property Column.AllowEditContextMenu as Boolean
Specifies whether the default popup menu of associated edit control is shown when the user does a right click in the label area.

Boolean A boolean expression that specifies whether the associated edit control displays the default popup/context menu when the user does a right click in the label area.  
By default, the AllowEditContextMenu property is True. Use the AllowEditContextMenu property to disable the default context menu being displayed when the user right clicks the label area, and provides your own context menu. This property has effect only if the Style property is DropDown or Simple, as the DropDownList style does not provide an edit control associated to each column. The RClick event is fired when the  AllowEditContextMenu property is False, and the user does a right click inside the edit control displayed on the control's label. Use the DropDown property to determine whether the drop down portion of the control is shown or hidden.