78 |
Is it possible to change the line's height
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .Text = "(1+6.25)/4*6/3" .InsertText "(2+6.25)/4*6/3\r\n",1 .InsertText "(3+6.25)/4*6/3\r\n",1 .InsertText "(4+6.25)/4*6/3\r\n",1 .InsertText "Total" .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .DrawGridLines = True End With |
77 |
How do I put a picture on the control's background
With CalcEdit1 .Picture = CalcEdit1.ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif`)") .PictureDisplay = exUpperLeft .MultiLine = True .Text = "(1+6.25)/4*6/3" .InsertText "\r\n",1 .InsertText "\r\n",1 .InsertText "\r\n",1 Debug.Print( "Expression: " ) Debug.Print( .Text ) Debug.Print( "Result: " ) Debug.Print( .Result() ) End With |
76 |
How do I get the numbers only, with no Total fields (method 2)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" .InsertText "Total" Debug.Print( .ExecuteTemplate("FormatABC(""lower(A) replace `total` with ``"", Text)") ) End With |
75 |
How do I get the numbers only, with no Total fields (method 1)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" .InsertText "Total" Debug.Print( .FormatABC("lower(A) replace `total` with ``",.Text) ) End With |
74 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (right,local,2 decimals,less,font)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .FormatLocal = "( value < 10000 ? `<fgcolor=000000><b><font ;16>` : ``) + (value format `2`)" .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" End With |
73 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (right,local,2 decimals,greater,color)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatLocal = "( value > 10000 ? `<fgcolor=FF0000><b>` : ``) + (value format `2`)" .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" End With |
72 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (right,local,all decimals)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatLocal = "value" .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" End With |
71 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (right,local,2 decimals)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatLocal = "value format `2`" .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" End With |
70 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (right,local,curency)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatLocal = "currency(value)" .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" End With |
69 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (right,local)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" End With |
68 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (right)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .FormatResult = "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %%" .InsertText "100 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5" .InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)" End With |
67 |
How do I customize the format to display the result (default)
66 |
How can I force a line to be there all the time, so user can not delete it, for instance Total
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .InsertLockedText "Total" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" End With |
65 |
Is it possible to get the value of specified variable
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "TVA = Total * 0.19" .InsertText "Total" Debug.Print( "The TVA is: " ) Debug.Print( .Variable("TVA") ) End With |
64 |
How do I get the total
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Total" Debug.Print( "The total is: " ) Debug.Print( .Variable("Total") ) End With |
63 |
How do I get the easter date
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .CalcType = exCalcIncludeAll .ClearWildFormats .FormatResult = "<r><fgcolor=008000><b>(%%)" .AllowComments = "<fgcolor=008000>//" .AddWildFormat "*=*<fgcolor=008000>//*" .AddWildFormat "<fgcolor=808080>V*=*" .AddWildFormat "<b>EasterSundayDay*=*" .BackColorLockedLine = RGB(0,0,0) .ForeColorLockedLine = RGB(0,0,0) .Text = "Year = 2018 // change here the year, to get the Easter Sunday for giving year" .InsertLockedText "V1 = (((255 - 11 * (Year mod 19)) - 21) mod 30)" .InsertLockedText "V2 = ((V1 + 21) + (V1 > 48 ? -1 : 0) + 6 - ((Year + int(Year / 4)) + V1 + (V1 > 48 ? -1 : 0) + 1) mod 7)" .InsertLockedText "EasterSundayDay = date(dateS('3/1/' + Year) + V2)" Debug.Print( "Easter Sunday Day is " ) Debug.Print( .Variable("EasterSundayDay") ) Debug.Print( " for year " ) Debug.Print( .Variable("Year") ) End With |
62 |
I've got a red line while I type into the control. How can I disable that (sample 2)
With CalcEdit1 .AllowFormatInvalidOnTyping = False .MultiLine = True .Text = "100 + 200(invalid)" End With |
61 |
I've got a red line while I type into the control. How can I disable that (sample 1)
60 |
How do I specify the color to show the locked lines
