property ComboBox.UnboundHandler as IUnboundHandler
Specifies the control's unbound handler.

IUnboundHandler An object that implements IUnboundHandler notification interface.

The control supports unbound mode. In unbound mode, user is responsible for retrieving items. In order to let the control works in unbound mode, the user has to implement the  IUnboundHandler notification interface. 

The following VB sample shows how to activate the control's unbound mode:

Option Explicit
Dim its As Items
Implements IUnboundHandler

' The ExComboBox invokes ItemsCount property, when the UnboundHandler property is called.
Private Property Get IUnboundHandler_ItemsCount(ByVal Source As Object) As Long
    IUnboundHandler_ItemsCount = 50000
End Property

' The ExComboBox invokes ReadItem method when the Item ( ItemHandle, Index ) is required.
Private Sub IUnboundHandler_ReadItem(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Source As Object, ByVal ItemHandle As Long)
    its.CellCaption(ItemHandle, 0) = Index
    its.CellImage(ItemHandle, 0) = Index Mod 3 + 1
    its.CellHasCheckBox(ItemHandle, 0) = True
    ' Each 8th item has a different font attribute
    If (Index Mod 8) = 7 Then
        its.CellStrikeOut(ItemHandle, 0) = True
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
    With ComboBox1
        ' Initializes few control properties
        .ColumnAutoResize = True
        .SingleEdit = True
        .MarkSearchColumn = False
        .HeaderVisible = False

        ' Holds the Items object into a variable, to avoid calling
        ' Items property every time when ReadItem handler is invoked.
        ' Internally, the Items property invokes a QueryInterface method that can slow app's speed.
        Set its = .Items
        .Columns.Add "1"

        ' Sets the control's unbound handler. The Form implements the IUnboundHandler interface
        Set .UnboundHandler = Me
    End With
End Sub

The following VC sample shows how to activate the control's unbound mode.  The sample requires a combo control into your dialog, and needs a new member variable associated to the control. ( in this case the MFC class wizard will generate for you a class wrapper ).

    m_exCombo.SetColumnAutoResize( TRUE );
    m_exCombo.SetSingleEdit( TRUE );
    m_exCombo.SetHeaderVisible( FALSE );
    m_exCombo.GetColumns().Add( "1" );
    m_exCombo.SetUnboundHandler( &m_unboundHandler.m_xHandler );

The m_unboundHandler is an object of CUnboundHandler type.

Here's the definition for CUnboundHandler class:

Revision By: Exontrol
Revised on 4/14/2002 12:44:39 PM
Comments: Implements IUnboundHandler interface

This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire. This
file may not be redistributed modified or unmodified without the authors
written consent.


#if !defined(_UNBOUNDHANDLER_)

// The IUnboundHandler interface is not included by class wizard so, we need to import it from the control's type library
#import "c:\winnt\system32\excombobox.dll" rename( "GetItems", "exGetItems" )

class CUnboundHandler : public CCmdTarget
        virtual ~CUnboundHandler();


        BEGIN_INTERFACE_PART(Handler, EXCOMBOBOXLib::IUnboundHandler)
            STDMETHOD(get_ItemsCount)(IDispatch * Source, long* pVal);
            STDMETHOD(raw_ReadItem)(long Index, IDispatch * Source, long ItemHandle);

        EXCOMBOBOXLib::IComboBoxPtr m_spComboBox;
        EXCOMBOBOXLib::IItemsPtr m_spItems;


#endif // !defined(_UNBOUNDHANDLER_)
Here's the implementation for CUnboundHandler class:
Revision By: Exontrol
Revised on 4/14/2002 12:44:39 PM
Comments: Implements IUnboundHandler interface

This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire. This
file may not be redistributed modified or unmodified without the authors
written consent.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "UnboundHandler.h"

// class CUnboundHandler

BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(CUnboundHandler, CCmdTarget)
    INTERFACE_PART(CUnboundHandler, __uuidof(EXCOMBOBOXLib::IUnboundHandler), Handler)

// Function name : CUnboundHandler::CUnboundHandler
// Description : Default constrcutor
// Return type : 

