width, clip if not fit, inside, left(<b>6</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 6
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "hide if not fit, no clip, inside (9-11)" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "hide if not fit, no clip, inside, right(<b>11</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 11
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "hide if not fit, no clip, center(<b>10</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 10
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K3" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "hide if not fit, no clip, inside, left(<b>9</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 9
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "no clip, inside, outside (12-14)" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, inside, outside, right(<b>14</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 14
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, inside, outside, center(<b>13</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 13
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/28/2000" "1/8/2001" "K3" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, inside, outside, left(<b>12</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 12
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "no clip, outside (16-18)" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/30/2000" "1/6/2001" "K1" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, outside, right(<b>18</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K1" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 18
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/30/2000" "1/6/2001" "K2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, outside, center(<b>17</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K2" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 17
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "12/30/2000" "1/6/2001" "K3" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaption to "no clip, outside, left(<b>16</b>)"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h "K3" OLEexBarExtraCaptionHAlign to 16
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
The user clicks the drop-down filter, select a value and the control's list filters for the selected item(s). Is there a way for when the user then goes to the next column to add another filter and the drop down arrow is clicked for the list of values they can filter by to be limited to what is being displayed in the list due to the first filter they set

// Fired after a new column has been added.
Procedure OnComAddColumn Variant   llColumn
	Forward Send OnComAddColumn llColumn
	Move to Column

// Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems llItem "Task" (ComCellValue(hoItems,llItem,2)) (ComCellValue(hoItems,llItem,4)) Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "Orders" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "8/4/1994"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 290
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Set ComAllowCellValueToItemBar of hoItems1 to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns 2 to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComDef of hoColumn OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 1
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComItem of hoColumns1 4 to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComDef of hoColumn1 OLEexCellValueToItemBarProperty to 2
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComItem of hoColumns2 "ShipVia" to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn2 to 2
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Send ComEndUpdate
Does the control display images from database (DAO)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 48
	Handle hoPrivDBEngine
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrivDBEngine)) to hoPrivDBEngine // Import the 'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library' library
		Variant v
		Variant voDatabase
		Get ComOpenDatabase of hoPrivDBEngine "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.mdb" Nothing Nothing Nothing to voDatabase
		Handle hoDatabase
		Get Create (RefClass(cComDatabase)) to hoDatabase
		Set pvComObject of hoDatabase to voDatabase
			Get ComOpenRecordset of hoDatabase "Employees" Nothing Nothing Nothing to v
		Send Destroy to hoDatabase
		Variant rs
		Move v to rs
	Send Destroy to hoPrivDBEngine
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns "Photo" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn to 1
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 128
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Send ComEndUpdate
Does the control display images from database (ADO)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexAllLines
	Set ComGridLineStyle to OLEexGridLinesGeometric
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 48
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADODB.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "Employees" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb" OLEadOpenStatic OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns "Photo" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn to 1
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 128
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to set from code, a column sort without being inserted in the sortbar

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComColumnAutoResize to False
	Variant rs
	Get Comcreateobject "ADOR.Recordset" to rs
		Send ComOpen "Orders" "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb" OLEadOpenKeyset OLEadLockOptimistic Nothing
	Set ComDataSource to rs
	Set ComSortBarVisible to True
	Set ComLayout to "singlesort="C1:1""
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to view all events the control fires
// Fired before an item is about to be expanded (collapsed).
Procedure OnComBeforeExpandItem HITEM   llItem Variant   llCancel
	Forward Send OnComBeforeExpandItem llItem llCancel
	Send ComRefresh

// Notifies the application once the control fires an event.
Procedure OnComEvent Integer   llEventID
	Forward Send OnComEvent llEventID
	Showln (ComEventParam(Self,-2))

