property Items.CellHasRadioButton([Item as Variant], [ColIndex as Variant]) as Boolean

Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the cell has an associated radio button.

Item as Variant A long expression that indicates the item's handle.
ColIndex as Variant A long expression that indicates the cell's handle or the column's index, a string expression that indicates the column's caption or the column's key.
Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the cell contains a radio button.

Use the CellState property to change the state of the cell of the radio type. The cell cannot display in the same time a radio and a check button. The control fires ViewItemStateStartChanging(exCheckItem) / ViewItemStateEndChanging(exCheckItem) event when the cell's state has been changed. Call the CellHasCheckBox  property to add a check box to the cell. Use the CellRadioGroup property To group or ungroup cells of radio type. Use the Def property to assign radio buttons to all cells in the column. Use the CellImage property to add a single icon to a cell. Use the CellImages property to assign multiple icons to a cell. Use the CellPicture property to load a custom size picture to a cell. Use the Def( exCellDrawPartsOrder) property to specify the order of the drawing parts inside the cell