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatResult = "<r>[=%l%]" .FormatLocal = "currency(value)" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> <fgcolor=FFFFFF>= %l%</b>" .BackColorLockedLine = RGB(0,0,1) .ForeColorLockedLine = RGB(255,255,255) .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertLockedText "VAT = Total * 0.20" .InsertLockedText "Total" End With |
59 |
Can I remove the colors that indicates locked lines
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatResult = "<r><fgcolor=808080>[=%l%]" .FormatLocal = "currency(value)" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .BackColorLockedLine = RGB(0,0,0) .ForeColorLockedLine = RGB(0,0,0) .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertLockedText "VAT = Total * 0.20" .InsertLockedText "Total" End With |
58 |
Can I add lines to the control, so the user can not remove/delete them ( locked lines )
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .CalcType = exCalcIncludeAll .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatResult = "<r><fgcolor=808080>[=%l%]" .FormatLocal = "currency(value)" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .Text = "1000" .InsertText "2000" .InsertLockedText "Commission = Total * 0.05 + (Total ? 2.95 : 0)" .InsertLockedText "Total" End With |
57 |
Is it possible to highlight a specified line
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatResult = "<r><fgcolor=808080>[=%l%]" .FormatLocal = "currency(value)" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .AddWildFormat "<fgcolor=00FF00>*<b>Commission</b>*=*" .Text = "100.50 + 123" .InsertText "200 + 20/5" .InsertText "300 + 3 * 15" .InsertText "400 + 200 * (10 + 12/45)" .InsertText "50 * 45" .InsertText "VAT = Total * 0.19" .InsertText "NET = Total - VAT" .InsertText "Monthly = Total / 12" .InsertText "Commission = Total * 0.05 + 2.95" .InsertText "Total" End With |
56 |
Is it possible to display the result as currency
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatLocal = "currency(value)" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .BackColorTotal = RGB(240,240,240) .Text = "100.50" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "VAT = Total * 0.19" .InsertText "NET = Total - VAT" .InsertText "Total" End With |
55 |
Is it possible to display the result with no decimals
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatLocal = "value format `0`" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .BackColorTotal = RGB(240,240,240) .Text = "100.50" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "VAT = Total * 0.19" .InsertText "NET = Total - VAT" .InsertText "Total" End With |
54 |
Is it possible to display the result exactly how it is defined in the control panel
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatLocal = "value format ``" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .BackColorTotal = RGB(240,240,240) .Text = "100.50" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "VAT = Total * 0.19" .InsertText "NET = Total - VAT" .InsertText "Total" End With |
53 |
How can I count the lines
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowCount = "count" .AllowSubCount = "subcount" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "SubCount" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "500" .InsertText "SubCount" .InsertText "Count" End With |
52 |
How can I compute the average
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .BackColorTotal = RGB(240,240,240) .Text = "Average = Total / Count" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "VAT = Total * 0.19" .InsertText "NET = Total - VAT" .InsertText "Total" End With |
51 |
Variables or Computed Fields
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .BackColorTotal = RGB(240,240,240) .Text = "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "VAT = Total * 0.19" .InsertText "NET = Total - VAT" .InsertText "Total" End With |
50 |
I have noticed that definition of the variable is shown in italics. Can I change that
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .ClearWildFormats .AddWildFormat "<b>*=*" .Text = "A = 400" .InsertText "" .InsertText "B = A + 0.22" .InsertText "A + B" .InsertText "B = B * .19" .InsertText "A + B" End With |
49 |
I have noticed that definition of the variable is shown in italics. Can I remove that
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .ClearWildFormats .Text = "A = 300" .InsertText "" .InsertText "B = A + 0.22" .InsertText "A + B" .InsertText "B = B * .19" .InsertText "A + B" End With |
48 |
Can I define variables (sample 2)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "is" .ClearWildFormats .AddWildFormat "<b>*is*" .Text = "A is 200" .InsertText "" .InsertText "B is A + 0.22" .InsertText "A + B" .InsertText "B is B * .19" .InsertText "A + B" End With |
47 |
Can I define variables (sample 1)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowVariables = "=" .Text = "A = 100.22" .InsertText "" .InsertText "B = A + 0.22" .InsertText "A + B" .InsertText "B = B * .19" .InsertText "A + B" End With |
46 |
Comments and Prefixes