// Function name : CUnboundHandler::~CUnboundHandler
// Description : Virtual destructor
// Return type : 

// Function name : CUnboundHandler::Handler::get_ItemsCount
// Description : Gets the items count
// Return type : STDMETHODIMP 
// Argument : long* pVal
STDMETHODIMP CUnboundHandler::XHandler::get_ItemsCount(IDispatch * Source, long* pVal)
    METHOD_PROLOGUE(CUnboundHandler, Handler);
    if ( pVal )
        *pVal = 150000;
        return S_OK;;
    return E_POINTER;

// Function name : CUnboundHandler::XHandler::raw_ReadItem
// Description : Reads the item
// Return type : STDMETHODIMP 
// Argument : long Index
// Argument : IDispatch * Source
// Argument : long ItemHandle
STDMETHODIMP CUnboundHandler::XHandler::raw_ReadItem(long Index, IDispatch * Source, long ItemHandle)
    METHOD_PROLOGUE(CUnboundHandler, Handler);

    // The Source points to a ComboBox object. 
    EXCOMBOBOXLib::IItemsPtr spItems = NULL;
    EXCOMBOBOXLib::IComboBoxPtr spCombo = NULL;
    if ( SUCCEEDED( Source->QueryInterface( &spCombo ) ) )
        if ( SUCCEEDED( spCombo->get_Items( &spItems ) ) )
            _variant_t vtHandle(ItemHandle), vtColumn( (long)0 ) ;
            TCHAR szCaption[1024] = _T("");
            wsprintf( szCaption, _T("%i"), Index );
            spItems->CellCaption[vtHandle][vtColumn] = _variant_t(szCaption);
    // To avoid calling QueryInterface and get_Items every time when an item is reading, 
    // you can hold two smart pointers in the parent class ( CUnboundHandler ) like this: 
    // public: EXCOMBOBOXLib::IComboBoxPtr m_spComboBox;
    // public: EXCOMBOBOXLib::IItemsPtr m_spItems;
    // You need to initalize the m_spComboBox, and m_spItems before calling SetUnboundHandler, like this:
    // m_unboundHandler.m_spComboBox = m_exCombo.GetControlUnknown();
    // m_unboundHandler.m_spItems = m_exCombo.GetItems().m_lpDispatch;
    // m_exCombo.SetUnboundHandler( &m_unboundHandler.m_xHandler );
    _variant_t vtHandle(ItemHandle), vtColumn( (long)0 ) ;
    TCHAR szCaption[1024] = _T("");
    wsprintf( szCaption, _T("%i"), Index );
    pThis->m_spItems->CellCaption[vtHandle][vtColumn] = _variant_t(szCaption);
    return S_OK;

// Function name : CUnboundHandler::XHandler::QueryInterface
// Description : Implements the IUnknown::QueryInterface method
// Return type : STDMETHODIMP 
// Argument : REFIID riid
// Argument : void** ppvObject
STDMETHODIMP CUnboundHandler::XHandler::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void** ppvObject)
    METHOD_PROLOGUE(CUnboundHandler, Handler);
    if ( ppvObject )
        if ( IsEqualIID( __uuidof(IUnknown), riid ) )
            *ppvObject = static_cast<IUnknown*>( this );
            return S_OK;
        if ( IsEqualIID( __uuidof( EXCOMBOBOXLib::IUnboundHandler), riid ) )
            *ppvObject = static_cast<EXCOMBOBOXLib::IUnboundHandler*>( this );
            return S_OK;
        return E_NOINTERFACE;
    return E_POINTER;

// Function name : CUnboundHandler::XHandler::AddRef
// Description : Implements the IUnknown::AddRef property
// Return type : STDMETHODIMP 
// Argument : REFIID riid
// Argument : void** ppvObject
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CUnboundHandler::XHandler::AddRef()
    METHOD_PROLOGUE(CUnboundHandler, Handler);
    return 1;

// Function name : CUnboundHandler::XHandler::QueryInterface
// Description : Implements IUnkown:: Release property
// Return type : 
// Argument : ULONG
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CUnboundHandler::XHandler::Release()
    METHOD_PROLOGUE(CUnboundHandler, Handler);
    return 0;