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComIndent to 16
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Set ComHasLines to OLEexSolidLine
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexHLines
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "9/20/2006"
		Set ComShowCollapsedBars of hoChart to True
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexHLines
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to OLEexOverlaidBarsStack
				Set ComColor of hoBar to (RGB(0,0,0))
				Set ComStartColor of hoBar to (RGB(196,196,196))
				Set ComEndColor of hoBar to (RGB(196,196,196))
				Set ComPattern of hoBar to OLEexPatternBox
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Project 1" to h
		Variant h1
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Resources" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/21/2006" "9/25/2006" "A" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/24/2006" "9/28/2006" "B" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/27/2006" "9/29/2006" "C" Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Project 2" to h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Resources" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/21/2006" "9/25/2006" "A" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/24/2006" "9/28/2006" "B" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "9/27/2006" "9/29/2006" "C" Nothing
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I find all occurences of the giving value, within a column
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Default" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Pos" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn to "1 pos 'A-Z'"
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn to 0
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn to 32
			Set ComEnabled of hoColumn to False
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Variant voColumns2
	Get ComColumns to voColumns2
	Handle hoColumns2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns2
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns2 to voColumns2
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns2 "Index" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn1 to "0 index ''"
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn1 to False
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn1 to 32
			Set ComEnabled of hoColumn1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns2
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "A" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "A" to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "A" to Nothing
		Showln (ComCellCaption(hoItems,(ComFindItem(hoItems,"A",0,0)),1))
		Showln (ComCellCaption(hoItems,(ComFindItem(hoItems,"A",0,1)),1))
		Showln (ComCellCaption(hoItems,(ComFindItem(hoItems,"A",0,2)),1))
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I specify the bar's legend within the control's histogram (sample 2, expression)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Machines" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexHLines
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderVisible to OLEexHeaderVisibleExtendLevels
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexHLines
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComPattern of hoBar to OLEexPatternSolid
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to OLEexOverlaidBarsCascade
				Set ComHistogramPattern of hoBar to (ComPattern(hoBar))
				Set ComHistogramType of hoBar to OLEexHistCumulative
				Set ComHistogramCumulativeOriginalColorBars of hoBar to OLEexKeepOriginalColor
				Set ComHistogramItems of hoBar to -4
				Set ComHistogramRulerLinesColor of hoBar to (RGB(102,102,102))
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarToolTip to "<%=%3%> <fgcolor 666666><font ;6><off 4><%=%C0%>"
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHistLegend to "<fgcolor=666666><%=lower(%3)%>"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
		Set ComHistogramHeight of hoChart to 64
		Set ComHistogramVisible of hoChart to True
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/9/2001" 1 "Bill"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/10/2001" 2 "Laura"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h 2 OLEexBarColor to 16776960
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/12/2001" "1/19/2001" 3 "Bill"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/10/2001" "1/13/2001" 4 "Laura"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/10/2001" "1/14/2001" 5 "Bill"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h 4 OLEexBarColor to 16776960
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Machine 3")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/9/2001" 6 "Bill"
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I specify the bar's legend within the control's histogram (sample 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Machines" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComDrawGridLines to OLEexHLines
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderVisible to OLEexHeaderVisibleExtendLevels
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComDrawGridLines of hoChart to OLEexHLines
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComPattern of hoBar to OLEexPatternSolid
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to OLEexOverlaidBarsCascade
				Set ComHistogramPattern of hoBar to (ComPattern(hoBar))
				Set ComHistogramType of hoBar to OLEexHistCumulative
				Set ComHistogramCumulativeOriginalColorBars of hoBar to OLEexKeepOriginalColor
				Set ComHistogramItems of hoBar to -4
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "Bill"
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHistLegend to "B(ill)"
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
		Set ComHistogramHeight of hoChart to 64
		Set ComHistogramVisible of hoChart to True
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/9/2001" 1 Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/10/2001" 2 "Laura"
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h 2 OLEexBarColor to 16776960
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h 2 OLEexBarHistLegend to "L(aura)"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Machine 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/12/2001" "1/19/2001" 3 Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/10/2001" "1/13/2001" 4 "Laura"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/10/2001" "1/14/2001" 5 Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h 4 OLEexBarColor to 16776960
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems h 4 OLEexBarHistLegend to "L(aura)"
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Machine 3")) "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/9/2001" 6 Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
When I drag a bar and I drag it over other items, but just release it on one of the items (last item), the BarParentChange event is triggered for every item. I need it just when I drop it (release left mouse). How can I do this
// Occurs just before moving a bar from current item to another item.
Procedure OnComBarParentChange HITEM   llItem Variant   llKey HITEM   llNewItem Boolean   llCancel
	Forward Send OnComBarParentChange llItem llKey llNewItem llCancel
	Variant v
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComCellCaption of hoItems llNewItem 0 to v
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Showln "Hover Over Item: " v
	Variant v1
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Get ComItemData of hoItems1 llNewItem to v1
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Move v1 to Cancel