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowPrefixes = "<fgcolor=808080>:</fgcolor>" .AllowComments = "<fgcolor=008080>'</fgcolor>" .Text = "Field A: 100 ' this is the field A" .InsertText "Field B: 200 ' this is the field B" .InsertText "Total" End With |
45 |
Can I display something at the start of each line
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowPrefixes = "<b>:</b>" .Text = "Field A: 100" .InsertText "Field B: 200" .InsertText "Total" End With |
44 |
I can not use TAB key. Is it possible
With CalcEdit1 .UseTabKey = True End With |
43 |
Does your control support comments
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .CalcType = exCalcIncludeAll .AllowComments = "<fgcolor=008080>//</fgcolor>" .Text = "104 mod 51 // modulo function" .InsertText "int(104/51) // int function" .InsertText "51 * int(104/51) + (104 mod 51) // check" End With |
42 |
Can I use the modulo function ( rest )
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .CalcType = exCalcIncludeAll .Text = "104 mod 51" .InsertText "int(104/51)" .InsertText "51 * int(104/51) + (104 mod 51)" End With |
41 |
Can I use acos function
40 |
Can I use asin function
39 |
Can I use cos function
38 |
Can I use sin function
37 |
Can I use abs function (absolute part of the number)
36 |
Can I use round function
35 |
Can I use int function (integer part of a number)
34 |
Can I use sqrt function (square root of a number)
33 |
How can I show invalid lines with a larger font
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 *dpi" .DrawGridLines = True .FormatInvalid = "<u><font ;12> </font></u>" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "k200" .InsertText "300" End With |
32 |
I've noticed that while I type the text is shown in red. How can I change that
31 |
Can I enlarge the height of each line
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .DrawGridLines = True .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Total" End With |
30 |
How can I show grid lines
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .DrawGridLines = True .GridLineColor = RGB(0,0,0) .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Total" End With |
29 |
How can I display the result of the total with a larger font
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b><font ;14>%l%</font></b>" .AllowTotal = "<b><font ;14>Total</font></b>" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Total" End With |
28 |
Is it possible to show the Total / SubTotal with a different background color
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowTotal = "<bgcolor=A0A0A0><b>Total</b></bgcolor>" .AllowSubTotal = "<bgcolor=E0E0E0><b>SubTotal</b></bgcolor>" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "SubTotal" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400 * 1.5" .InsertText "SubTotal" .InsertText "Total" End With |
27 |
Is it possible to show the Total / SubTotal with a different background color
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .BackColorTotal = RGB(196,196,196) .BackColorSubTotal = RGB(240,240,240) .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "SubTotal" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400 * 1.5" .InsertText "SubTotal" .InsertText "Total" End With |
26 |
How can I change the color to show the numbers
25 |
The numbers are shown in blue. How can I remove that
24 |
How can I export the entire text, including the result
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .Text = "100 * 1.5" .InsertText "120 * 1.5" .InsertText "130 * 1.5" .InsertText "Total" Debug.Print( .Export ) End With |
23 |
Is it possible to display the result, using the current regional locale
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .DrawGridLines = True .FormatResult = " <fgcolor=808080>[=%l%]</fgcolor>" .FormatTotalResult = " <b>[=%l%]</b>" .InsertText "100 * 100" .InsertText "200 * 200" .InsertText "300 * 300" .InsertText "Total" End With |
22 |
How can I change the format to display the total result (right)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .DrawGridLines = True .FormatTotalResult = "<b><fgcolor=FF0000> = %l%</fgcolor></b>" .AllowTotal = "<b><fgcolor=00FF00>Total</fgcolor></b>" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Total" End With |
21 |
How can I change the format to display the total result (right)
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 4 * dpi" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b><font ;12>%l%</font></b>" .AllowTotal = "<b><font ;12>Total</font></b>" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Total" End With |
20 |
Is it possible to rename the SubTotal
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowSubTotal = "<fgcolor=FF0000>Current Amount" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "Current Amount" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "Current Amount" .InsertText "Total" End With |
19 |
How can I disable the sub-totals
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowSubTotal = "" .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "SubTotal" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "400" .InsertText "SubTotal" .InsertText "Total" End With |
