property CascadeTree.DataSource as Variant
Specifies the control's data as an array, XML, ADO or DAO.

Variant A VARIANT expression that could be a string, an object as explained bellow.
The control can automatically handle Array, XML, ADO, DAO, DataSet through the DataSource properties ( control and view objects ). You can specify the data source for the entire control through the DataSource property, or for a particular view using View.DataSource property. If an internal error occurs while using the DataSource property the Error event occurs. 

For instance, 

where ... indicates the full path to the sample file.

The control's DataSource property in BNF syntax is:

<DataSource> ::= <DataSourceView> [ ">>>" <DataSourceView> ]
<DataSourceView> ::= <AltDataSourceView> [ "|||" <AltDataSourceView> ]
<AltDataSourceView> ::= <DataField> [";" <DataField>]
<DataField> ::= <DataFieldName> "=" <DataFieldValue>
<DataFieldName> ::= ["Data "]"Source" | ["Data "]"Member" | ["Data "]"Key" | ["Data "]"Tag" | ["Data "]"Name" | <ExtraDataFieldName>
<ExtraDataFieldName> ::= any extra field
<DataFieldValue> ::= field's value

In other words, the DataSource property provides data source for each view separated by >>> sequence, and for each view different alternatives to create the view separated by ||| sequence. The DataSource can include sequences between <% and %> which are filled at runtime, based on the current selection in all views.

Let's examine the following DataSource sequence:

"Source=...\cities.mdb ; Member=Select * FROM Countries ; Key=CountryCode ; Tag=Country ; Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>) ; Key=StateCode ; Name=StateName ; Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>) ; Tag=City ; Name=Name >>> Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>) ; Tag=City ; Name=Name "

which can generate data source for up to 3 views red (country), green (state/city) and blue(city) as follows:

"Source=...\cities.mdb ; Member=Select * FROM Countries ; Key=CountryCode ; Tag=Country ; Name=CountryName >>> Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>) ; Key=StateCode ; Name=StateName ; Tag=State ||| Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>) ; Tag=City ; Name=Name >>> Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.Parent.CountryCode%>) AND StateCode IN (<%Parent.StateCode%>) ; Tag=City ; Name=Name "

At runtime, these three views may shows as:


In the same time, each view's DataSource shows as:

For instance, Antartica has no states, the Member=Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%> generates no results, and so the alternative data source is used Member=Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (<%Parent.CountryCode%>), so at runtime the views may shows as:

In the same time, each view's DataSource shows as:

Internally, the control's DataSource builds the view's DataSource with code as follows: 

Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
    With View
        Select Case View.Index
            Case 1: ' State or City
                .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (" & .ParentView.ValueList("CountryCode") & " )")
                .Key = "StateCode"
                .Name = "StateName"
                .Tag = "State"
                If (.Items.ItemCount = 0) Then
                    .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (" & .ParentView.ValueList("CountryCode") & " )")
                    .Key = ""
                    .Tag = "City"
                    .Name = "Name"
                End If
            Case 2: ' City
                .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (" & .ParentView.ParentView.ValueList("CountryCode") & ") AND StateCode IN (" & .ParentView.ValueList("StateCode") & ")")
                .Key = ""
                .Tag = "City"
                .Name = "Name"
        End Select
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    With CascadeTree1
        With .DefaultView
            .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Countries")
            .Key = "CountryCode"
            .Tag = "Country"
            .Name = "CountryName"
        End With
    End With
End Sub

The DataSource property supports the following fields:

The Error event notifies your application once any internal error occurs. You can use the Description parameter of the Error event to find out more information about connection your data to the control.

Also the DataSource supports any of the following type of objects:


With CascadeTree1.DefaultView
    .LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
    .DataSource = Array("Item 1", Array("Sub-Item 1", "Sub-Item 2"), "Item 2")
End With

/NET or /WPF Version (VB)

With Excascadetree1.DefaultView
    .LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
    .DataSource = New Object() {"Item 1", New Object() {"Sub-Item 1", "Sub-Item 2"}, "Item 2"}
End With

/NET or /WPF Version (C#)

object[] items = {"Item 1", new object[] {"Sub-Item 1", "Sub-Item 2"}, "Item 2"};
excascadetree1.DataSource = items;

adds items from a safe-array. If it includes inside-safe arrays, it adds child items, and so on.

XML file name, a URL, an IStream, an IXMLDOMDocument

With CascadeTree1
    .DataSource = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\testing.xml"
End With


With CascadeTree1.DefaultView
    .DataSource = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\testing.xml"
End With


With CascadeTree1.DefaultView
    Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
    With xml
        .Load "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\testing.xml"
    End With
    .DataSource = xml
End With

ADO (Jet):

With CascadeTree1
    Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    With ado
        .Open "Countries", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb", 3, 3
    End With
    .DataSource = ado
End With


With CascadeTree1
    Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    With ado
        .Open "Countries", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.mdb", 3, 3
    End With
    .DefaultView.DataSource = ado
End With


With CascadeTree1
    Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    With ado
        .Open "Countries", "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb", 3, 3
    End With
    .DataSource = ado
End With


With CascadeTree1
    Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    With ado
        .Open "Countries", "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExCascadeTree\Sample\Access\cities.accdb", 3, 3
    End With
    .DefaultView.DataSource = ado
End With


With CascadeTree1
    .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Countries")
End With


With CascadeTree1.DefaultView
   .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Countries")
End With
As Microsoft Access uses DAO, you need to use the View's DataSource property rather than control's DataSource property as in the following sample:
Private Sub CascadeTree1_CreateView(ByVal View As Object)
    With View
        Select Case .Index
            Case 1: ' State or City
                .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM States WHERE CountryCode IN (" & .ParentView.ValueList("CountryCode") & " )")
                .Tag = "State"
                .Key = "StateCode"
                .Name = "StateName"
                If (.Items.ItemCount = 0) Then
                    .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (" & .ParentView.ValueList("CountryCode") & " )")
                    .Tag = "City"
                    .Key = ""
                    .Name = "Name"
                    .ColumnAutoResize = False
                End If
            Case 2: ' City
                .DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM Cities WHERE CountryCode IN (" & .ParentView.ParentView.ValueList("CountryCode") & ") AND StateCode IN (" & .ParentView.ValueList("StateCode") & ")")
                .Tag = "City"
                .Key = ""
                .Name = "Name"
        End Select
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    With CascadeTree1.DefaultView
	.DataSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Countries")
	.Tag = "Country"
	.Key = "CountryCode"
	.Name = "CountryName"
    End With
End Sub

The sample loads the Countries table into the default view ( view with the index 0 ). Once the user clicks / selects / activates an item, the control creates a new view ( with the index 1, 2 and so on ) and fires the CreateView event. During the CreateView event you can load data from different tables based on the parent's view selection. See the ParentView.ValueList