property ComboBox.FireClickOnSelect as Boolean
Fires Click event when the user changes the selection.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the control fires the Click event when user changes the selection.
By default, the FireClickOnSelect property is False. The Click event is fired if the FireClickOnSelect property is True and the the user selects an item ( using the keys or the mouse ). The SelectionChanged is fired when the user selects a new item. Some containers ( like old versions of the Microsoft Outlook ) accepts only standard events like Click event. Use the Value property to get the selected value, in the column that pointed by the SearchColumnIndex property. Use the Select property to get or set the selected value on a specified column.

The following VB sample displays the selected value as soon as the user selects a new item ( the FireClickOnSelect property is True ):

Private Sub ComboBox1_Click()
    Debug.Print ComboBox1.Value
End Sub

The following C++ sample displays the selected value as soon as the user selects a new item ( the FireClickOnSelect property is True ):

void OnClickCombobox1() 
	OutputDebugString( V2S( &m_combobox.GetValue() ) );

where the V2S function converts a VARIANT value to a string expression,

static CString V2S( VARIANT* pv, LPCTSTR szDefault = _T("") )
	if ( pv )
		if ( pv->vt == VT_ERROR )
			return szDefault;

		COleVariant vt;
		vt.ChangeType( VT_BSTR, pv );
		return V_BSTR( &vt );
	return szDefault;

The following VB.NET sample displays the selected value as soon as the user selects a new item ( the FireClickOnSelect property is True ):

Private Sub AxComboBox1_ClickEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxComboBox1.ClickEvent
End Sub

The following C# sample displays the selected value as soon as the user selects a new item ( the FireClickOnSelect property is True ):

private void axComboBox1_ClickEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)

The following VFP sample displays the selected value as soon as the user selects a new item ( the FireClickOnSelect property is True ):

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

wait window nowait thisform.ComboBox1.Object.Value