Specifies the minimum value for Chart.UnitWidth property while enlarge or zoom-in/zoom-out operation is performed.
A long expression that indicates the minimum value in pixels, for the Chart's UnitWidth
property when resizing or enlarging the chart is performed.
By default, the MinUnitWidth property is 12 pixels. The
MinUnitWidth property has effect only if the AllowResizeChart
property is not-zero. The MinUnitWidth
property should be greater than 0. The MinUnitWidth
property indicates the minimum value for the UnitWidth
property when resizing/enlarging is performed. The MaxUnitWidth
property indicates the maximum value for the UnitWidth
property when resizing/enlarging is performed. For instance, when zoom-in
or zoom-out if the chart's UnitWidth property reaches the MinUnitWidth
property the chart's UnitScale property is changed to next time-scale
available ( AllowResizeChart property includes the exAllowChangeUnitScale ).