// Occurs after the chart has been changed.
Procedure OnComChartEndChanging OLEBarOperationEnum   llOperation
	Forward Send OnComChartEndChanging llOperation
	Showln "ChartEndChanging " llOperation

// Occurs when the chart is about to be changed.
Procedure OnComChartStartChanging OLEBarOperationEnum   llOperation
	Forward Send OnComChartStartChanging llOperation
	Showln "ChartStartChanging " llOperation

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to False
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to (OLEexOverlaidBarsTransparent + OLEexOverlaidBarsOffset)
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Column" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems2
	Get ComItems to voItems2
	Handle hoItems2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems2
	Set pvComObject of hoItems2 to voItems2
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item 1" to h
		Set ComEnableItem of hoItems2 h to False
		Set ComItemData of hoItems2 h to -1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item 2" to h
		Set ComItemData of hoItems2 h to 0
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems2 h "Task" "1/5/2001" "1/7/2001" "B" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems2 h "B" OLEexBarCanMoveToAnother to True
		Set ComItemData of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Item 3")) to 0
		Set ComItemData of hoItems2 (ComAddItem(hoItems2,"Item 4")) to 0
	Send Destroy to hoItems2
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide non-working days, Hide non-working hours

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/29/2022"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<font ;6><%h%><|><font ;6><%hh%><|><%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(51,51,51))
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingHoursColor of hoChart to (RGB(187,187,187))
		Set ComNonworkingHoursPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<%dddd%>"
			Set ComAlignment of hoLevel to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel1 to 65536
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComNonworkingHours of hoChart to 16773375
		Set ComShowNonworkingUnits of hoChart to False
		Set ComShowNonworkingDates of hoChart to False
		Set ComShowNonworkingHours of hoChart to False
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Show non-working days pattern, Hide non-working hours

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/29/2022"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<font ;6><%h%><|><font ;6><%hh%><|><%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(51,51,51))
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingHoursColor of hoChart to (RGB(187,187,187))
		Set ComNonworkingHoursPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<%dddd%>"
			Set ComAlignment of hoLevel to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel1 to 65536
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComNonworkingHours of hoChart to 16773375
		Set ComShowNonworkingUnits of hoChart to False
		Set ComShowNonworkingDates of hoChart to True
		Set ComShowNonworkingHours of hoChart to False
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide non-working days, Show non-working hours pattern

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/29/2022"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<font ;6><%h%><|><font ;6><%hh%><|><%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(51,51,51))
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingHoursColor of hoChart to (RGB(187,187,187))
		Set ComNonworkingHoursPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<%dddd%>"
			Set ComAlignment of hoLevel to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel1 to 65536
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComNonworkingHours of hoChart to 16773375
		Set ComShowNonworkingUnits of hoChart to False
		Set ComShowNonworkingDates of hoChart to False
		Set ComShowNonworkingHours of hoChart to True
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide non-working days pattern, Show non-working hours pattern

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/29/2022"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<font ;6><%h%><|><font ;6><%hh%><|><%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(51,51,51))
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingHoursColor of hoChart to (RGB(187,187,187))
		Set ComNonworkingHoursPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<%dddd%>"
			Set ComAlignment of hoLevel to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel1 to 65536
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComNonworkingHours of hoChart to 16773375
		Set ComShowNonworkingUnits of hoChart to True
		Set ComShowNonworkingDates of hoChart to False
		Set ComShowNonworkingHours of hoChart to True
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide non-working days pattern, Hide non-working hours pattern

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/29/2022"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<font ;6><%h%><|><font ;6><%hh%><|><%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(51,51,51))
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingHoursColor of hoChart to (RGB(187,187,187))
		Set ComNonworkingHoursPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<%dddd%>"
			Set ComAlignment of hoLevel to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel1 to 65536
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComNonworkingHours of hoChart to 16773375
		Set ComShowNonworkingUnits of hoChart to True
		Set ComShowNonworkingDates of hoChart to False
		Set ComShowNonworkingHours of hoChart to False
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Show non-working days pattern, Hide non-working hours pattern