18 |
How can I add sub-totals
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .AllowComments = "<fgcolor=008000>'" .AddWildFormat "<i>*=*<fgcolor=008000>'*" .AllowVariables = "=" .DrawGridLines = True .LineHeight = "value + 8 * dpi" .GridLineColor = RGB(196,196,196) .FormatLocal = "currency(value)" .FormatTotalResult = "<r><b> = %l%</b>" .FormatSubTotalResult = "<r><fgcolor=808080>[<b> = %l%</b>]" .FormatResult = "<r><fgcolor=808080>(%l%)" .BackColorTotal = RGB(240,240,240) .BackColorLockedLine = RGB(0,0,0) .ForeColorLockedLine = RGB(0,0,0) .CalcType = exCalcIncludeAll .Text = "100 + 200" .InsertText "200 * 1.5" .InsertText "SubA = SubTotal ' first subtotal" .InsertText "300 + (200+300)/2" .InsertText "400 + 500" .InsertText "SubB = SubTotal ' second subtotal" .InsertLockedText "VAT = Total * 0.19" .InsertLockedText "Commision = Total * 0.05" .InsertLockedText "NET = (Total - VAT) - Commision" .InsertLockedText "Total" End With |
17 |
Is it possible to disable the Total
With CalcEdit1 .AllowTotal = "" .MultiLine = True .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Total" End With |
16 |
Is it possible to rename the Total to Sum
With CalcEdit1 .AllowTotal = "<fgcolor=FF0000><b>Sum</b></fgcolor>" .MultiLine = True .InsertText "100" .InsertText "200" .InsertText "300" .InsertText "Sum" End With |
15 |
Is it possible to add all lines
14 |
How do I insert / add a new line
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .Text = "100 * 1.5" .InsertText "120 * 2.5\r\n",1 .InsertText "200 * 1.5" End With |
13 |
How do I find out if a specified line is valid
' SelChange event - Occurs when the user selects text in the control. Private Sub CalcEdit1_SelChange() With CalcEdit1 Debug.Print( "CurrentLine: " ) Debug.Print( .CaretLine ) Debug.Print( "CurrentLine: " ) Debug.Print( .TextLine(.CaretLine) ) Debug.Print( "IsValid: " ) Debug.Print( .IsValid(.CaretLine) ) End With End Sub With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .Text = "100 * 1.5" .InsertText "invalid" .InsertText "120 * 1.5" .InsertText "130 * 1.5" End With |
12 |
How do I get the current line
' SelChange event - Occurs when the user selects text in the control. Private Sub CalcEdit1_SelChange() With CalcEdit1 Debug.Print( "CurrentLine: " ) Debug.Print( .CaretLine ) Debug.Print( "CurrentLine: " ) Debug.Print( .TextLine(.CaretLine) ) Debug.Print( "CurrentResult: " ) Debug.Print( .Result(.CaretLine) ) End With End Sub With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .Text = "100 * 1.5" .InsertText "120 * 1.5" .InsertText "130 * 1.5" End With |
11 |
How do I get the line one by one, including the result
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .Text = "100 * 1.5" .InsertText "120 * 1.5" .InsertText "130 * 1.5" Debug.Print( "Lines:" ) Debug.Print( .Count ) Debug.Print( "TextLine(1):" ) Debug.Print( .TextLine(1) ) Debug.Print( "Result(1)" ) Debug.Print( .Result(1) ) Debug.Print( "TextLine(2):" ) Debug.Print( .TextLine(2) ) Debug.Print( "Result(2)" ) Debug.Print( .Result(2) ) Debug.Print( "TextLine(3):" ) Debug.Print( .TextLine(3) ) Debug.Print( "Result(3)" ) Debug.Print( .Result(3) ) End With |
10 |
Does the control supports multiple lines
With CalcEdit1 .MultiLine = True .Text = "100 * 1.5" .InsertText "120 * 1.5" .InsertText "130 * 1.5" End With |
9 |
Is it possible to display the result without brakets
8 |
How can I display the result on the right side of the control
7 |
Can you please advise how to change fontname and size (sample 2)
With CalcEdit1 .Template = "Font.Size = 20; Font.Name = `Tahoma`; Refresh" .Text = "1/2" End With |
6 |
Can you please advise how to change fontname and size (sample 1)
5 |
How can I disable evaluating the selection
With CalcEdit1 .EvaluateSel = False .HideSelection = False .Text = "(1+6.25)/4*6/3" .SelStart = 1 .SelLength = 6 .SelBackColor = RGB(0,0,0) End With |
4 |
Can I define a different decimal separator
3 |
How do I change the color of the entire control, if the expression is not valid
' Change event - Indicates that the control's text has changed. Private Sub CalcEdit1_Change() With CalcEdit1 Debug.Print( "Valid:" ) Debug.Print( .IsValid() ) .ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) .FormatNumbers = "<fgcolor FF0000>" .FormatResult = "" End With End Sub With CalcEdit1 .FormatInvalid = "" .Text = "invalid(1+6.25)/4*6/3" End With |
2 |
Is there any function to know if the expression is valid
' Change event - Indicates that the control's text has changed. Private Sub CalcEdit1_Change() With CalcEdit1 Debug.Print( "Valid:" ) Debug.Print( .IsValid() ) Debug.Print( "Expression: " ) Debug.Print( .Text ) Debug.Print( "Result: " ) Debug.Print( .Result() ) End With End Sub With CalcEdit1 .Text = "(1+6.25)/4*6/3" End With |
1 |
How do I programatically save / load the expression and the result
With CalcEdit1 .Text = "(1+6.25)/4*6/3" Debug.Print( "Expression: " ) Debug.Print( .Text ) Debug.Print( "Result: " ) Debug.Print( .Result() ) End With |