Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the format of the tooltip being shown while the user scrolls the chart.
A String expression that includes the format of the tooltip.
By default, the ToolTip property is " <%ddd%> <%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%>
". The ToolTip property specifies the tooltip that shows up
when the user scrolls the chart. The Tooltip message shows the value for the
chart's FirstVisibleDate property. If the ToolTip property is empty, the control
doesn't show up the tooltip when the user scrolls the chart instead it does
directly the scrolling. The ToolTipDelay
property specifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears. The ToolTipPopDelay property
specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control.
Use the ToolTipWidth property to specify
the width of the tooltip window. Use the FormatDate
property to format a date. Use the MonthNames
property to specify the name of the months in the year. The WeekDays property
retrieves or sets a value that indicates the list of names for each week day, separated by space.
Use the Zoom method to zoom the chart to a
specified interval of dates. Use the AMPM property to specify the name
of the AM and PM indicators. The Label
property specifies a predefined label for a specified unit. Use the ScrollBar
property to show or hide the chart's scroll bar. Use the ItemBar(exBarToolTip)
property to assign a tooltip to a bar. Use the OverviewToolTip
property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the format of the tooltip being shown while the cursor hovers the chart's overview area.
The ToolTip property supports the following built-in tags:
<%d%> - Day of the month in one or two numeric digits, as
needed (1 to 31).
<%dd%> - Day of the month in two numeric digits (01 to 31).
<%d1%> - First letter of the weekday (S to S). ( Use the WeekDays
property to specify the name of the days in the week )
<%loc_d1%> - Indicates day of week as a one-letter
abbreviation using the current user settings.
<%d2%> - First two letters of the weekday (Su to Sa). ( Use
the WeekDays property to specify the name
of the days in the week )
<%loc_d2%> - Indicates day of week as a two-letters
abbreviation using the current user settings.
<%d3%> - First three letters of the weekday (Sun to Sat). (
Use the WeekDays property to specify the
name of the days in the week )
<%loc_d3%> equivalent with <%loc_ddd%>
<%ddd%> - First three letters of the weekday (Sun to Sat).
( Use the WeekDays property to specify
the name of the days in the week ). You can use the <%loc_ddd%>
that indicates the day of week as a three-letter abbreviation using the
current user regional and language settings.
<%loc_ddd%> - Indicates the day of week as a three-letter
abbreviation using the current user regional and language settings.
<%dddd%> - Full name of the weekday (Sunday to Saturday). (
Use the WeekDays property to specify the
name of the days in the week ). You can use the <%loc_dddd%>
that indicates day of week as its full name using the current user
regional and language settings.
<%loc_dddd%> - Indicates day of week as its full name using
the current user regional and language settings.
<%i%> - Displays the number instead the date. For instance,
you can display numbers as 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, instead dates. (
the valid range is from -647,434 to 2,958,465 )
<%w%> - Day of the week (1 to 7).
<%ww%> - Week of the year (1 to 53).
<%m%> - Month of the year in one or two numeric digits, as
needed (1 to 12).
<%mr%> - Month of the year in Roman numerals, as needed (I
to XII).
<%mm%> - Month of the year in two numeric digits (01 to
<%m1%> - First letter of the month (J to D). ( Use the MonthNames
property to specify the name of the months in the year )
<%loc_m1%> - Indicates month as a one-letter abbreviation
using the current user settings.
<%m2%> - First two letters of the month (Ja to De). ( Use
the MonthNames property to specify the
name of the months in the year )
<%loc_m2%> - Indicates month as a two-letters abbreviation
using the current user settings.
<%m3%> - First three letters of the month (Jan to Dec). (
Use the MonthNames property to specify
the name of the months in the year )
<%loc_m3%> - equivalent with <%loc_mmm%>
<%mmm%> - First three letters of the month (Jan to Dec). (
Use the MonthNames property to specify
the name of the months in the year ). You can use the <%loc_mmm%>
that indicates month as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user
regional and language settings.
<%loc_mmm%> - Indicates month as a three-letter
abbreviation using the current user regional and language settings.
<%mmmm%> - Full name of the month (January to December). (
Use the MonthNames property to specify
the name of the months in the year ). You can use the <%loc_mmmm%>
that indicates month as its full name using the current user regional and
language settings.
<%loc_mmmm%> - Indicates month as its full name using the
current user regional and language settings.
<%q%> - Date displayed as the quarter of the year (1 to 4).
<%y%> - Number of the day of the year (1 to 366).
<%yy%> - Last two digits of the year (01 to 99).
