| | Name | Value | Description | |
| |
CanCopy | 1
The specified file objects or folders can be copied
| |
| |
CanMove | 2
The specified file objects or folders can be moved
| |
| |
CanLink | 4
It is possible to create shortcuts for the specified file objects or folders
| |
| |
CanRename | 16
The specified file objects or folders can be renamed
| |
| |
CanDelete | 32
The specified file objects or folders can be deleted
| |
| |
HasPropSheet | 64
The specified file objects or folders have property sheets
| |
| |
DropTarget | 256
The specified file objects or folders are drop targets
| |
| |
Shortcut | 65536
The specified file objects are shortcuts.
| |
| |
Share | 131072
The specified folders are shared.
| |
| |
ReadOnly | 262144
The specified file objects or folders are read-only
| |
| |
Hidden | 524288
The specified file objects are hidden
| |
| |
HasSubfolder | -2147483648
The specified folders have subfolders
| |
| |
IsFileSysAncestor | 268435456
The specified folders contain one or more file system folders
| |
| |
IsFolder | 536870912
The specified items are folders
| |
| |
IsFileSystem | 1073741824
The specified folders or file objects are part of the file system
| |
| |
Validate | 16777216
Validate cached information
| |
| |
Removable | 33554432
The specified file objects or folders are on removable media
| |
| |
IsCompressed | 67108864
The specified items are compressed
| |
| |
IsBrowsable | 134217728
The specified items can be browsed in place
| |
| |
NonEnumerated | 1048576
The items are nonenumerated items
| |
| |
NewContent | 2097152
The objects contain new content
| |