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/29/2022"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<font ;6><%h%><|><font ;6><%hh%><|><%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(51,51,51))
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingHoursColor of hoChart to (RGB(187,187,187))
		Set ComNonworkingHoursPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<%dddd%>"
			Set ComAlignment of hoLevel to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel1 to 65536
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComNonworkingHours of hoChart to 16773375
		Set ComShowNonworkingUnits of hoChart to True
		Set ComShowNonworkingDates of hoChart to True
		Set ComShowNonworkingHours of hoChart to False
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Show non-working days pattern, Show non-working hours pattern

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/29/2022"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<font ;6><%h%><|><font ;6><%hh%><|><%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
		Set ComNonworkingDaysColor of hoChart to (RGB(51,51,51))
		Set ComNonworkingDaysPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComNonworkingHoursColor of hoChart to (RGB(187,187,187))
		Set ComNonworkingHoursPattern of hoChart to OLEexPatternBDiagonal
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<%dddd%>"
			Set ComAlignment of hoLevel to OLECenterAlignment
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Variant voLevel1
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 1 to voLevel1
		Handle hoLevel1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel1
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel1 to voLevel1
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel1 to 65536
		Send Destroy to hoLevel1
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComNonworkingHours of hoChart to 16773375
		Set ComShowNonworkingUnits of hoChart to True
		Set ComShowNonworkingDates of hoChart to True
		Set ComShowNonworkingHours of hoChart to True
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
The chart display no labels (empty header) when the unit's width is too small. What can I do to change this behavior

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexDay to "<font ;6><%d1%><|><%d1%><|><%d2%><|><%d3%><|><%dddd%><|><%d3%>, <%m3%> <%d%>, '<%yy%><|><%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%><||><||>4096"
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComMarkTodayColor of hoChart to (ComBackColor(hoChart))
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexDay
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 12
	Send Destroy to hoChart
How do I get the height of the bar from the cursor

// Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Procedure OnComMouseMove Short   llButton Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY
	Variant v
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Get ComBarFromPoint of hoChart -1 -1 to v
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant b
	Move v to b
	Variant i
	Get ComItemFromPoint -1 -1 c hit to i
	Variant v1
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComItemBar of hoItems i b OLEexBarName to v1
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Variant n
	Move v1 to n
	Variant v2
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart1 to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars n to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Get ComHeight of hoBar to v2
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Showln "Height" v2

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 52
	Variant voChart2
	Get ComChart to voChart2
	Handle hoChart2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart2
	Set pvComObject of hoChart2 to voChart2
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart2 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart2 to "10/10/2017"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart2 False to 0
		Set ComNonworkingDays of hoChart2 to 0
		Set ComMarkTodayColor of hoChart2 to (ComBackColor(hoChart2))
		Variant voBars1
		Get ComBars of hoChart2 to voBars1
		Handle hoBars1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars1
		Set pvComObject of hoBars1 to voBars1
			Variant voBar1
			Get ComItem of hoBars1 "Task" to voBar1
			Handle hoBar1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar1
			Set pvComObject of hoBar1 to voBar1
				Set ComPattern of hoBar1 to OLEexPatternSolid
			Send Destroy to hoBar1
		Send Destroy to hoBars1
		Variant voBars2
		Get ComBars of hoChart2 to voBars2
		Handle hoBars2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars2
		Set pvComObject of hoBars2 to voBars2
			Variant voBar2
			Get ComCopy of hoBars2 "Task" "T1" to voBar2
			Handle hoBar2
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar2
			Set pvComObject of hoBar2 to voBar2
				Set ComColor of hoBar2 to (RGB(255,0,0))
			Send Destroy to hoBar2
		Send Destroy to hoBars2
		Variant voBars3
		Get ComBars of hoChart2 to voBars3
		Handle hoBars3
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars3
		Set pvComObject of hoBars3 to voBars3
			Variant voBar3
			Get ComCopy of hoBars3 "Task" "T2" to voBar3
			Handle hoBar3
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar3
			Set pvComObject of hoBar3 to voBar3
				Set ComHeight of hoBar3 to 25
			Send Destroy to hoBar3
		Send Destroy to hoBars3
	Send Destroy to hoChart2
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Task" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 h1 "T1" "10/15/2017" "10/25/2017" "2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 h1 "T2" "10/18/2017" "10/22/2017" "1" Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Task" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 h1 "T1" "10/15/2017" "10/25/2017" "1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 h1 "T2" "10/18/2017" "10/22/2017" "2" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Send ComEndUpdate
The zone shows truncated if I use BackColorAlternate. Is there anything I can do so it shows as solid instead