<%yyyy%> - Full year (0100 to 9999).
<%hy%> - Date displayed as the half of the year (1 to 2).
<%loc_gg%> - Indicates period/era using the current user
regional and language settings.
<%loc_sdate%> - Indicates the date in the short format
using the current user regional and language settings.
<%loc_ldate%> - Indicates the date in the long format using
the current user regional and language settings.
<%loc_dsep%> - Indicates the date separator using the
current user regional and language settings (/).
<%h%> - Hour in one or two digits, as needed (0 to 23).
<%hh%> - Hour in two digits (00 to 23).
<%h12%> - Hour in 12-hour time format, in one or two digits - [0(12),11]
<%hh12%> - hour in 12-hour time format, in two digits - [00(12),11]
<%n%> - Minute in one or two digits, as needed (0 to 59).
<%nn%> - Minute in two digits (00 to 59).
<%s%> - Second in one or two digits, as needed (0 to 59).
<%ss%> - Second in two digits (00 to 59).
<%AM/PM%> - Twelve-hour clock with the uppercase letters
"AM" or "PM", as appropriate. ( Use the AMPM
property to specify the name of the AM and PM indicators ). You can use
the <%loc_AM/PM%> that indicates the time marker such as AM
or PM using the current user regional and language settings. You can use
<%loc_A/P%> that indicates the one character time marker such
as A or P using the current user regional and language settings
<%loc_AM/PM%> - Indicates the time marker such as AM or PM
using the current user regional and language settings.
<%loc_A/P%> - Indicates the one character time marker such
as A or P using the current user regional and language settings.
<%loc_time%> - Indicates the time using the current user
regional and language settings.
<%loc_time24%> - Indicates the time in 24 hours format
without a time marker using the current user regional and language
<%loc_tsep%> - indicates the time separator using the
current user regional and language settings (:)
<%loc_y%> - Represents the Year only by the last digit,
using current regional settings.
<%loc_yy%> - Represents the Year only by the last two
digits, using current regional settings. A leading zero is added for
single-digit years.
<%loc_yyyy%> - Represents the Year by a full four or five
digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars
have five-digit years. The "yyyy" pattern shows five digits for
these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.
Calendars that have single-digit or two-digit years, such as for the
Japanese Emperor era, are represented differently. A single-digit year is
represented with a leading zero, for example, "03". A two-digit
year is represented with two digits, for example, "13". No
additional leading zeros are displayed
The following tags are displayed based on the user's Regional and Language
<%loc_sdate%> - Indicates the date in the short format
using the current user settings.
<%loc_ldate%> - Indicates the date in the long format using
the current user settings.
<%loc_d1%> - Indicates day of week as a one-letter
abbreviation using the current user settings.
<%loc_d2%> - Indicates day of week as a two-letters
abbreviation using the current user settings.
<%loc_d3%> equivalent with <%loc_ddd%>
<%loc_ddd%> - Indicates day of week as a three-letters
abbreviation using the current user settings.
<%loc_dddd%> - Indicates day of week as its full name using
the current user settings.
<%loc_m1%> - Indicates month as a one-letter abbreviation
using the current user settings.
<%loc_m2%> - Indicates month as a two-letters abbreviation
using the current user settings.
<%loc_m3%> - equivalent with <%loc_mmm%>
<%loc_mmm%> - Indicates month as a three-letters
abbreviation using the current user settings.
<%loc_mmmm%> - Indicates month as its full name using the
current user settings.
<%loc_gg%> - Indicates period/era using the current user
<%loc_dsep%> - Indicates the date separator using the
current user settings.
<%loc_time%> - Indicates the time using the current user
<%loc_time24%> - Indicates the time in 24 hours format
without a time marker using the current user settings.
<%loc_AM/PM%> - Indicates the time marker such as AM or PM
using the current user settings.
<%loc_A/P%> - Indicates the one character time marker such
as A or P using the current user settings.
<%loc_tsep%> - Indicates the time separator using the
current user settings
<%loc_y%> - Represents the Year only by the last digit,
using current regional settings.
<%loc_yy%> - Represents the Year only by the last two
digits, using current regional settings. A leading zero is added for
single-digit years.
<%loc_yyyy%> - Represents the Year by a full four or five
digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars
have five-digit years. The "yyyy" pattern shows five digits for
these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.
Calendars that have single-digit or two-digit years, such as for the
Japanese Emperor era, are represented differently. A single-digit year is
represented with a leading zero, for example, "03". A two-digit
year is represented with two digits, for example, "13". No
additional leading zeros are displayed