property ComboBox.SortOnClick as SortOnClickEnum

Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control sorts automatically the data when the user click on column's caption.

SortOnClickEnum A SortOnClickEnum expression that indicates the action that control takes whether the user clicks the column's header.

Use the SortOnClick property to specify the action that the control performs when the user clicks the column's header. Use the SortChildren method to sort a column, at runtime. Use the DisplaySortIcon property to hide the sort icon if the column is sorted. Use the DefaultSortOrder property to specify the column's default sort order, when the user first clicks the column's header. The control fires the ColumnClick event when the user clicks the column's header.

There are two methods to get the items sorted like follows: 

The control fires the Sort event when the control sorts a column ( the user clicks the column's head ) or when the sorting position is changed in the control's sort bar. Use the Sort event to sort the data when the SortOnClk property is exUserSort