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackColorAlternate to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2010"
		Send ComMarkTimeZone of hoChart "Z1" "1/4/2010" "1/4/2010" 16744544 "1:3;;solid-zone"
		Send ComMarkTimeZone of hoChart "Z2" "1/8/2010" "1/8/2010" 16744544 "0:3;;truncated-zone"
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I prevent expanding/collapsing the child items

// Fired before an item is about to be expanded (collapsed).
Procedure OnComBeforeExpandItem HITEM   llItem Variant   llCancel
	Forward Send OnComBeforeExpandItem llItem llCancel
	Variant v
		Variant voItems
		Get ComItems to voItems
		Handle hoItems
		Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
		Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
			Get ComItemParent of hoItems llItem to v
		Send Destroy to hoItems
	Move v to Cancel

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComSingleSel to False
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Default" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Root 1" to h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 (ComInsertItem(hoItems1,h,"Child 1.1")) "Child" to Nothing
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 h "Child 1.2" to Nothing
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems1 h to True
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems1 "Root 2" to h
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 (ComInsertItem(hoItems1,h,"Child 2.1")) "Child" to Nothing
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems1 h "Child 2.2" to Nothing
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems1 h to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems1
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display the EBN bigger or smaller (thumb)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 10 "CP:1 0 3 0 -3" to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 17 "CP:1 3 0 -3 0" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackground OLEexHSThumb to |CI$a000000
	Set ComBackground OLEexVSThumb to |CI$11000000
	Set ComScrollBars to (OLEexVScrollEmptySpace + OLEexHScrollEmptySpace + OLEexVScrollOnThumbRelease + OLEexHScrollOnThumbRelease + OLEexDisableBoth)
	Set ComScrollBySingleLine to True
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Def" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 1 to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 2 to Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems 3 to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
I am using GroupBy feature to create a tree, but the top rows are aligned with the children, not indented. What could be wrong

// Occurs after a new Group Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddGroupItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddGroupItem llItem
	Variant color
	Move 14474460 to color
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComItemDivider of hoItems llItem to -1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems llItem 1 to (ComCellCaption(hoItems,llItem,(ComGroupItem(hoItems,llItem))))
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems llItem "Progress" "12/2/2017" "12/2/2017" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComDefineSummaryBars of hoItems llItem "" -3 ""
		Set ComItemBold of hoItems llItem to True
		Set ComItemBackColor of hoItems llItem to color
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComItemBackColor of hoChart llItem to color
	Send Destroy to hoChart

// Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 llItem "Task" "12/4/2017" "12/10/2017" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems1 llItem "" OLEexBarMove to (ComItemToIndex(hoItems1,llItem))
	Send Destroy to hoItems1

