property Runtime.NewMessage as Message

Creates and initializes a licensed Message object at runtime.

Message A Message object being created.

Use the NewMessage to create licensed Message objects at runtime If you deploy an application that uses CreateObject or New statements for creating new Message objects, the application wont work on the machine where the ExEMail wasn't licensed. Instead, you have to use NewEmail and NewMessage properties to provide licensed objects at runtime. The following sample shows how to send an email using blocking mode:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim m As Message
    Set m = Runtime1.NewMessage
    If (0 = m.Send("me", ",,", "Hello")) Then
        MsgBox "The message was delivered OK."
    End If
End Sub

The following sample shows how to send an email using non-blocking way:

Dim WithEvents e As EMail

Private Sub e_EndSend(ByVal Msg As EXEMAILLibCtl.IMessage)
    If (Msg.LastError = 0) Then
        MsgBox "The message was delivered OK."
    End If
    Debug.Print e.Error(Msg.LastError)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set e = Runtime1.NewEMail
    Dim m As Message
    Set m = Runtime1.NewMessage
    Set m.Notifier = e
    m.Send "me", ",,", "Hello"
End Sub