constants EditorOptionEnum
Specifies different options for a built-in editor. The Option property specifies the editor's options. The following options are supported:

exMemoHScrollBar1 Adds the horizontal scroll bar to a MemoType or MemoDropDownType editor. By default, the Editor.Option( exMemoHScrollBar ) is False. ( boolean expression
exMemoVScrollBar2 Adds the vertical scroll bar to a MemoType or MemoDropDownType editor. By default, the Editor.Option( exMemoVScrollBar ) is False. ( boolean expression )
exEditRight3 Right-aligns text in a single-line or multiline edit control.
exEditDecimalSymbol4 Specifies the symbol that indicates the decimal values while editing a floating point number.
exEditPassword5 Displays all characters as an asterisk (*) as they are typed into the edit control.
exEditPasswordChar6 Specifies the password char for an edit control.
exEditLimitText7 Limits the length of the text that the user may enter into an edit control.
exProgressBarBackColor8 Specifies the background color for a progress bar editor.
exProgressBarAlignment9 Specifies the alignment of the progress bar caption.
exProgressBarMarkTicker10 Marks the outside rectangle of a progress bar.
exDateAllowNullDate11 Allows empty date to an DateType editor.
exEditSelStart48 Sets the starting point of text selected, when an EditType editor is opened. By default, the exEditSelStart property is 0. If the exEditSelStart property is 0, the text gets selected from the first character. If the exEditSelStart property is -1, the cursor is placed at the end of the text. (long expression)
exEditSelLength49 Sets the number of characters selected, when an EditType editor is opened. By default, the exEditSelLength property is -1. If the exEditSelLength is 0, no text is selected, instead the exEditSelStart changes the position of the cursor. If the exEditSelLength property is -1, the text from the exEditSelStart position to the end gets selected. (long expression)
exEditAllowOverType200 Specifies whether the editor supports overtype mode. The option is valid for EditType and MemoType editors. ( boolean expression, by default it is False ).
exEditOverType201 Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the editor is in insert or overtype mode. The option is valid for EditType and MemoType editors. ( boolean expression, by default it is False ).
exDateTodayCaption202 Specifies the caption for the 'Today' button in a DateType editor.
exDateMonths203 Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a DateType editor.
exDateWeekDays204 Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a DateType editor.
exDateFirstWeekDay205 Specifies the first day of the week in a DateType editor.
exDateShowTodayButton206 Specifies whether the 'Today' button is visible or hidden in a DateType editor.
exDateMarkToday207 Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the today date is marked in a DateType editor.
exDateShowScroll208 Specifies whether the years scroll bar is visible or hidden in a DateType editor.
exDateWeeksHeader209 Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the weeks header is visible or hidden in a drop down date editor.
exSpinStep210 Specifies the proposed change when user clicks a spin control.
exDropDownBackColor55 exDropDownBackColor. Specifies the drop down's background color.
exDropDownForeColor56 exDropDownForeColor. Specifies the drop down's foreground color.