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart1
	Get ComChart to voChart1
	Handle hoChart1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart1
	Set pvComObject of hoChart1 to voChart1
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart1 to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart1 to "12/2/2017"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart1 False to 128
	Send Destroy to hoChart1
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "C1" to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "C2" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Set ComSortBarVisible to True
	Set ComSortBarCaption to "Drag a <b>column</b> header here to group by that column."
	Set ComAllowGroupBy to True
	Variant voItems2
	Get ComItems to voItems2
	Handle hoItems2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems2
	Set pvComObject of hoItems2 to voItems2
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item B" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem B.1"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item B" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem B.1"
	Send Destroy to hoItems2
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComItem of hoColumns1 0 to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComSortOrder of hoColumn to OLESortAscending
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I change the names from English to my locale (localization)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowResizeChart of hoChart to (OLEexAllowChangeUnitScale + OLEexAllowResizeChartMiddle + OLEexAllowResizeChartHeader)
		Set ComMonthNames of hoChart to (ComLocMonthNames(hoChart))
		Set ComWeekDays of hoChart to (ComLocWeekDays(hoChart))
		Set ComAMPM of hoChart to (ComLocAMPM(hoChart))
		Set ComFirstWeekDay of hoChart to (ComLocFirstWeekDay(hoChart))
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexMonth to "<|><%loc_m1%><|><%loc_m2%><|><%loc_m3%><|><%loc_mmmm%><|><%loc_m3%> '<%yy%><|><%loc_mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexWeek to "<|>KW<%ww%><|><%d%>. <%loc_m3%>, '<%yy%><r>KW<%ww%><|><%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%><r>KW<%ww%><||><||>256"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexDay to "<|><%loc_d1%><|><%loc_d2%><|><%loc_d3%><|><%loc_dddd%><|><%loc_d3%>, <%d%>. <%loc_m3%>, '<%yy%><|><%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%><||><||>4096"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexHour to "<|><%hh%><|><%hh%><|><%loc_d3%>, <%d%>. <%loc_m3%>, '<%yy%> <%hh%><|><%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%> <%hh%><||><||>65536"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexMinute to "<|><%nn%><|><%hh%>:<%nn%><|><%loc_d3%>, <%d%>. <%loc_m3%>, '<%yy%> <%hh%>:<%nn%><|><%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%> <%hh%>:<%nn%>"
		Set ComLabel of hoChart OLEexSecond to "<|><%ss%><|><%nn%>:<%ss%><|><%hh%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%><|><%loc_d3%>, <%d%>. <%loc_m3%>, '<%yy%> <%hh%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%><|><%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%> <%hh%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%>"
		Set ComLabelToolTip of hoChart OLEexMonth to "<%loc_mmmm%>/<%yyyy%>"
		Set ComLabelToolTip of hoChart OLEexWeek to "<%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%> KW<%ww%>"
		Set ComLabelToolTip of hoChart OLEexDay to "<%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%> , <%yyyy%>"
		Set ComLabelToolTip of hoChart OLEexHour to "<%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%> <%hh%>"
		Set ComLabelToolTip of hoChart OLEexMinute to "<%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>, <%yyyy%> <%hh%>:<%nn%>"
		Set ComLabelToolTip of hoChart OLEexSecond to "<%loc_dddd%>, <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%>  <%yyyy%> <%hh%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%>"
		Set ComToolTip of hoChart to "<%ddd%> <%d%>. <%loc_mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 0
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexDay
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 24
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to change the pattern for selection within the control's overview part (I would prefer a semi-transparent or solid color instead)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComSelBackMode to OLEexTransparent
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComOverviewVisible of hoChart to OLEexOverviewShowAll
		Set ComOverviewHeight of hoChart to 64
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "7/30/2018"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 128
		Variant v
			Get ComSelBackColor to v
		Set ComSelBackColor of hoChart to v
		Set ComSelBarColor of hoChart to (RGB(128,128,128))
		Set ComOverviewSelBackColor of hoChart to |CI$200ff00
		Set ComOverviewSelTransparent of hoChart True to 50
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Set ComSelBackColor to (ComBackColor(Self))
	Set ComSelForeColor to (ComForeColor(Self))
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 1")) "Task" "8/2/2017" "8/8/2017" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 2")) "Task" "8/3/2018" "8/10/2018" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems (ComAddItem(hoItems,"Task 3")) "Task" "8/4/2019" "8/12/2019" Nothing Nothing
		Set ComSelectItem of hoItems (ComItemByIndex(hoItems,1)) to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I display an item of picture type

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComLinesAtRoot to OLEexLinesAtRoot
	Set ComScrollBySingleLine to False
	Set ComHeaderAppearance to OLEEtched
	Set ComHeaderHeight to 24
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Artikel" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComHTMLCaption of hoColumn to "<u>Artikel"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns1 "Waarde" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComHTMLCaption of hoColumn1 to "<u>Waarde"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Set ComHTMLPicture "T22128" to "c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif"
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "T22128-28)2D" to h
		Variant h1
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "<img>T22128:128</img>" to h1
		Set ComCellValueFormat of hoItems h1 0 to OLEexHTML
		Set ComItemHeight of hoItems h1 to 128
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "werkvoorbereiding" to h1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h1 1 to "5.80"
		Set ComCellBold of hoItems h1 1 to True
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,h1,"Type")) 1 to "Eenvoudig"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,h1,"Prijs p/uur")) 1 to "60,00"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,h1,"Marhe")) 1 to "15,00%"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,h1,"Insteltijd min.")) 1 to "5,00"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,h1,"Aantal")) 1 to 1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems (ComInsertItem(hoItems,h1,"Kostprije")) 1 to "5,00"
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h1 to True
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "materiall" to h1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h1 1 to "14.82"
		Set ComCellBold of hoItems h1 1 to True
		Set ComItemHasChildren of hoItems h1 to True
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "snijden" to h1
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems h1 1 to "3.13"
		Set ComCellBold of hoItems h1 1 to True
		Set ComItemHasChildren of hoItems h1 to True
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I bold the root group-items

// Occurs after a new Group Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddGroupItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddGroupItem llItem
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems llItem "Progress" "12/2/2017" "12/2/2017" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComDefineSummaryBars of hoItems llItem "" -3 ""
		Set ComItemBold of hoItems llItem to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems

// Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Procedure OnComAddItem HITEM   llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem
	Variant voItems1
	Get ComItems to voItems1
	Handle hoItems1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems1
	Set pvComObject of hoItems1 to voItems1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems1 llItem "Task" "12/4/2017" "12/10/2017" Nothing Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems1

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "12/2/2017"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 342
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Variant voColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "C1" to voColumn
		Handle hoColumn
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn to voColumn
			Set ComGroupByFormatCell of hoColumn to "'<caption> (' + value + ')'"
		Send Destroy to hoColumn
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "C2" to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "C3" to Nothing
		Variant voColumn1
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Pos" to voColumn1
		Handle hoColumn1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn1
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn1 to voColumn1
			Set ComFormatColumn of hoColumn1 to "1 pos ``"
			Set ComAllowGroupBy of hoColumn1 to False
			Set ComPosition of hoColumn1 to 0
			Set ComWidth of hoColumn1 to 48
			Set ComAllowSizing of hoColumn1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoColumn1
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComSortBarVisible to True
	Set ComSortBarCaption to "Drag a <b>column</b> header here to group by that column."
	Set ComAllowGroupBy to True
	Variant voItems2
	Get ComItems to voItems2
	Handle hoItems2
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems2
	Set pvComObject of hoItems2 to voItems2
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 2 to "SubItem A.2"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 2 to "SubItem A.2"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 2 to "SubItem A.2"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item A" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem A.1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 2 to "SubItem A.2"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item B" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem B.1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 2 to "SubItem B.2"
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems2 "Item B" to h
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 1 to "SubItem B.1"
		Set ComCellValue of hoItems2 h 2 to "SubItem B.2"
	Send Destroy to hoItems2
	Variant voColumns1
	Get ComColumns to voColumns1
	Handle hoColumns1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns1
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns1 to voColumns1
		Variant voColumn2
		Get ComItem of hoColumns1 0 to voColumn2
		Handle hoColumn2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComColumn)) to hoColumn2
		Set pvComObject of hoColumn2 to voColumn2
			Set ComSortOrder of hoColumn2 to OLESortAscending
		Send Destroy to hoColumn2
	Send Destroy to hoColumns1
	Send ComEndUpdate
The exBarTransparent does not work for overlaid-bars

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackColorAlternate to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComAllowCreateBar of hoChart to OLEexCreateBarAuto
		Set ComAllowLinkBars of hoChart to False
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 48
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "1/1/2001"
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComItem of hoBars "Task" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComOverlaidType of hoBar to (OLEexOverlaidBarsStackAutoArrange + OLEexOverlaidBarsStack)
				Set ComPattern of hoBar to OLEexPatternSolid
				Set ComOverlaid of hoBar OLEexOverlaidBarsTransparent to 0
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "<%=%9%>"
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 1" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/2/2001" "1/4/2001" "A1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/3/2001" "1/5/2001" "A2" Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Task 2" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/7/2001" "1/11/2001" "B1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "1/8/2001" "1/12/2001" "B2" Nothing
		Set ComItemBar of hoItems 0 "<*>" OLEexBarTransparent to 75
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
We’re adding tasks on the chart which have a caption that is not clipped (and left aligned). When we add another task right after the first one, then the caption from that first bar is “stuck” behind the second bar. The bar's z-order is determined by the bar's key.

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Tasks" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Set ComDefaultItemHeight to 24
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComNonworkingDays of hoChart to 0
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "9/17/2006"
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 96
		Set ComLevelCount of hoChart to 2
		Variant voBars
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars
		Handle hoBars
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars
		Set pvComObject of hoBars to voBars
			Variant voBar
			Get ComAdd of hoBars "Green" to voBar
			Handle hoBar
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar
			Set pvComObject of hoBar to voBar
				Set ComColor of hoBar to (RGB(0,255,0))
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarOffset to -2
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarCaption to "<%=%9%>"
				Set ComDef of hoBar OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
			Send Destroy to hoBar
		Send Destroy to hoBars
		Variant voBars1
		Get ComBars of hoChart to voBars1
		Handle hoBars1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComBars)) to hoBars1
		Set pvComObject of hoBars1 to voBars1
			Variant voBar1
			Get ComAdd of hoBars1 "Red" to voBar1
			Handle hoBar1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComBar)) to hoBar1
			Set pvComObject of hoBar1 to voBar1
				Set ComColor of hoBar1 to (RGB(255,0,0))
				Set ComDef of hoBar1 OLEexBarOffset to 2
				Set ComDef of hoBar1 OLEexBarCaption to "<%=%9%>"
				Set ComDef of hoBar1 OLEexBarHAlignCaption to 18
			Send Destroy to hoBar1
		Send Destroy to hoBars1
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h1
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Red / Green" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Green" "9/21/2006" "9/27/2006" "K1" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Red" "9/23/2006" "9/25/2006" "K2" Nothing
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Green / Red" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Green" "9/21/2006" "9/27/2006" "K2" Nothing
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Red" "9/23/2006" "9/25/2006" "K1" Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate
The caption/text of the link is overwritten by its line. What can be done

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voColumns
	Get ComColumns to voColumns
	Handle hoColumns
	Get Create (RefClass(cComColumns)) to hoColumns
	Set pvComObject of hoColumns to voColumns
		Get ComAdd of hoColumns "Task" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoColumns
	Variant voChart
	Get ComChart to voChart
	Handle hoChart
	Get Create (RefClass(cComChart)) to hoChart
	Set pvComObject of hoChart to voChart
		Set ComPaneWidth of hoChart False to 64
		Set ComFirstVisibleDate of hoChart to "6/21/2005"
		Set ComResizeUnitScale of hoChart to OLEexHour
		Set ComUnitWidth of hoChart to 48
		Variant voLevel
		Get ComLevel of hoChart 0 to voLevel
		Handle hoLevel
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLevel)) to hoLevel
		Set pvComObject of hoLevel to voLevel
			Set ComLabel of hoLevel to "<b><%mmm%></b> <%dd%>"
		Send Destroy to hoLevel
		Set ComLinksWidth of hoChart to 3
	Send Destroy to hoChart
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant h
		Get ComAddItem of hoItems "Root" to h
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h "Task" "6/22/2005" "6/23/2005" Nothing Nothing
		Variant h1
		Get ComInsertItem of hoItems h "Child" to h1
		Send ComAddBar of hoItems h1 "Task" "6/24/2005 8:00:00 AM" "6/24/2005 4:00:00 PM" Nothing Nothing
		Send ComAddLink of hoItems "Link1" h "" h1 ""
		Set ComLink of hoItems "Link1" OLEexLinkText to "<bgcolor=FFFFFF> link </bgcolor>"
		Set ComExpandItem of hoItems h to True
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComEndUpdate